So I was hanging out in Mor Dhona
Someone shouted about Turn 1 Coil run+
I had no static, so I said what the hell, lets just PUG it
They asked if gear drops for them, that I pass for their FC members, I said NP, was just here to cap myth anyway
Amazinhly they had cleared ADS and all Trash, on Cadeceus was left
After a few trie sof working out the logistics, we get the win, I get my 50 myth
I'm happy
Treasure chest pop, Allagan Ring of Striking + Casting drop
I let leader know I had 50 BLM, so he said greed it, everyone in the group has it or no one else needed it
Next the Striking became a free for all greed item, but most in the group had already passed/have it, so I was the only one who hadn't rolled and walked away with an extra ring
Fucking crazy, join a PUG Turn 1, leave with 50 myth and 2 rings lol
Also the fuck is up with the Tank Shortage and the Gatherer's becoming extinct in this game
Holy fuck from 3PM till 8PM while I was in MD, I saw 10 different groups request a tank, 1 was looking for a tank and 2 DPS, which was even more worrying
Crystals market is fucked up yo
No one is selling crystals except RMT or some of us Gatherers that are left still Gathering
Fire crystals I put up 50 in a stack for 245 per, and put 20 of them up, they are SELLING!
WHAT IN THE BLUE FUCK!, Fire Crystals are worth more than fucking Clusters?
The fuck is going on?
Both. Mog's weapons were in 1.0., so some people have them already. They are just slightly better than Garuda and worse than Relic.
Above or Below Titan?