So, we normally one shot Cadeceus and our progression team is at T5, however we do rotate our teams quote often since we need to rotate healers, dps and tanks in our two Coil groups.
Yesterday it was the first time we were two WHM healing a WAR and PAL tank. The War is somewhat new to coil but he has DL and an Allagan chest which dropped on his first run.
I healed the same setup with a Sch covering the War last week and we one shot it but yesterday it was almost impossible to keep the War as MT up after the split. We had the other (better geared and more experienced) WHM on the PAL but it still took as almost all evening to beat that stupid snake.
Anyone with experience with that? Is SCH on PAL just so much better for spike damage? MP was also a serious issue on the WHM covering him even though our dps was good.
I am seriously considering making my SCH my main since we only have one dedicated SCH and 4 WHMs right now.
I've done Caduceus exclusively with PLD/WAR (never PLD/PLD), both as WHM in a WHM/WHM setup and as SCH in a SCH/WHM setup. In the 2x WHM setup, it was definitely more down to the wire with healing. If a warrior gets low on health, a white mage only has one option to shoot them back up to a healthy level, and it's on a 5 minute cooldown (well, outside of a swiftcasted cure 2 anyway). Current warrior also has limited ways to mitigate damage, which leaves WHM+WAR in a really sticky situation if the WAR is at low health. SCH is very well-suited to WAR healing, because it has lustrate which is a flat 20% heal, which heals for quite a lot on a WAR and can be used instantly 3 times in a row if you have 3 aetherflow stacks up. It also has the ability to add extra damage mitigation with adloquium shields, etc. A well-played SCH also has a nearly bottomless MP pool, although on very extended fights it can start to hurt (this should never, ever be an issue on Caduceus though). Honestly, SCH/WHM just works together much better than WHM/WHM in my opinion, especially if one of your tanks is a WAR.
I made SCH my main because of the surplus of WHMs, and while I do miss WHM, it was definitely the right decision for the better of my groups. SCH/WHM is like a dream team. Much less potential overhealing and wasted MP.