Thanks a lot for the input
So you never use her manually? You leave her on guard at all times?
I actually think the fact that Eos is still using Whispering Dawn during Obey is a bug - since Garuda doesn't use her other skills even though I use Contagion manually at all times.
Doing Steady -> Obey works fine for Garuda but not for Eos with Dawn.
I still think using her on Obey and manually cast embrace on mt intense pounding is better. If she is casting a few Dawns in between, that doesn't really matter..never had issues with CDs (well never meaning with my limited experience with Ifrit HM and AK ;p)
I definitely use her Embrace and stuff manually, but I tend to only do that when her longer cds are getting ready to come off CD during a boss fight (the Fey Covenant and illumination) so that I can use them better, so as soon as they are on CD again I let her do her own thing *unless* it is heavy duty tank spam time (like a couple stacks of Steel Scale or Dreadnaught solo). The rest of the time Eos does a pretty good job spot healing the raid while saving me and my co healer mp if I let her Embrace on her own, especially since the hassle of switching out of Guard that often would likely affect my reactive healing and mob observation in other (bad) ways.
I would love if each ability had it's own toggle on whether or not the pet would use it by itself al la WoW, but considering how this is definitely the most powerful healing pet I have ever seen in an MMO before I will put up with a little bit of extra hassle while they refine everything. If it's A.I. was good enough people might actually consider it OP without anything else being changed so there's that too.