Pattern is pretty set. You'll learn it as you get beat up a bit more, lol
Made this from a couple different sources, hope it helps.
Pattern is pretty set. You'll learn it as you get beat up a bit more, lol
I did the same thing. I refused to wear that stupid looking Darklight tank body piece and went for the AF2 head and body, just picked up my body piece yesterday. It's gonna be another long wait for the Relic +1 but I am also in no real rush. There's no point fretting over the stats differences when there will be plenty of time to save up tomes, I'd rather look cooler now. :3
I did the same thing. I refused to wear that stupid looking Darklight tank body piece and went for the AF2 head and body, just picked up my body piece yesterday. It's gonna be another long wait for the Relic +1 but I am also in no real rush. There's no point fretting over the stats differences when there will be plenty of time to save up tomes, I'd rather look cooler now. :3
So in regards to the level 50 dungeon mob hotfix, is anyone optimistic about it? Lol.
I was told those Allagan coins you get from quests and dungeons are only used to sell to npc? is this true? i have a ton of them and could use the money, but wanted to make sure they have no other purpose
The gold sells for 2.5k alone
Someone mentioned earlier about tanking positions for last boss in AK, thought I'd throw my two gil in. I tank him like so:
Never had any complaints. Plenty of room for everyone. I've tried doing it on other side of same statue, but I've had him bug into either the statue or the wall to his left twice so I don't bother.
So in regards to the level 50 dungeon mob hotfix, is anyone optimistic about it? Lol.
Yup, sell them to npc.
Any NPC will do right and they have no other purpose right? Also where can i get drops of Gold coins since i finished all my quests now
I read it as we should have an ongoing FC event where Prae and CM speed runs occur 24/7 all weekend long before Squenix screws us again.
I like to have my big powerful cooldowns on second bar, so no reason/nothing else to put there atm. The game put RoH there when I first unlocked PLD and it changed hotbar configuration, I just never changed that spot.Why do you have RoH set to both L2 left dpad and R2 triangle?
Any npc is what I do. They only drop from dungeon chests.
Pattern is pretty set. You'll learn it as you get beat up a bit more, lol
I believe it was somewhere around $85 CDN for me.Err.. how much does the sub fee cost for 180 days?
That is by far the most idiotic, stupid, piece of crap, dumb design ever. Did they even play test Odin before releasing it? Wow. It's like Dimps got ahold of Square Enix specifically for this boss and went ahead and collaborated with Backbone for server coding.
This might sound like an odd question but are there any Level 50 enemies in the word? All I can find are up to level 49. If I could get 50 enemies it'd make for a much easier chocobo leveling experience, as I'd be able to get an exp chain going.
I believe it was somewhere around $85 CDN for me.
So from what I've read above, I should get the Bard pants first?
i went straight for AF2 for BP and helmet, didn't buy the DL piece. doing fine, but haven't done coil yet. taking my time.
I did the same thing. I refused to wear that stupid looking Darklight tank body piece and went for the AF2 head and body, just picked up my body piece yesterday. It's gonna be another long wait for the Relic +1 but I am also in no real rush. There's no point fretting over the stats differences when there will be plenty of time to save up tomes, I'd rather look cooler now. :3
Why? Not taking the accuracy cap into account most allagan sans the chestpiece has better stats for Dragoons than the Wyrms.
This might sound like an odd question but are there any Level 50 enemies in the word? All I can find are up to level 49. If I could get 50 enemies it'd make for a much easier chocobo leveling experience, as I'd be able to get an exp chain going.
Those big Magitek machines in the Imperial bases.
And I like how if one person dies, its pretty much a wipe, even if your other party members are doing well or so it looks like they are. Just wtf. Can't really see shit when you are at the bottom of the cavern.
Why? Not taking the accuracy cap into account most allagan sans the chestpiece has better stats for Dragoons than the Wyrms.
So for the members of GAF who have made it past Turn 3, what do you guys think about all the weird stuff that happens in there? 10 or so of the same enemy who don't attack, have tons of HP, and can follow you to the bottom parts of the map? You think there is something else to it? I've been reading into the secret boss theory, and though I'm not too sure its even possible there is so much weird stuff that goes on in there that I almost think it could be true..
So it wouldn't be worth going for Wyrms for the Crit?
so gae bolg +1?
or should i just level a bard
Made this from a couple different sources, hope it helps.
Someone mentioned earlier about tanking positions for last boss in AK, thought I'd throw my two gil in. I tank him like so:
Never had any complaints. Plenty of room for everyone. I've tried doing it on other side of same statue, but I've had him bug into either the statue or the wall to his left twice so I don't bother.
I swear... some of the people I've run into with Duty Finder have been great.
Finally made it into Manor last night and I stated right off the bat that it was my first time running it. Tank was like... no problem. Explained each fight, gave me the heads up when to use limit, and even when we lost our healer right before the last boss, everyone was just chatting and being friendly while waiting for another one to que up.
Makes it a little nicer when all these dungeons end up being mandatory for story.
So yeah, Para Selene thank you again... where ever you cool peeps are.
Made this from a couple different sources, hope it helps.
I swear... some of the people I've run into with Duty Finder have been great.
Finally made it into Manor last night and I stated right off the bat that it was my first time running it. Tank was like... no problem. Explained each fight, gave me the heads up when to use limit, and even when we lost our healer right before the last boss, everyone was just chatting and being friendly while waiting for another one to que up.
Makes it a little nicer when all these dungeons end up being mandatory for story.
So yeah, Para Selene thank you again... where ever you cool peeps are.
I swear... some of the people I've run into with Duty Finder have been great.
Finally made it into Manor last night and I stated right off the bat that it was my first time running it. Tank was like... no problem. Explained each fight, gave me the heads up when to use limit, and even when we lost our healer right before the last boss, everyone was just chatting and being friendly while waiting for another one to que up.
Makes it a little nicer when all these dungeons end up being mandatory for story.
So yeah, Para Selene thank you again... where ever you cool peeps are.
It's not really counter intuitive. "Stay out of red"Simple thing but, at the beginning when he shakes he ground you are staying inside the red circle right? It you are outside it you will fall. It's a bit counterintuitive because the game has been teaching you to always get out of red circles up to that point.
Only the chest has crit when the allagan doesn't. otherwise it's going to be crit/skill speed vs crit / determination and the latter is always better. only the waist, chest and two accessories are best in slot for drg from the myth vendor for armor.
Gonna have to get the chest and +1 eventually so unless you're the min maxing type whatever.
do you like your drg? compared to brd?
We're planning to release a hotfix next week that we'll use to address and adjust a few elements.
One of the adjustments regards the regular monsters in level 50 dungeons and how there is currently no reason to defeat them.
We'll be announcing additional details about the hotfix details soon!"
Are their damage type categories in this? What I mean is like this:
Hand to Hand = Blunt Damage
Polearm = Piercing Damage
Sword = Slashing Damage