The only way the can salvage with CT gear lockout is once you get a piece of gear for job, you are literally locked out for said job you are on
So go into CT as PLD, get piece, now, you are locked out on it
If you go as BLM, you now have 1 gear of your choosing of that job or hell if you want to greed loot for your PLD (if the tanks dont roll need) grab it you get locked on that job
Repeat as many ilvl55-70 (average) gear jobs you have
So for CT I at least can grab 2 pieces
Might push others to go level up other classes, restart the whole cycle chain
The early level zones are fucking barren
0 people doing FATEs, I was collecting lightning shards/crystals for the gold axe in botany @ centeral thanalan, the frog fate popped like 6 times, always went the full timer
This is 4PM+ EST, nothing, not even 1person came to fight it