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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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Huh? I said any other recommendations as in tips / pointers for being a successful tank.

I like playing a tank, not complaining about the extra responsibilities.

Also another quick question - If a mob is telegraphing a move (and you can't stun it in time with shield bash or shield bash doesn't work - have no clue on success ratios on that yet), do you move or just focus on keeping hate and it pointed at you vs everyone else, then let WHM cure you? I assume once you get good, you can do both with good party arrangement & positioning, but just want to confirm.


Huh? I said any other recommendations as in tips / pointers for being a successful tank.

I like playing a tank, not complaining about the extra responsibilities.

Also another quick question - If a mob is telegraphing a move (and you can't stun it in time with shield bash), do you move or just focus on keeping hate and it pointed at you vs everyone else, then let WHM cure you? I assume once you get good, you can do both with good party arrangement, but just want to confirm.

That little window that has all the mobs indicates your threat. You'll want to make sure you're red for all of them. Likewise when you target a mob the party's threat for that mob will be displayed under their class/job symbols. For 3+ groups I'm lazy and just spam flash / overpower and then rotate between targets. For two just rotate between the mobs every now and then so your healer doesn't get aggro.


Huh? I said any other recommendations as in tips / pointers for being a successful tank.

I like playing a tank, not complaining about the extra responsibilities.

Also another quick question - If a mob is telegraphing a move (and you can't stun it in time with shield bash or shield bash doesn't work - have no clue on success ratios on that yet), do you move or just focus on keeping hate and it pointed at you vs everyone else, then let WHM cure you? I assume once you get good, you can do both with good party arrangement & positioning, but just want to confirm.

Eh, you got through the first dungeon successfully. Tanking is pretty simple in this game so you can figure out stuff on your own. :D

On certain moves by certain mobs, it's important to dodge or stun it if you can (like those with visible AoE cones and a lengthy cast time).


Eh, you got through the first dungeon successfully. Tanking is pretty simple in this game so you can figure out stuff on your own. :D

Kind of a dick thing to say. Am I not allowed to try to ensure I understand before hand so I'm not holding back a party by not being familiar with the game dynamics yet?


Huh? I said any other recommendations as in tips / pointers for being a successful tank.

I like playing a tank, not complaining about the extra responsibilities.

Also another quick question - If a mob is telegraphing a move (and you can't stun it in time with shield bash or shield bash doesn't work - have no clue on success ratios on that yet), do you move or just focus on keeping hate and it pointed at you vs everyone else, then let WHM cure you? I assume once you get good, you can do both with good party arrangement & positioning, but just want to confirm.

If you see a red circle or red cone or red block or red line or red anything on the ground, you should either move out of it or interrupt the mob. Don't just stand in it.

If you move, make sure you go back to your previous position after. There are classes that depend on positioning so spinning a mob around is not desirable.


Kind of a dick thing to say. Am I not allowed to try to ensure I understand before hand so I'm not holding back a party by not being familiar with the game dynamics yet?

Oh, okay.


Flash: This is your AoE generation on pulls with multiple enemies. Popping a Flash at the beginning of a pull gets you some decent threat lead which ensures healers can't instantly pull off you. Using one between every rotation or two also helps a lot.

Fast Blade> Savage Blade> Rage of Halone: This is your single target emnity combo and really the only combo that matters for GLD/PLDs. Savage Blade does ok emnity generation but a combo'd RoH does a ton of emnity which makes the strategy of spreading out your combo to hold aggro on multiple targets viable. For example, once you've established threat on the primary target 1 with several rotations, on the next rotation use Rage of Halone on a second target. Next rotation can return to primary target and so on. The emnity gained from RoH will apply to a different target as long as its combo'd into.

Riot Blade, Shield Swipe: Situational skills, not usually worth the GCD you could use for more emnity generation.

Shield Bash: This is your on-GCD stun on a 2.5 second cooldown. Generally you can stun most casts those some special attacks will be obviously unable to be stunned. Enemies and players in this game can build up resists to repeated status effects in addition to diminishing returns. For example, your first stun will be 6 seconds, then the next will be less and less until it can no longer be stunned for n amount of seconds where it will reset and accept another full duration stun.

Shield Lob: I pretty much always use this to pull from range on single and multiple targets. It's also pretty decent for getting back enemies you lose aggro from but it does cost a lot of TP so if you can't get an enemy back in one or two lobs, it might be better to just walk up and do a melee combo. All that said this usually only sees use on the initial pull.

Circle of Scorn and Spirit Within: Both can be used as fillers in between Weaponskill GCDs while the latter can serve as an off-GCD silence on a 30 second cooldown. CoS does an initial hit before the DoT ticks so it breaks sleeping mobs.


Provoke: Has large range but generally want to save this for when you lose a target and you can't get it back. Instantly puts you above the target's current aggro +1 point of emnity so use a Shield Lob or a high emnity attack to re-establish the emnity lead.

Defensive Cooldowns: Just pop these when you need them, ideally in between Weaponskill GCDs. Awareness can usually be popped on really big pulls to ensure you take steady damage from all sources (versus random spike damage from criticals) which makes it easier on the healer.

Tempered Will and Cover: You won't find much use for these but they're handy in a few spots.

General Tank Stuff

Marking: Helps a lot early on to let your team know who to attack first, who to sleep, etc.

Macroing: Slapping a message macro on timed skills like Hallowed Ground can help your healer prepare for when to heal, or when you are silencing/provoking a target off someone.

Aggro Bar: Top left of your screen (by default) shows emnity the current target has relative to everyone else on the team. The numbers denote the order of highest to lowest aggro, with A having current Aggro.

Enemy List: Shows the general aggro of all your engaged enemies in relation to you. Goes from green (no aggro), yellow, orange, and red (you have aggro).

Single Target Rotation: Shield Lob, Combo with Circle of Scorns and Spirit Within in between when applicable.

Multiple Targets Rotation: Shield Lob, Flash, Circle of Scorn, Combo and CoS/SW in between, Flash after every couple of rotations while putting a Rage of Halone on the next target as primary gets close to dying.

Helping allies: Very important for melee DPS; don't rotate mobs around a ton as it makes it impossible for your melee DPS to get off their important abilities which rely on positional attacks. You can dodge an attack and move back to where you were tanking it once it's safe; this will ensure the enemy doesn't move around oto much.

Mobs with telegraphed moves: On certain moves by certain mobs, it's important to dodge or stun it if you can (like those with visible AoE cones and a lengthy cast time). Notable ones are Aiatar's Dragon Breath and Hydra's White Breath. Wyverns and dragons should generally be faced away from the party due to frontal cone AOE attacks.

Cross Class Abilities: Paladins don't have much essential skills to choose from, but nice picks are Stoneskin, Bloodbath, Foresight, and Mercy Stroke.

Attribute Points: VIT is the tank's primary stat.

Do you need anything else? Screenshots of my UI? Gear? I can reserve a spot on the Relic Primal train for you if you'd like as well.
This one?

Yes. It makes me smile every time I see it.

So I completed my first dungeon and my first party experience. It went well, completed it, and only touchy part was when no one realized a bunch of mobs would spawn against the boss unless you clicked on the bubble mechanisms.

Man, tanks have to do a lot of shit in the party mechanics vs what we did in FF11. I didn't realize they needed tank to pull, so I need to make a macro with marking, party chat I'm pulling mob, and then shield lob. Also it's very mob tanking focused also, which I was able to handle with flash but I assume I need to do other actions on the other mobs to keep their attention when I'm being cure bombed in later runs.

Any other recommendations?

I'm now 20 GLA, 14 CNJ, 12 PUG, 12 MAR

Get use to switching between mobs to hit each with threat generating move mid combo. Flash should keep enough aggro to cover basic healing aggro for now, but in a few instances you will have to be working on each targets thread in a group. Especially since you don't have easy mode overpower tanking like MRD/WARs do.

You also may not have noticed a threat meter that is next to everyone name on the party list when you are engaged with a target. Pic related.

A marks who has aggro, then numbers the next people in line and the bar shows how much compared to the other people in the party. It applies to whatever you are currently targeting. As a tank you will be switching around your target a lot between skills and to check your aggro until you have a good grasp on how much you need to hit something to keep them on you.

Edit: Dammit, didn't see there was another page and now see that everything I said was already covered.


Oh, okay.


Flash: This is your AoE generation on pulls with multiple enemies. Popping a Flash at the beginning of a pull gets you some decent threat lead which ensures healers can't instantly pull off you. Using one between every rotation or two also helps a lot.

Fast Blade> Savage Blade> Rage of Halone: This is your single target emnity combo and really the only combo that matters for GLD/PLDs. Savage Blade does ok emnity generation but a combo'd RoH does a ton of emnity which makes the strategy of spreading out your combo to hold aggro on multiple targets viable. For example, once you've established threat on the primary target 1 with several rotations, on the next rotation use Rage of Halone on a second target. Next rotation can return to primary target and so on. The emnity gained from RoH will apply to a different target as long as its combo'd into.

Riot Blade, Shield Swipe: Situational skills, not usually worth the GCD you could use for more emnity generation.

Shield Bash: This is your on-GCD stun on a 2.5 second cooldown. Generally you can stun most casts those some special attacks will be obviously unable to be stunned. Enemies and players in this game can build up resists to repeated status effects in addition to diminishing returns. For example, your first stun will be 6 seconds, then the next will be less and less until it can no longer be stunned for n amount of seconds where it will reset and accept another full duration stun.

Shield Lob: I pretty much always use this to pull from range on single and multiple targets. It's also pretty decent for getting back enemies you lose aggro from but it does cost a lot of TP so if you can't get an enemy back in one or two lobs, it might be better to just walk up and do a melee combo. All that said this usually only sees use on the initial pull.

Circle of Scorn and Spirit Within: Both can be used as fillers in between Weaponskill GCDs while the latter can serve as an off-GCD silence on a 30 second cooldown. CoS does an initial hit before the DoT ticks so it breaks sleeping mobs.


Provoke: Has large range but generally want to save this for when you lose a target and you can't get it back. Instantly puts you above the target's current aggro +1 point of emnity so use a Shield Lob or a high emnity attack to re-establish the emnity lead.

Defensive Cooldowns: Just pop these when you need them, ideally in between Weaponskill GCDs. Awareness can usually be popped on really big pulls to ensure you take steady damage from all sources (versus random spike damage from criticals) which makes it easier on the healer.

Tempered Will and Cover: You won't find much use for these but they're handy in a few spots.

General Tank Stuff

Marking: Helps a lot early on to let your team know who to attack first, who to sleep, etc.

Aggro Bar: Top left of your screen (by default) shows emnity the current target has relative to everyone else on the team. The numbers denote the order of highest to lowest aggro, with A having current Aggro.

Enemy List: Shows the general aggro of all your engaged enemies in relation to you. Goes from green (no aggro), yellow, orange, and red (you have aggro).

Single Target Rotation: Shield Lob, Combo with Circle of Scorns and Spirit Within in between when applicable.

Multiple Targets Rotation: Shield Lob, Flash, Circle of Scorn, Combo and CoS/SW in between, Flash after every couple of rotations while putting a Rage of Halone on the next target as primary gets close to dying.

Helping allies: Very important for melee DPS; don't rotate mobs around a ton as it makes it impossible for your melee DPS to get off their important abilities which rely on positional attacks. You can dodge an attack and move back to where you were tanking it once it's safe; this will ensure the enemy doesn't move around oto much.

Mobs with telegraphed moves: On certain moves by certain mobs, it's important to dodge or stun it if you can (like those with visible AoE cones and a lengthy cast time). Notable ones are Aiatar's Dragon Breath and Hydra's White Breath. Wyverns and dragons should generally be faced away from the party due to frontal cone AOE attacks.

Cross Class Abilities: Paladins don't have much essential skills to choose from, but nice picks are Stoneskin, Bloodbath, Foresight, and Mercy Stroke.

Attribute Points: VIT is the tank's primary stat.

Do you need anything else? Screenshots of my UI? Gear? I can reserve a spot on the Relic Primal train for you if you'd like as well.


I bet you still stand in AoE Ken.


Completed my first dungeon. I ran it with a pug using DF.

Had a crazy healer in the group. Kept drawing aggro, and at one point wasted our limit break on a trash mob.

Also realized as a LNC, I don't need anything... ;_; (well I got a belt...)

Will see if any GAFfers are available when I get to Tam-Tara.


Ignoring the snarky comment at the end, that was fantastic ken and much appreciated.

Cure no good for enmity generation? That was my #1 tool in ff11 and put me above a lot of other tanks. I would throw a cure bomb on the highest damage dealer assuming he had aoe damage, if not usually gear swapped to create enough hp difference to cure bomb myself.


Ignoring the snarky comment at the end, that was fantastic ken and much appreciated.

Cure no good for enmity generation? That was my #1 tool in ff11 and put me above a lot of other tanks. I would throw a cure bomb on the highest damage dealer assuming he had aoe damage, if not usually gear swapped to create enough hp difference to cure bomb myself.

PLD Cure is useless all around at higher levels because of scaling. Also here:

Completed my first dungeon. I ran it with a pug using DF.

Had a crazy healer in the group. Kept drawing aggro, and at one point wasted our limit break on a trash mob.

Also realized as a LNC, I don't need anything... ;_; (well I got a belt...)

Will see if any GAFfers are available when I get to Tam-Tara.

Healer probably fell in love with Medica. Tell them to not abuse it.


Kind of a dick thing to say. Am I not allowed to try to ensure I understand before hand so I'm not holding back a party by not being familiar with the game dynamics yet?

Imo its better to jump in and just learn in the middle of battle (not a hyper important battle like a primal or anything) or take tips as you go in a dungeon. Im sure as you know, just like with XI, you really wont know until you learn from experience.

Being a Paladin here seems less complicated than XI if only for the simple fact that you can actually move out of the way of attacks now, and stunnable attacks are telegraphed. As for marking, I dunno how it is with a keyboard (i'm on 360 pad), but you usually dont have to worry about it...unless people constantly attack the wrong enemies, or there is something you'd like to be rid of quickly.

EDIT: I really should record more XIV videos. Used to record XI LS adventures all the time, but since 1.0 performance with FRAPS, kinda shied away from it.
Y'all forgot something about tanking that Rem has taught me; if you're tanking a group of mobs that have enemies with ranged attacks in them (such as mob groups in Haukke Manor), run them to a spot where you're out of their line of sight (such as around the corner of a wall, etc). This forces the guys who would have stood back and taken potshots at you to run right up next to you like the rest, allowing for easy management, AoE enmity generation, and so on.

Geez, I'm a Monk and I know this stuff. :p


Y'all forgot something about tanking that Rem has taught me; if you're tanking a group of mobs that have enemies with ranged attacks in them (such as mob groups in Haukke Manor), run them to a spot where you're out of their line of sight (such as around the corner of a wall, etc). This forces the guys who would have stood back and taken potshots at you to run right up next to you like the rest, allowing for easy management, AoE enmity generation, and so on.

Geez, I'm a Monk and I know this stuff. :p

I had a crash course in that with Stone Vigil. Ice elementals *_*


Doesn't really help that during 1.0, all the beastmen tribes were encroaching on the agreed boundaries either. Dalamud threw all that to the wind considering everyone was looking to save themselves in the end by any means necessary.

I wonder if the beast tribes will form another uneasy treaty with the upcoming quests. Some seemed like they had you lighting totems for Amalj'aa.


So I'm gonna hit 50 later tonight.

I can't get through the story missions because by the time I log on (Ultros GAF), it's too late for the US guys.

I'm gonna try my luck anyway. When it comes to AK/WP runs, I want to know who is at the same point as I am - approaching end game right before 2.1.

Most of you guys already at end game, I imagine will be sinking your teeth into the EM primals and CT etc. So I'm thinking, if you're about to get to end game, let people at the same point as you know so we can get to the 2.1 content quickly.

This was a really incoherent post...maybe I'll post at guildworks too!
So I'm gonna hit 50 later tonight.

I can't get through the story missions because by the time I log on (Ultros GAF), it's too late for the US guys.

I'm gonna try my luck anyway. When it comes to AK/WP runs, I want to know who is at the same point as I am - approaching end game right before 2.1.

Most of you guys already at end game, I imagine will be sinking your teeth into the EM primals and CT etc. So I'm thinking, if you're about to get to end game, let people at the same point as you know so we can get to the 2.1 content quickly.

This was a really incoherent post...maybe I'll post at guildworks too!

What time are you logging on?


I have a question about raging strikes.

If I use this as a smn do both me and my pet get the 20% boost or just me? Would it also apply to fester damage increase?


What time are you logging on?

Yeah because even on one of my really late nights NA side (2-3am) there still seems to be some online.

Either way, i'm getting close myself. Just rescued
Minfilla and the rest of the scions

I log on at about 7pm during the week (this is GMT 10+), so it's usually early morning (2am) for most of the FC. Last night at about 9 there were 15-20 online in the FC D: I always get you and Ken mixed up, but Qhon was gonna help me with DD till I found Eden and Haman FATE grinding in Northern Than.

With the weekend coming up I should be able to make a serious dent though.
I have a question about raging strikes.

If I use this as a smn do both me and my pet get the 20% boost or just me? Would it also apply to fester damage increase?

It's you who gets the boost. You have abilities that boost your pet's damage already, Rouse and Spur. And when you pop raging strikes, it boost the damage your dots do over time (Which is why you want to pair this with Garuda's Contagion, which extends the time for Bio 2, Miasama, Bio and Thunder for another 15 seconds) and it will also increase Fester damage.

I log on at about 7pm during the week (this is GMT 10+), so it's usually early morning (2am) for most of the FC. Last night at about 9 there were 15-20 online in the FC D: I always get you and Ken mixed up, but Qhon was gonna help me with DD till I found Eden and Haman FATE grinding in Northern Than.

With the weekend coming up I should be able to make a serious dent though.

Only times I'm up then are Monday mornings and Tuesday mornings...I often run into Prellis on my days off. I work nights so on my days off, I'll be up around that time


It's you who gets the boost. You have abilities that boost your pet's damage already, Rouse and Spur. And when you pop raging strikes, it boost the damage your dots do over time (Which is why you want to pair this with Garuda's Contagion, which extends the time for Bio 2, Miasama, Bio and Thunder for another 15 seconds) and it will also increase Fester damage.

Only times I'm up then are Monday mornings and Tuesday mornings...I often run into Prellis on my days off. I work nights so on my days off, I'll be up around that time

Cool thanks. Didnt know the boost was to DoT aswell. Im gonna guess raging strikes applies if I use LB as well?


Im pretty sure I heard that if the person who does the LB has dmg buffs on it will apply. Like blood for blood, but i wanted to make sure

I don't think LBs are affected by buffs. It just pools total weapon damage of everyone.


Ignoring the snarky comment at the end, that was fantastic ken and much appreciated.

Cure no good for enmity generation? That was my #1 tool in ff11 and put me above a lot of other tanks. I would throw a cure bomb on the highest damage dealer assuming he had aoe damage, if not usually gear swapped to create enough hp difference to cure bomb myself.

Cure is good for soloing, and nothing else, and even then it's not too great. Flash will generate more aggro than it on an instant cast.
Im pretty sure I heard that if the person who does the LB has dmg buffs on it will apply. Like blood for blood, but i wanted to make sure

In some of the beta phases that was the case, but not anymore. It just is effected by the entire groups gear. Because of that it's normally better if the less geared person uses it just so that the higher geared person has more dps time. Not that you would run into a situation where that maters often.


What level materia should I be using in my 40's? I'm assuming level 4?
Check the prices of level 4 materia!

Honestly, you don't need to worry about materia much until you're working with max level crafted gear. Then you'd use level 3 or 4 if you can afford it.


Check the prices of level 4 materia!

Honestly, you don't need to worry about materia much until you're working with max level crafted gear. Then you'd use level 3 or 4 if you can afford it.

So what do people do with lower level materia? I melded some of my earlier stuff with level 2 materia, But now i've got some others stocked. I guess I could save it for leveling a second job...


Just cleared t4 for the first time with some friends and had enough time to wipe to Twin two times before the servers crashed lol. Would have been so pissed if crash happened in the middle of our t4 run though.
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