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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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So, this is more for posterity sake, but since WHM Holy is being nerfed, some of us decided to do a tank + whm only run

~14.5min with some extra optimization we could have done. Hope you enjoy the music care of Kera Shan (wrongway)


haha, oh shit XD

such holy
much sax



Holy should be awesome, just like Flare. Its...I dunno, a rule of the FF universe. Same with Ultima if we ever get the ability to use (probably will end up being a limit break after a level cap raise).


Nerfing Holy again because it is too good? History repeats itself.

Yoshi has a history of nerfing classes to the ground.
No one remembers the huge kick in the dick WAR got 1.0.
Or the fact that Archers used to be the strongest DPS class in 1.0 before quick nock and other skills got the dick too.

This is nothing new, and it probably won't be the last. YoshiP clearly doesn't care about flipping classes on their heads. I full expect MNK to get a hammer next patch. MNK DPS is going to be absolutely silly.
He's Kawazi.
Can't believe you guys still don't know who's who on GAF/in game! :(

I'm still generally confused who is who in game. Some I know, majority I don't. We should just put it in the profile so there is no confusion. People still confuse me and Qhon darnit (my surname is Quohn, not Qhon)


I don't consider the holy nerf to be "nerfing white mage into the ground." Doing damage is not white mage's primary duty. It affects, like, WP speedruns and that's about it.


Holy should be awesome, just like Flare. Its...I dunno, a rule of the FF universe. Same with Ultima if we ever get the ability to use (probably will end up being a limit break after a level cap raise).

Imagine if we got a more customizable limit break system. Where each player could pick what Limit Break they wanted within reason, and how it filled up?
With all the limit breaks outside of your own initial one locked behind Titan HM level content, of course. :p


I remember that around the start of service, there was a motion to have people write their gaf handle in the search comment box (that shows up as a speech bubble on player lists) in the game, but not that many people seem to have done so.

BTW, somebody suggested yesterday, that the various GAF Coil groups pick four representatives, and we all hold a Grande GAF PVP Turny, to determine which group is the very best, (Like no one ever was!)

I believe that was me, but the notion was immediately shot down when I was reminded that you can't choose your opponents.

And, I really should've appended that quote from the Reinheart translator guy with a "lol", because it really does stretch belief that YoshiP would expect all 512 members of an FC (hypothetical, I don't think many are >100 members) to farm for weeks and then donate 100% of the money they've earned since lvl 1 to housing.
It's like a blatant RMT baiting exercise. Then again, someone on SE's forum calculated based on /tells that the most expensive lot would be worth around US$12,000, and I'd like to think people were not that desperate for a virtual clubhouse.


I don't consider the holy nerf to be "nerfing white mage into the ground." Doing damage is not white mage's primary duty. It affects, like, WP speedruns and that's about it.

I'm way more concerned about the medica 2 nerf because of the way we do ADS...maybe it won't be so bad... :(


I remember that around the start of service, there was a motion to have people write their gaf handle in the search comment box (that shows up as a speech bubble on player lists) in the game, but not that many people seem to have done so.

I believe that was me, but the notion was immediately shot down when I was reminded that you can't choose your opponents.

And, I really should've appended that quote from the Reinheart translator guy with a "lol", because it really does stretch belief that YoshiP would expect all 512 members of an FC (hypothetical, I don't think many are >100 members) to farm for weeks and then donate 100% of the money they've earned since lvl 1 to housing. It's like a blatant RMT baiting exercise.

True, but lets put this into context here. We've got people paying over half a mil for pieces of, "armor." I'd expect houses to be more expensive by default, maybe not THAT much more expensive, but still. XD

Well, most groups will probably have well more house than they need with a small lot, and after 90 days those should be down to 15 million. I can see a 10-12 person FC being able to swing that, if they make a concerted effort.


This is nothing new, and it probably won't be the last. YoshiP clearly doesn't care about flipping classes on their heads. I full expect MNK to get a hammer next patch. MNK DPS is going to be absolutely silly.

This will be fun! As of 2.0 MNKs were absolut top tier DPS already, now with the patch I know some people that can't stop laughing how OP they will be. So yeah, will be interesting to see what they will buff/nerf for 2.2.


In related news.

After spending the whole weekend TRYING to get ahold of Digital River's customer service, and failing, I'm putting a return in for those two PS3 copies of FFXIV they mistakenly sent me.

Looks like my bro-in-law and sisters Christmas presents are going to cost 60usd this year, instead of the 30usd I was expecting. That is unless Amazon runs that sale again in the next few days. (HA!)


My own fault for giving Digital River the benefit of the doubt.
It's like a blatant RMT baiting exercise. Then again, someone on SE's forum calculated based on /tells that the most expensive lot would be worth around US$12,000, and I'd like to think people were not that desperate for a virtual clubhouse.

You must not be familiar with PlayStation Home.


It's like a blatant RMT baiting exercise. Then again, someone on SE's forum calculated based on /tells that the most expensive lot would be worth around US$12,000, and I'd like to think people were not that desperate for a virtual clubhouse.
But using Yoshi logic that's only about $23.44 per person! At minimum wage you're only looking at four hours work. What a steal.
Eh, I seen the Holy nerf coming from a mile away, I'm just relieved they only shaved a small among off the potency and left the stun component on it. No, the real frustration is that WHMs are losing Thunder. I can't fathom a reason why, we certainly weren't putting any real dps out of a job with our single target dps.

IMO, as I mentioned awhile back; one of the best parts of being a healer at cap is trying to shoe in as much damage as possible while dancing to keeping your group alive. It really is disheartening to see shit like this.


I might be late on this, but for anyone that doesn't know you can download the update now. Although maintenance is still going on, get a head start!


BTW, slight correction.

Earlier I stated that small lots would be down to 15 mil after 90 days, well I was thinking of Medium Lots. Small lots go for 8-10mil Gil, starting. So they'll be down to 4-5 mil gil each by the time ninety days rolls around.

That should be very doable, even for a small guild. So we probably will see, "some," lots go immediately. They'll, just be the smaller ones.


Eh, I seen the Holy nerf coming from a mile away, I'm just relieved they only shaved a small among off the potency and left the stun component on it. No, the real frustration is that WHMs are losing Thunder. I can't fathom a reason why, we certainly weren't putting any real dps out of a job with our single target dps.

IMO, as I mentioned awhile back; one of the best parts of being a healer at cap is trying to shoe in as much damage as possible while dancing to keeping your group alive. It really is disheartening to see shit like this.
Heh, we are so different about some things. I don't think I'd be upset if they removed all of the damage abilities from the healers, it just doesn't matter to me. I prefer not having to do any damage (though I will to speed up dungeon runs if necessary).


The most exciting thing in 2.1 for me is the Inventory Sort feature.

I was manually sorting all this time but let it get bad the last month.

My inventory and retainers and armoury are basically unusable right now and I haven't bothered with Market or leveling other jobs because of this.

Inventory sorting, please don't disappoint me!

I'm with you bro.


I don't know why they removed Thunder at all other than nerfing SMN. That was a pretty potent DOT and helped their damage quite a bit. Having a more direct AOE skill is kinda nice but it's not really a replacement for Thunder's damage, especially on single target fights.

Ploid 3.0

I used thunder for my SMN and SCH. SE obviously hate SMN. Please let bane hit more than 3 additional targets someday. (insert Diretide emoticon here)

Having thunder as a cross class makes more sense to me than the oh so useful blizzard 2 with no mp regeneration umbra ice.

"I'm so going to bind you guys for 8 seconds, just let me get off this long cast first.


I don't know why they removed Thunder at all other than nerfing SMN. That was a pretty potent DOT and helped their damage quite a bit. Having a more direct AOE skill is kinda nice but it's not really a replacement for Thunder's damage, especially on single target fights.

You're not taking PvP into consideration. Blizz 2 is now an even better utility skill for all casters. An 8 second bind (in PvP) is nothing to sneeze at. WHM shouldn't be using Thunder >_> so it was more a small nerf to SMN damage which is still number one. The loss of Thunder isin't that big a deal.


Can one of you cool peoples tell me when the maint is *supposed* to end in terms of how many hours it is from now? I am Australian and spent all day away from the computer yesterday so I didnt see what time it went down.


You're not taking PvP into consideration. Blizz 2 is now an even better utility skill for all casters. An 8 second bind (in PvP) is nothing to sneeze at.

Casters getting in close enough to use blizzard II is going to be hilarious if they end up getting interrupted/holmgang or if a PLD ends up just iron willing through it to slap them in the face. I assume most people will probably use it to run away.

Fully expect PvP when the servers open to be all kinds of stupid antics.

Also like 9 hours till the servers go back up... assuming no delays. PFFT NO DELAYS!?


Can one of you cool peoples tell me when the maint is *supposed* to end in terms of how many hours it is from now? I am Australian and spent all day away from the computer yesterday so I didnt see what time it went down.

9 and a half hours to go if I know how to count

Casters getting in close enough to use blizzard II is going to be hilarious if they end up getting interrupted/holmgang or if a PLD ends up just iron willing through it to slap them in the face. I assume most people will probably use it to run away.

Fully expect PvP when the servers open to be all kinds of stupid funsies and antics.

No caster worth their salt is going to run up to anyone just to Blizz 2.
You're not taking PvP into consideration. Blizz 2 is now an even better utility skill for all casters. An 8 second bind (in PvP) is nothing to sneeze at. WHM shouldn't be using Thunder >_> so it was more a small nerf to SMN damage which is still number one. The loss of Thunder isin't that big a deal.

Too bad taking direct damage interrupts casting 100% of the time in PvP.


You're not taking PvP into consideration. Blizz 2 is now an even better utility skill for all casters. An 8 second bind (in PvP) is nothing to sneeze at.
Didn't the notes mention any direct damage will interrupt spell casting in PvP? Given Blizz 2's range, good luck getting it off.

I really hope this wasn't their intention though, as I thought the whole point of unique PvP skills was so they could balance PvP and PvE separately.


Surecast, Swiftcast, Sleep, PvP abilities that give us the tools we need to for counterplay?

In all honesty, there are counters to everything. When we get down to brass tacks, a balanced party will be a monster if they know how to play. Part of the fun comes in the way of no one knowing how to PvP when the server comes up. Can't wait to see and of course do all kinds of dumb stuff.


In all honesty, there are counters to everything. When we get down to brass tacks, a balanced party will be a monster if they know how to play. Part of the fun comes in the way of no one knowing how to PvP when the server comes up. Can't wait to see and of course do all kinds of dumb stuff.

It will be glorious :D
Crap, I put an invisibleShield on my new phone one hour ago, now I can't turn it on to get the OTP!

I hope I can get home early tomorrow so I can update it before I go to bed...
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