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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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Yu Narukami

So, I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing camera problems since 2.1. I read on other places that people have the same issues. It's super annoying that you can't zoom completely out when targeting something, because you can't see what's happening on the whole battlefield.



The new WAR,is, AWESOME! There is absolutely zero incentive for you to hold onto your stacks now, so if you need some extra Mit, use Inner Beast, are you in a DPS race and trying to help out? Inner Beast is helpful for that too, 600-700 damage that's off the GCD after all. Need to buff aggro heavily on a lot of enemies are once, Steel Cyclone works incredibly well for that. Or, if you've got to switch to DPS mode real fast, fire off Unchained and you're good to go. Basically, between the Mit effects on Storms Path, the reduced TP usage, and the increased emnity generation on certain rotations, it feels like the game it rewarding you for being as aggressive as possible. This isn't to say that you can play dumb, you still have to time when you use each skill to get the most out of them. The margin for error is tremendously reduced however.

Garuda EX so far seems like a fun fight, but it's definitely unforgiving. I still think it'll end up being fairly close to a week before I take it down. In part though, this is because there's so much else I want to do. If most of the BB Coil Group got together and logged into Mumble, we could probably take her down fairly quickly.

The new Holiday event has a ton of charm to it so far. Can't wait to see Treants dressed like Christmas trees. XD

Oh, BTW, I've yet to check out Gridania's housing, but between Limsa and Uldah, I'm definitely favoring the later. Mist is nice, but I dunno, something about the layout bothers me. The Goblet, has a ton of character, it feels like a half suspended castle beneath your feet. There's a darn good view almost everywhere, the windmills and water wheel are really neat, and there are eagles flying around. My own vote is for Plot 13 of Goblets 1st Ward, and I'm definitely going to donate more to make it happen. (Disclaimer, no this isn't bribery, I'll be happy wherever, I'm just trying to make housing happen.)

Finally, I actually had quite a bit of fun with the PvP. Haven't encountered Black Mages yet, but every White Mage has tried sleep, and the mostly GAF group I was running with came up with a workable countermeasure to WHM Sleep.

It basically amounted to, "Spam Tomo until you're within six yards, then use Holmgang." Seems to work, so long are you're charging straight into enemy territory and you're forcing them to react to you. Worst case scenario is that the WHM will usually try Sleep on the Tank out of reflex. That's bad news, but it seems to be survivable. Not sure what the success ratio is yet, and like I said, a different strategy would be necessary for Black Mages.

They still need to balance out the PVP, but I can probably have fun with it occasionally.


inner beast is not off the gcd

to add to this post since it's right under your post

I think the WAR got a lot of nice changes this patch. Lowered TP costs, faster Overpower animation, and some really great skill changes and additions have made WAR finally feel like a proper class. On the other hand, two things I still don't like: Inner Beast and Holmgang changes. Inner Beast's removal of its huge self-heals kind of got rid of a lot of the WAR's character. No more clutch 2k+ self-heal combos makes the ability just a lot less interesting especially since it's my most used "Infuriated" ability so I'd have hoped it would be the one skill that encapsulates the theme of the WAR. Second is Holmgang; its new effect feels like their way of trying to make up for PLD's getting Halllowed Ground, while its former effect still isn't useful in enough situations. Earlier today I had a perfect opportunity to use Holmgang to hold the turn 1 ADS node spawns but Holmgang had no effect on it which meant I was rooted there like an idiot.


inner beast is not off the gcd

Are you sure? Once the stacks up I seem to be able to shoot it off whenever I want, regardless of whether the GCD's done charging from a previous attack. Is this my imagination, or am I using the wrong terminology again?


Are you sure? Once the stacks up I seem to be able to shoot it off whenever I want, regardless of whether the GCD's done charging from a previous attack. Is this my imagination, or am I using the wrong terminology again?

It's a weaponskill so it will eat one of your GCDs.


It's a weaponskill so it will eat one of your GCDs.

Oh, yeah, you can't immediately attack again after using it, but it can be fired off effectively immediately, so if you're off taking and are in the middle of a DPS race it makes sense to use it at the end of a rotation.

I guess I was using the wrong terminology.

Edit : or I'm misunderstanding you again, and I'm imagining Inner Beast effectively being instant. Sadly I'm going to sleep so I'll have to check tomorrow.


Oh, yeah, you can't immediately attack again after using it, but it can be fired off effectively immediately, so if you're off taking and are in the middle of a DPS race it makes sense to use it at the end of a rotation.

I guess I was using the wrong terminology.

Edit : or I'm misunderstanding you again, and I'm imagining Inner Beast effectively being instant. Sadly I'm going to sleep so I'll have to check tomorrow.

you're wrong but that's okay because squee



C'mon Squeenix you know it's not too late to do a Drakengard x FFXIV event. Drakengard 3 came out in Japan, strike while the iron is hot!

Caim showing up in a fate would be uuuuuull.


Finally got to see Ifrit Ex.

Difficulty goes like Garuda Ex < Ifrit Ex <<<<<< Titan Ex

Playing Ifrit on my own will probably harder, but the mechanics of the fight are pretty simple. The reason it has a higher iLevel requirement is the DPS check on nails, all the other mechanics of the fight seem to be a joke.

Titan Ex on the other hand, such a busy fight, so many different mechanics going (all over the place) that's it just is way too easy to loose 1-2 people permanently and wiping you that way.
I was so pumped to finally hit 50 this week, but this download's going at .02mb/s. Peko shall ride again! .. Next week probably. Sucks to miss that patch money-splosion.


C'mon Squeenix you know it's not too late to do a Drakengard x FFXIV event. Drakengard 3 came out in Japan, strike while the iron is hot!

Caim showing up in a fate would be uuuuuull.

Drakengard fates would be neat

Help Caim slaughter a bunch of children

Kill creepy demon babies

Instance where you do a rhythm minigame


Thanks. I want to see how high I can get my gear level without doing Coil.

And Ultrosgaf needs to hold a Christmas event.

Um, the max would be i90 because of myth lol

Finally got to see Ifrit Ex.

Difficulty goes like Garuda Ex < Ifrit Ex <<<<<< Titan Ex

Playing Ifrit on my own will probably harder, but the mechanics of the fight are pretty simple. The reason it has a higher iLevel requirement is the DPS check on nails, all the other mechanics of the fight seem to be a joke.

Titan Ex on the other hand, such a busy fight, so many different mechanics going (all over the place) that's it just is way too easy to loose 1-2 people permanently and wiping you that way.

Nice. I really hope my group(s) can get through an Ex train this week so I can get a weapon.

Ploid 3.0

How much more exp do you get if you do level 50 pvp? I've been sticking to 40 since I didn't have endgame gear. I get 25-27 each win.
I'm a little confused, there's level 50 70 and 90 pvp gear, and it looks like only 90 has a rank requirement? Is all this stuff crafted? Can you wear the 70 stuff immediately out of the gate? Does it function outdoors?

Ploid 3.0

I'm a little confused, there's level 50 70 and 90 pvp gear, and it looks like only 90 has a rank requirement? Is all this stuff crafted? Can you wear the 70 stuff immediately out of the gate? Does it function outdoors?

It should and yes you can just wear it. It cost 1200 wp and over though. I get seemingly 30-60 wolf points each match (level 40 pvp). Up to 990 after 35 games and 20 wins.


Apparently people are getting vote kicked as soon as the party wipes and it's their fault. Did anyone experience this?

Oh wow, I haven't done Roulette yet but I am not looking forward to group with asshats like that. No matter if it's my fault or someone else's.


Oh wow, I haven't done Roulette yet but I am not looking forward to group with asshats like that. No matter if it's my fault or someone else's.

Ive done roulette on our server at all levels today and had absolutely no issues, even when I blew a pull in copperbell pretty bad and wiped us.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Man, Duty Roulette was so good yesterday. Now it's kinda garbage. In nearly an hour I've gotten ONE duty, and that was a Haukke run where they apparently got to the boss and wiped (maybe more than once considering how little time remained) and their healer and one of their DPS ditched. Sat there for 10 minutes waiting for another healer and nobody showed up. Bah.
People have a hard time dodging the second laser/add phase. I guess our dps is lacking since we have some new FC members without relic which we took with us.

Did you guys just send the tank to explode the linked orbs or stacked group?
Did you stack in the middle during second laser/bomb/chopper phase?

Well we had 2 guys with us that sucked at dodging most of the fight and died a few times one died during the ifrit phase and that was his 2nd death so we just left him dead lol. the other died during the laser phase.

Most of us (FC party) are basically 8 to 9 / 12 i90 like I'm an 88 item level (not needed at all mind you but our DPS was fine)

On the linked balls whom ever wasn't tanking at the moment since you have to tank swap blew up on ball that was close to them and myself (brd) and a drg blew up other on first set. 2nd set Off Tank grabbed one, then myself and 1 or 2 others blew up the other sets.

On the 2nd set of add we did stack in the middle only when we saw the area of effect symbols other then that we stayed on outside and focused burned down as many as we could until ae symbols appeared then after ships dropped we split dps on them and took them out.

3rd set of balls off tank blew up 2 me and 2 others blew up rest of them.


Quick question, how do you get to the housing areas? I wanted to check them out.
There's low level quests in Central Shroud Bentbranch, Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing, and Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead all called "Where the Heart Is" that lead you to the housing areas.

However, I think it's possible to enter without having completed those quests? I did them anyway for some paltry exp for ACN.


Late picture:
Beachfront property is located in lower left corner of map.
Garuda EM fun:

So, we did two of the peisteskin maps today (the highest grade), that recommend 8 people. The first one, we had our full Coil group on to do it and it was a joke. So I got another one, and we decided to 3-man it.

I didn't even have to heal.
8 people? Really?
I got the same map you did, and I hoped the fights would be more challenging, but it was still oddly fun in the sense that you're hanging out with fellow FC members. On some of the maps we did later on, there were some unexpected things that happened (albeit not difficult).

That said, it's actually better to do with 8 people because

Everyone gets myth tomes and gil. In party of 8, we get a total of 13536 gil for not much effort. If a party of 8 had 8 of those 8 party maps, then in a short time we get over 100k gil as well as some items to use for crafting or selling.

Elliott's hogging all the shards even though she isn't a crafter, we should probably leave her out of treasure hunts


My advise for CT:

Get on mumble with at least 3 other people and search. Then just have fun with the clusterfuck.

Cleared it in my first group and our 2nd tank dropped after first boss lol


2 big things as a tank for Garuda EM

Steel Cyclone mechanic - The spiny feathers put a debuff on you increasing wind damage. When it gets to 3 Garuda will cast steel cyclone. Tanks can swap it depending on if adds are about to pop who takes it. It will negate steel cyclone.

Wicked Wheel - Suparna and Garuda both cast it at the same time mostly. You just need to manage cooldowns when Suparna does her dissapear / feather drop you know its coming.

Titan and Ifrit also have stacking debuffs you need to swap for. Titans will hit out of the gate and make you take increased phys damage. You also want to save tempered will in case the adds snare pools get you and landslide from the adds or titan hits at that time.


Junior Member
I just came back to ARR, rolled a new character too (because of reasons). Playing on Ragnarok, can I join the GAF fc?


Main story gives you several, not repeatable but every single person on the server is going to do the main quest lol

Because it's not repeatable that market will eventually recover, to an extent, but it'll take awhile. First, the bulk of existing players have to get beyond it, then all those interested in selling will have to sale, then demand has to go through what's been sold etc etc.

Granted, by the time that happens they may has raised the cap and introduced new materia tiers.


Roulette is some seriously tasty tomes and I dig the cap increase for Myth. Now I can gear up my Monk with i90 faster and get my SMN/SCH geared up as well.
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