How did SE screw that up?
That is just downright ridiculous. I get that the game was probably under some serious time constraints and they were under a lot of pressure following the failure of 1.0 but damn, this is a massive oversight. Wonder if we'll be seeing some emergency maintenance soon. The way it's described makes it seem like we could be seeing some serious downtime if they have to overhaul a lot of stuff.
In better news though. Got extremely lucky and snagged Garuda's Talons. Got them on the second kill out of about 5 tries. Fight is incredibly fun when you have a solid group though it seems like that's the case with everything end game. The encounters are just downright fun when everyone can handle themselves well enough.
Too bad you're gonna lose them when they do the rollbacks!
What happened then? Not on Ultros so...
Exploits have been found so that you can instant level any class to 50, get as much gil as you want and dupe any item in game, aside from the other teleport hacks.
Information is pretty much out in the wild now, it's just a matter of time before someone creates an app that could potentially let anyone use them.
Exploits have been found so that you can instant level any class to 50, get as much gil as you want and dupe any item in game, aside from the other teleport hacks.
Information is pretty much out in the wild now, it's just a matter of time before someone creates an app that could potentially let anyone use them.
I actually wonder if it's safe to advance anything right now. If hacking becomes widespread they might do server rollbacks after they've patched the exploits.
so do I stop playing for today? lol
I don't know any of that stuff, so can they trace accurately who is doing the exploit and making edits to values that they were not intended to?
I don't know any of that stuff, so can they trace accurately who is doing the exploit and making edits to values that they were not intended to?
I don't have a ton of macros like Baleonce does, I just do not like linking so many abilities together. Having everything on cooldown all the time is often not a bad idea, but I like the freedom to change things up as needed. I usually pair Bloodbath with Berserk/Fight or Flight for instance, but sometimes I'll save it for when I know adds are about to pop.If someone would be so kind to share their tank setup on controller, I would be super grateful. It's so difficult for me to tank with controller for the tougher fights that I've just been playing on my PC all the time and staying away from my PS3, even though I want those damn trophies!
I mean, SE is not a complete newbie to MMOs, so I don't understand how this kind of problem can happen? Didn't they run FFXI for over 10 years?
I mean, SE is not a complete newbie to MMOs, so I don't understand how this kind of problem can happen? Didn't they run FFXI for over 10 years?
I wonder if they are using ArtMoney to 'sploit it
So if they do rollbacks, how far back are we talking? I JUST finished leveling every class for the cross-class skills the other day. If I lose most of that progress, I think I'd be done with this game.
The problem here is "hey i can hack and give myself 6billion gil", the REAL problem is a DROP database. You can fuck this game very much allowing database commands.
So if they do rollbacks, how far back are we talking? I JUST finished leveling every class for the cross-class skills the other day. If I lose most of that progress, I think I'd be done with this game.
Does SE even know what's going on or released a statement yet? Do we stop playing for now? Ugh!
They don't have to. From the sounds of it, they can send simple data requests to the server and it'll accept them.
If they rollback I'm out too, my shit ends in 4 days and I just did Coil and got 2 pieces of gear and then got my AF2 hat.
Tread lightly Square.
good job square
The bigger problem is that hacked requests are indistinguishable from legit client requests. Meaning very clever and subtle hacking is undetectable even if you sit there and manually check millions of log entries one by one.
Well, we don't know that for sure. There very well could be extra data that the client sends that people aren't sending and it just isn't required by the server to process the requests. Kind of like a referrer header in an HTTP request or something like that. If that's the case, and they keep logs of that, then it may be not so bad to sort through this stuff. But I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up.
I...don't think I'm ever going to finish Castrum. First time I get in, I say my usual pleasantries and say I'm new to this dungeon. Ok, cool. First cutscene appears....everyone is gone. I'm lost for half a minute until I find them half dying then they say I suck at healing...
if they roll back then did i ever invite my waifu to my party
I...don't think I'm ever going to finish Castrum. First time I get in, I say my usual pleasantries and say I'm new to this dungeon. Ok, cool. First cutscene appears....everyone is gone. I'm lost for half a minute until I find them half dying then they say I suck at healing...
Well the Allagan gloves are garbage so they'd be doing you a favor on one end.
I...don't think I'm ever going to finish Castrum. First time I get in, I say my usual pleasantries and say I'm new to this dungeon. Ok, cool. First cutscene appears....everyone is gone. I'm lost for half a minute until I find them half dying then they say I suck at healing...
The bigger problem is that hacked requests are indistinguishable from legit client requests. Meaning very clever and subtle hacking is undetectable even if you sit there and manually check millions of log entries one by one.
like dis
So if there is a rollback, how many free days do we get? A week? A month?