Get a real token :O Been using mine from 1.x LE and still going strong.
Was gonna suggest that. It's what I use. I think it's like 10-15 bucks.
Get a real token :O Been using mine from 1.x LE and still going strong.
This is the folly of fate grinding. When you eventually come to do a dungeon you don't have your class abilities, your job, and you haven't the slightest clue how to maintain aggro/play your class.
I hope they don't nerf jobs just because of PvP, that would be pretty annoying.
Anyways, I think I'm gonna level BRD on my main character and MNK on my secondary character. Any decent guides? Anything I should know about?
This is pretty much what happened in Guild Wars 2 (all FATE like events) and later World of Warcraft expansions (almost no requirements to enter dungeons until level capped / endgame raiding.) It happens in a lot of other MMOs too.
You had a player base that was not eased into mechanics and at no point was tested in their abilities. Therefore, they simply didn't learn and hit a brick wall. The end results was for every player that knew what they were doing, there was three more that didn't. Such a thing is not healthy for an MMO long term.
I am extremely thankful that FFXIV forces you into group content. It means that the player base at higher levels and the level cap is generally pretty competent, and all it takes is some good direction to make them into truly amazing players. Everyone actually learned the basics of their class and stuff.
DF'd Titan EM. It was pretty amazing for how far we got even if we didn't succeed. No explanations or anything; everyone was geared and knew what they were supposed to do. I guess as time goes on these situations will become non-existent.![]()
Got post heart on my first Duty Finder Titan Ex 2 days after the release of 2.1!
Since then, parties have been pretty shitty. People go in there without ever checking the fight beforehand = wasting the time of other people.
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Lord of all the land (Kupo!)
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Rules with iron hand
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Leads the brave and true!
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Now come along and meet his trusty crew!
Kupta Kapa will clip your tuft
Split your hairs and ruffle your fluff
Kupti Koop will throw you for a loop
Brave a wall of whiskers to find his troupe
Kupli Kipp is sly yet sweet
He'll tickle your nose then tickle your feet
Jolly Kogi's eye for fun is clear
He'll put an arrow straight in your rear!
Pukla Puki plays with fire
Poms a-burning on her pyre
Puksi Piko likes her buddies big
To sing a little song and dance a little jig
Pukna Pako shivers and shakes
She'll stick you in the gut and give you bellyaches
And who's behind them, standing tall?
Why, the biggest moogle of them all!
(Who!? Who!? Whoever could it be!?)
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Kind and noble lord (hear, hear!)
Nod your noggle nog
And mind your gob
Or he'll put you to the sword!
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
His judgment you will dread
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
What do you decree?
What do you decree?
What do you decree?
Off with their heads!
For realz? rofl xD
DF'd Titan EM. It was pretty amazing for how far we got even if we didn't succeed. No explanations or anything; everyone was geared and knew what they were supposed to do. I guess as time goes on these situations will become non-existent.![]()
Duty Roulette finds some gems sometime. Had a BLM (not a THM) last night sleeping adds, then immediately casting Fire II. I asked him why and he told me to shut up and tank. >_>;
Duty Roulette finds some gems sometime. Had a BLM (not a THM) last night sleeping adds, then immediately casting Fire II. I asked him why and he told me to shut up and tank. >_>;
That's...definitely some special DPSing there.
Damage after Putting to Sleep, clearly.
Excal here too
I saw people seemingly botting their chocobo exp a few weeks ago. Yesterday I saw someone botting Apkallu egg farming, claiming way too fast, and his speed wasn't effected by any other mob in his way. I had 2 pets, and the crab fate all up in his face and it claimed every apkallu past my shadowflare, and miasma 2 when my cast spam matched right as the things spawned. He never moved other than the auto face target when he claimed.
Vid of a bot (the guy was going to farm something but he showed how to disrupt the bot). I did this for the bots at Deadly Devices to level my chocobo with the bots killing everything I pulled. They couldn't kill everything ready for the next spawn like apkallus though.
Get a real token :O Been using mine from 1.x LE and still going strong.
Well, it doesn't matter until I get my account back.
Sleep makes you vulnerable to fire!
Get a real token :O Been using mine from 1.x LE and still going strong.
yeah until the small CR2025 battery runs out.
software authenticator is still the safest way. just remember to backup your phone and you're golden
Well it doesn't matter if you do what you're supposed to and write down the emergency removal password. I was just in a hurry when I set it up on my new phone again because I needed to log in and do Coil, and I never remembered to go back and write it down.I think the hardware token is safer considering how unstable the software token is as seen in former reports. The battery lasts a hell of a long time. Be it having to wipe your phone, or the software itself bugging out. Can't say I was a huge fan of Blizzard's, but then again they had absolutely prompt customer service.
Interested if EU region, for a friend.I don't know if this is the right place to post in but I have a spare cd key for anyone who wants to get into this great game!
Just quote this post and whoever is first I will PM you the key.
Interested if EU region, for a friend.
Thanks a lot !Sent.
There's always someone bot farming Fleece south of Dragonhead on Excalibur, blatantly teleporting from one mob to the other instantly.
I have reported multiple people but still see them botting there weeks after it happens.
Sidenote: What's your name on Excalibur, Ploid. I'm Nume Nushi.
We probably should have a warning about this in the OP. My software token got messed up once, and I would've been f'd without that emergency password.Welp.
The security token software on my phone reset randomly, and while I thought I wrote down the emergency password, I didn't. SE support is notoriously slow, and they don't even work on weekends, so ... it was nice playing with everybody, see you whenever I get this fixed.
I can fly!
Boss is hilarious, but I don't think it's particularly hard if you know Titan HM mechanics pretty well already.
Everytime the vortex ring of aiming drops i lose it. just now lost it to a blm that got his casting ring the run before then switched to brd and got that ring. he wouldn't pass it got it lol'd and then left.
God I hate ppl that play like that sometimes.
I hate people like that. ~_~Everytime the vortex ring of aiming drops i lose it. just now lost it to a blm that got his casting ring the run before then switched to brd and got that ring. he wouldn't pass it got it lol'd and then left.
God I hate ppl that play like that sometimes.
I hate people like that. ~_~
If you're not on your main, and there's another player there that is [that needs the item], don't roll on it! It really is that simple.
A little consideration goes a long way.
Everytime the vortex ring of aiming drops i lose it. just now lost it to a blm that got his casting ring the run before then switched to brd and got that ring. he wouldn't pass it got it lol'd and then left.
God I hate ppl that play like that sometimes.
Everytime the vortex ring of aiming drops i lose it. just now lost it to a blm that got his casting ring the run before then switched to brd and got that ring. he wouldn't pass it got it lol'd and then left.
God I hate ppl that play like that sometimes.
Yesterday I saw someone botting Apkallu egg farming, claiming way too fast, and his speed wasn't effected by any other mob in his way. I had 2 pets, and the crab fate all up in his face and it claimed every apkallu past my shadowflare, and miasma 2 when my cast spam matched right as the things spawned. He never moved other than the auto face target when he claimed.
I think the hardware token is safer considering how unstable the software token is as seen in former reports. The battery lasts a hell of a long time. Be it having to wipe your phone, or the software itself bugging out. Can't say I was a huge fan of Blizzard's, but then again they had absolutely prompt customer service.
The security token software on my phone reset randomly, and while I thought I wrote down the emergency password, I didn't. SE support is notoriously slow, and they don't even work on weekends, so ... it was nice playing with everybody, see you whenever I get this fixed.