When using the Duty Finder, players are now unable to withdraw from combat.
Known issues:
  An issue wherein the game client terminates abruptly. (PlayStation®3 version only)
How does the Christmas event works? Do I have to look for some fate outside the cities?
Yup. You can go to the one west of Moraby Drydocks called Stay Frosty. Just stand in the snow treant's AoE to get a snowbuff and punch imps.
Is this new, or the same issue the PS3 version has (at least in my experience) always had?
Check the comments for each individual piece you need here: http://xivdb.com/?search/vanyaMerry christmas
So, I'm beginning to level-up a Scholar, and I plan to craft myself the HQ Vanya set, and meld materias onto it (I really don't like the Darklight set, it's more interesting stat-wise, and did I mention we can dye this beautiful robe?). However, I don't really know what should be melded where... Any advices/links?
I guess I still need to take into account the Crystal Tower stuff, but I haven't been lucky so far with CT parties, and I grew kinda tired of it.
Any way to predict where roulette is sending you? Ever since I unlocked PS that's all I am getting. Can't stand that place, I am terrible at it and 30 min penalty is not helping. :/
Wait, what exactly does this mean?
In you go.
  In The Wolves Den, the preparation time before a PvP match has been reduced to 1 minute (previously 2 minutes).
Any way to wear those event items and keep the stats of our current gear ?From the Peppermint Galka.
Any way to wear those event items and keep the stats of our current gear ?
Blah, they changed the stats on the allagan healing circlet to remove the crit.
I'm happy with them reverting it back to normal![]()
Blah, they changed the stats on the allagan healing circlet to remove the crit.
Why? The new stats are barely better than the cleric's circlet.
while doing levequest a pink Item dropped. Whats different about them? The stats look amazing but I can't wear them.
But does it have accuracy?![]()
Pink means it has somewhat randomized stats. It can be better than green stuff of the same level, or worse. And two pieces with the same name can have different stats.while doing levequest a pink Item dropped. Whats different about them? The stats look amazing but I can't wear them.
Is this new, or the same issue the PS3 version has (at least in my experience) always had?
I don't want to think about how WARs tried to hit accuracy cap pre-extreme axe. D:
Crafted gear with a LOT of accuracy materia slotted, myth belt, myth ring were my secret weapons. Was still just barely enough even with food active, so every turn 2 wipe was another toast.
The new titan earring has a buttload of accuracy but if you beat him you'll probably have most of your problems solved by the Dual Haken shortly.
Warrior myth boots help a lot too but I'd like to at least USE these allagan boots I've had forever. I think I have the worst luck imaginable for pants, I've never even seen i60 legs drop.
Enough people need to be able to beat him first.I don't want to farm Titan for his earrings and I already have the Allagan ones with okay accuracy. Still need an i90 choker and maybe the myth ring, but HQ toast will cover me for coil.
The primal accessories I have hurt with 0 accuracy. D:
Enough people need to be able to beat him first.![]()
Yeah pretty much the only reason I can play my warrior in coil right now without missing everything is I got lucky on the bracelet/choker drops in the last two weeks.
I did an in progress Garuda last night... ohhhh it was messy.Duty Roulette doesn't seem very random. I've gotten Copperbell, Sastasha, and Ifrit every time.
Ifrit is okay, since it's 150k for about 5 minutes of derping.
I want some of the later dungeons so I get bonus XP and actually relevant (for my level) gear![]()
I did an in progress Garuda last night... ohhhh it was messy.
The experience of Crystal Tower pugs is a magical event that everyone should enjoy. Praise Lord Yoship for granting us the opportunity.
(Thanks Drama and Lunicia for saving us from an eternal nightmare)
click towers? Fuck that I'm far too alpha for that kind of job, I'm going to stand in front of behemoth and spam provoke with my AF gear and grand company sword.
click towers? Fuck that I'm far too alpha for that kind of job, I'm going to stand in front of behemoth and spam provoke with my AF gear and grand company sword.
But those tanks in AF gear! So pro.click towers? Fuck that I'm far too alpha for that kind of job, I'm going to stand in front of behemoth and spam provoke with my AF gear and grand company sword.