I had a ton of GC points, I had to keep buying respec papers because I'm capped at 25k for GC (they seem to have put the hunt targets behind a optional dungeon. I was a bit pissed about that because I actually liked doing hunts until that point. Dungeons dungeons dungeons dungeons XIV 2.1). I have about 20 respec papers.
Amazingly most of my seals never were wasted
I bought a fuck ton of gear/weapons from GC
Still helpful for leveling all jobs
Same goes for Gathering and Crafting
I might cap @50,000/50,000, then by that time I should have the earring + ring, stupid those cant be shown off very visually
Just been getting shitty Fishing + Cooking items to trade in
Saber Sardines and Bouillabaisse... FML >_<
One is never on the market board (sardines), bouilla costs too damn much and always the goddamn HQ version on market
SE can go fuck themselves with the Magitek menace daily. I couldnt complete it because there wasnt enough people to beat it.
That's the Sylph Fate one?
If so, yeah so many complain about that one
I've been burning all my 6 allowances on the Amal'Jaa, get 36 Rep every day
I'm 3 days from getting Rank 3 in Reputation from them
I'm @ 120/150 on the Sylphs, their quests are goddamn annoying, I hate that hide & seek one so much