Not saying that I'm quitting ffxiv but in ffxi I loved doing stuff in the world, I met people all the time when exping, even if I couldn't find a party. In FFXIV you pretty much stay in a hub while lfp and everything is behind dungeons. You can do other things while lfp and that's neat but when you do get that party it's serious business and when the small event is over you all split your ways, different server dragon balls departing never to see each other again type stuff.
Then their is the environments, there was reason to be in them and to respect them in ffxi. From the mob that drop random nice loot, to good exp camps where people have to interact with other groups and the party can watch out for dangerous monsters like roaming goblins or
Guivre. FFXIV's world is currently boring with rewards for being in it. There's no excitement from finding a weird named mob that finally dropped your crazy stat kotes, no mobs outside of the fate mobs (no reason for fighting them outside of exp or the currency grind set up for ffxiv's gear (Grand Company seals) and there's faster fates for that if you low man things like Cancer.
FFXIV feels like a simulation a computer made so you are funneled into dungeons, or do leves for gear and fights. The monsters are very tame in the game. You can take them on no problem, you will not die or feel you are on the edge of dying. A even match mob is cake, a very tough mob will have a problem trying to kill you, and if it's close you can just flee. I think they made the world like this because they didn't want a ffxi situation where gil sellers or players could monopolize certain Notorious Monsters. I wish they continued with their spawn NM method at least. Get the key item, fight the NM, rare/ex the gear, something.
One of the things I don't like about FFXIV's dungeons dungeons dungeons, is the events are strict on what party composition you can use and it won't let you in below what they set for the events. You can't duo it like limbus for tomes or whatever, things gear check a lot (DPS FASTER or we die to RAGE timer!). I loved low manning things, it made routine fights more interesting, a ton more interesting.
Also the gear and stats are borrring. No elemental resists and mob weaknesses to elements. The fights look like they are all about red mess on the ground to dodge, very annoying looking stuff (especially extreme fights). I know SE will add a ton more so I'm very much looking forward to that, especially thief/ninja/assassin (?), Beastmaster, and Samurai.