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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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I ported all over ffxi especially for endgame events. All of the outposts for bastok (so happy the server pulled together and took over sandy and windurst outposts haha), all of the different tricks with rings, and what not made traveling in ffxi a bit tricky but somewhat fast. No where as fast and accurate as ffxiv but I don't think that's why ffxi's world was better to be in than ffxiv's.

Real Player vs Environment, that's what FFXI felt like when it comes down to it for me. It just felt better and challenging to get to where you needed to be. Like Ifrit's Cauldron for example, to get to my risky Dragon Blood farm normally it would be quite a challenge, by going there so often I lived and breathed that stuff. Then there's the mighty Beastmaster class that I love so much. That class gave me such a awesome feeling because it allowed me to go nearly anywhere I wanted if I used my abilities wisely and it made sure I knew how in the thick of things I was (tough mobs that can KILL me). I think everyone should have leveled beastmaster in ffxi, felt so good to be so powerful in a world that can eat you, solo exping in the deadliest of pits, surrounded by terror.

Did anyone participate in a amazing race like contest in FFXI? Most likely a linkshell event where everyone get on a level 1 job and start at point A and try to get to point B? I did one with my shell to go from Windurst to Nord. Dat environment. We allowed 1 sneak potion and 1 prism. Sound aggro, sight, true sound, true sight good times.

Its like were the same person, Beastmaster for Life.

I agree with pretty much everything you said so far. My biggest problem with FFXIV is that the world itself is so harmless. Being lvl 50 and I can go anywhere and kill anything is really silly. While in FFXI being max level didn't mean shit you would get you ass handed to you by an easy prey mob if you weren't the correct class. I really hope they change this with FFXIV in future updates.


Going with this. My love for XI and its systems were conditional. Great for its time relative to mine, but I don't have that in me anymore. There's still much XIV could do to improve upon or even pay homage to its predecessor (and I'm willing to give it the time it needs to get there), but there's just no way in hell I'd want XI-2.

Pretty much agree with you.


Its like were the same person, Beastmaster for Life.

I agree with pretty much everything you said so far. My biggest problem with FFXIV is that the world itself is so harmless. Being lvl 50 and I can go anywhere and kill anything is really silly. While in FFXI being max level didn't mean shit you would get you ass handed to you by an easy prey mob if you weren't the correct class. I really hope they change this with FFXIV in future updates.

Why would you want that? why would you want a normal world trash mob wipe your face? As a former ff11 player, i don't understand that mentality when it's not neccessary


Is this the "I wish FFXIV was FFXI - The Thread"? I am waiting for the PS4 version to get back into XIV but I'm just not that excited.

Wit the way the world is arranged I know that I'll never have the excitement of sneaking through high level zones so I can make my way to Jueno for my Chocobo Quest. Or teaming up with groups on the fly in a difficult zone.

Everything in XIV feels very compartmentalized. Sterile.

I kind of wish they would just do an FFXI HD.

Sorry for shitting in this thread. I like XIV and I would prefer my MMO be Final Fantasy but I think it has some problems that can't be fixed with patches or even an overhaul.

Go play FFXI if you want that. Its time has past.

I agree with Kagari. XIV is the future of online final fantasy for better rather than worse imo.


I agree with pretty much everything you said so far. My biggest problem with FFXIV is that the world itself is so harmless. Being lvl 50 and I can go anywhere and kill anything is really silly. While in FFXI being max level didn't mean shit you would get you ass handed to you by an easy prey mob if you weren't the correct class. I really hope they change this with FFXIV in future updates.

i'll always remember when i went on my job artifact armor quests for blu. it was my first and highest leveled job, and it required that you run through i think it was arrapago reef. the mobs there were imps, flayers, skeles and lamias with all true aggro. it would be pretty tricky to solo one of these mobs by yourself, especially a flayer. the only person that would help me was my whm friend.

it was pretty exciting and scarey to think that every single mob in there would destroy us, and would be tough for even some 75s to take out.

Ploid 3.0

OK I think some of you have some weird nostalgia going.

I mean when you look back at it, things like trains in Crawler's Nest and 40 people dead at the entrance was funny, but what wasn't funny was it happening every hour, and then you go back to pulling 1 single crawler at a time* for 4 hours in a row to exp their way to the next couple of levels. Oh yeah, don't forget about having to rest in between every 5th chain because MP didn't regen.

*Assuming another party wasn't stealing your exp mobs and you would fight over who owned what exp ground.

They fixed trains, and bsts lost a very good tool, but it allowed us to faster create a zoo by despawning mobs and checking their levels. All and all the despawning trained out of their habitat mobs was a good thing. They should have kept that for ffxiv to make getting around the mobs less trivial and make you fear aggroing them a bit more. Makes you think about where you are walking if you have to lose aggro by walking through water or some ffxiv new trick.

Oh yeah, and then someone above mentioned they feel FFXIV is about waiting around in a hub. I dunno about you, but half my time in game was spent in Jeuno with LFP up. Often having to try and make my own parties. Oh yeah, and if you were an undesired class? Good luck.

EDIT - What you are experiencing with FFXIV is a cap on things to do because it's new and comparing to a 8-year old game (or however old when you quit)

I have capped little and have a lot I could work for in FFXIV but the stuff in the game just isn't motivating me to shoot for it (the gear stats, you need this to be useful at all. DPS check, healing check, very binary upgrades). I do remember the on location LFP well, I just think the DF is souless, you party with people you will never meet again if you don't continue spamming the same DF with them.

When PVP came out I lived in it for a day and a half. Then the DF for it slowed down a lot. All I wanted to do was the PVP, it allows me to do other stuff so I just browsed gaf in between, then the waiting got even worse and I just stopped. I met cool people in it but alas we were all from different servers. The best place to meet regulars in FFXIV is Fates when you're keeping up pace with them. It's almost like seeing them in your party in dunes, then getting in a party with them in Qufim, and they invite you in a CN party because they are comfortable partying with your (insert job). That seem like something that will only work on the endgame shouts in FFXIV where you show up day after day shouting or sending tells to the shouter.

I read and saw stuff about the new party finder hidden away in the menu. Sounds like this may change things for the better. Also I wish people matched in DF but aren't yet a full party should be able to chat to one another.

(BRD) "Hey don't give up we'll find this whm. Hold on." -

(DRG) "oh cool I was just thinking about just searching DF for my level 30 whm instead since I need stoneskin anyway. I've been putting it off too long."

I hated LFP in FFXI but the party experience was worth it always. It's one of the best parts of that game for me. Experiencing different classes and leveling them up. It's what I did most in FFXIV but like book spam and more so abyssea, Fates don't allow me to get the full enjoyment out of leveling classes. Using it, learning it with the party in important roles. Doing dungeons seem to be the way to do that but the soulless DF don't make the waiting worth it, especially since it's over quick and I go back to searching. I don't know how much exp is earned in a normal DF dungeon run now, but I got a good chunk on my DF Roulette though I'm thinking it's not standard to get 100k as a reward for doing DF.

I'm far from giving up on FFXIV, I know it has the potential to be awesome. It had to start over and it has to catch up. It's going to happen for sure.

Oh, and if you think the elitism in FFXIV is bad, in FFXI it was off the charts (and I was one of them). I would look down on most jobs like DRG (before buff), PUP, etc, and players who hadn't geared right. I was a total asshole for doing it. I regret it now but it was the common practice in FFXI. No concept of teaching new players.

I remember literally kicking people out of party after examining them. And this asshole behaviour I had was all over the place.

Actually, I remember purposefully logging in at JP times so I could party with people who knew how to skill chain and magic burst, and were geared right.

EDIT - So every asshole I get in FFXIV I think is deserved and karma getting me back :)

I never liked or participated in the elitism stuff, I was a thief after all. I'd probably be the most mellow person in a group especially since I stopped caring about shooting for gear gear gear acquisitions. I never joined a serious business no talking in say, no social shell type linkshell have this shell equipted 24/7 type shell (I did events in my social often). The one I was in was fun and social. We did random things, we rented pvp rooms (jeuno) after long events to unwind.

The DF serious business is people don't unwind and chill out, like FFXI parties, often. You just see them for 5 minutes - 1 hour or something and after that they are happy it's over especially if it took 1 hour to finish or give up on something (That stupid whm didn't know how to stop casting and move out of aoe. #)@#%&!!). The game feels a bit empty when you play with people that are a bit too serious.

I think I just got one rude person in FFXIV (first ifrit fight, started attacking the spike when it fell, and the other dd didn't follow so I thought I was supposed to ignore it and dd ifrit. Wipe!). He was obviously in a rush or something.


Its like were the same person, Beastmaster for Life.

I agree with pretty much everything you said so far. My biggest problem with FFXIV is that the world itself is so harmless. Being lvl 50 and I can go anywhere and kill anything is really silly. While in FFXI being max level didn't mean shit you would get you ass handed to you by an easy prey mob if you weren't the correct class. I really hope they change this with FFXIV in future updates.

I played FF11 for ~6 years and have absolutely no desire to return to the world of easy prey deaths and whatnot In a world where dying literally means a teleportation fee (and possibly a repair fee) and nothing else. There's no world HNMs to race to, no exp penalty upon death, home crystals in every zone...what would be the point? There's not much they can do to make that theoretical scenario feel anything but "annoying". It's fine with me if that sense of apprehension is regulated to leves, DF,, raids and oddball things like treasure maps where there are tangible dangers to death/time running out. Leave them there where they make sense in the structure of this game world. FF14 has things to sort out but this is not one of them.
Go play FFXI if you want that. Its time has past.

People praising FF XI often forgets it's shortcomings, which were numerous and fatal for a lot of ppl. If this was FF XI-2, half population would have leaved the game by now. Even with those "special feelings" and the "sense of community" (often way more poisonous than XIV community) the game was a tour de force which required patience and hours and hours of dedication that, sincerly, at mi age I don't wish to undertake ever again. Wasting 2 hours of my life finding a party just because I choosed a job that wasn't wished is atrocious in this time and age.

I leaved that game accomplishing nothing, with like 70% of content untouched. I have fond memories of the game, but if you want more XI, the game is still running, I for myself like what XIV offers.
So I haven't played since my free month ended, got burnt out with the "endgame" but I've followed a majority of the patch notes and am aware of the main updates but could anyone tell me if and what has been done to DRG? And buffs/nerfs?


Why would you want that? why would you want a normal world trash mob wipe your face? As a former ff11 player, i don't understand that mentality when it's not neccessary

I guess the feeling that i'm a walking god makes the over world rather boring and worthless. Doesn't it seem old to walk into zahar'ak a beastman stronghold and just decimate them like cattle. Guess that's what fun for people but I think it sucks.

I played FF11 for ~6 years and have absolutely no desire to return to the world of easy prey deaths and whatnot In a world where dying literally means a teleportation fee (and possibly a repair fee) and nothing else. There's no world HNMs to race to, no exp penalty upon death, home crystals in every zone...what would be the point? There's not much they can do to make that theoretical scenario feel anything but "annoying". It's fine with me if that sense of apprehension is regulated to leves, DF,, raids and oddball things like treasure maps where there are tangible dangers to death/time running out. Leave them there where they make sense in the structure of this game world. FF14 has things to sort out but this is not one of them.

They need to add some of "FFXI" into this game, I wouldn't mind some open world HNMs. They shouldn't be 21-24 hour repops but they can be 1-2 hour repops.


So I haven't played since my free month ended, got burnt out with the "endgame" but I've followed a majority of the patch notes and am aware of the main updates but could anyone tell me if and what has been done to DRG? And buffs/nerfs?

DRG is the best dps in the game bar none at the moment. The dps our DRG puts out is amazing. He uses some 47 button rotation but as long as it isn't a crazy dodging fight he destroys my geared blm in dps.
So I haven't played since my free month ended, got burnt out with the "endgame" but I've followed a majority of the patch notes and am aware of the main updates but could anyone tell me if and what has been done to DRG? And buffs/nerfs?

DRG buff:

- Heavy Thrust Increased damage when attacking from a target's flank has been increased from 10% to 15%.

- Full Thrust Potency when used as a combo action has been increased from 300 to 330.

- Phlebotomize Potency of the damage over time effect has been increased from 20 to 25.

- Chaos Thrust Potency when used as a combo action has been increased from 160 to 200. Potency of damage over time effect has been increased from 20 to 30.

- Jump The animation has been changed, and the animation lock shortened.

- Spineshatter Dive The animation has been changed, and the animation lock shortened.

- Power Surge Recast time has been reduced from 90 to 60 seconds.

- Dragonfire Dive The animation has been changed, and the animation lock shortened.

WAR and MNK also got buff. Only SMN and BRD got slightly nerfed.

DRG is the best dps in the game bar none at the moment. The dps our DRG puts out is amazing. He uses some 47 button rotation but as long as it isn't a crazy dodging fight he destroys my geared blm in dps.

I thought MNK was still king on melee.
FFXI was very old school in that MMOGs used to be about how much you were willing to suffer for a game. The genre evolved when the MMO makers realized that they found they could gain a larger audience if they catered to people who didn't enjoy suffering.

FFXI is still operating today. If you love it that much, go play it. Leave the rest of us alone.


People praising FF XI often forgets it's shortcomings, which were numerous and fatal for a lot of ppl. If this was FF XI-2, half population would have leaved the game by now. Even with those "special feelings" and the "sense of community" (often way more poisonous than XIV community) the game was a tour de force which required patience and hours and hours of dedication that, sincerly, at mi age I don't wish to undertake ever again. Wasting 2 hours of my life finding a party just because I choosed a job that wasn't wished is atrocious in this time and age.

I leaved that game accomplishing nothing, with like 70% of content untouched. I have fond memories of the game, but if you want more XI, the game is still running, I for myself like what XIV offers.

I still can't believe I had the time to do things like camp DA at 5 in the morning for a random 30 min to 3 hours. Or /sea all day for a pt in Rolanberry Fields while leveling my summoner skill. Or play jobs that literally remained broken for years with no semblance of class/raid balance.

FF11 was great for it's time compared to pretty much everything else out there, but my standards have changed. I am so done with that mmo model.

Ploid 3.0

I played FF11 for ~6 years and want absolutely no desire to return to the world of easy prey deaths and whatnot In a world where dying literally means a teleportation fee (and possibly a repair fee) and nothing else. There's not much they can do to make those situations feel anything but "annoying". It's fine with me if that sense of apprehension is regulated to leves, DF,, raids and oddball things like treasure maps where there are tangible dangers to death/time running out. Leave them there where they make sense in the structure of this game world. FF14 has things to sort out but this is not one of them.

It's not that they could easily kill me, but that there was a challenge or skill to fighting them and killing them. When I could survive 2 VTs or whatever it felt good because it mean I played well. Like a fighting game, you don't want to just fight easy prey over and over. You want some push back, a battle, it's interesting that way. Also you don't want a one hit ko opponent also, though if you keep dodging him and kill him you'll feel very satisfied because even with his broken abilities you still beat him. A lot of ffxiv world is boring because they are just too weak, or too out of balanced if I try to solo a massive boss fate (times up, fail). Rage/timed battles man. I once spent a long time fighting some thing in ff11 with 4 people and enjoyed it all the way. Duo vid, post 75 cap though so it seems easier.

Anyway I think the challenging environment stuff is going to be here soon enough. Patch or more likely expansion.

FFXI was very old school in that MMOGs used to be about how much you were willing to suffer for a game. The genre evolved when the MMO makers realized that they found they could gain a larger audience if they catered to people who didn't enjoy suffering.

FFXI is still operating today. If you love it that much, go play it. Leave the rest of us alone.

Dang, yeah I'll stop talking about it. I only replied, mainly hoping for interesting stuff in ffxiv, not camps, or hardcore stuff from ffxi btw. If every good thing wasn't behind instanced strict rules dungeons that would be a better solution. They have the framework for that type of stuff in place. Timed daily, leve NM allowance or whatever, maybe it'll be what treasure hunts are all about (I think it is actually). I never liked much about the camps and spawns.

They are obviously not done with the world of the game, and mobs being their level (lower than players) seem strange. I'm more about discussion and not FFXI will always be better Mwahahaha. Didn't know I was bothering.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Why would you want that? why would you want a normal world trash mob wipe your face? As a former ff11 player, i don't understand that mentality when it's not necessary

Well I can't say for the person you quoted, but if you port everywhere, you just don't run into those mobs in FFXIV

For me I choco everywhere, I get hit by many level 40+ mobs and the stupid 20 second heavy ability that gets thrown on you... grrr
Rather than it being a Oh Shit! moment, it's more of a "Come the Fuck On!" experience

If you can solo 4-6 level 47-49 mobs before needing a break, it doesn't enthrall threat
Northern Thanalan should be a mine field to cross, not be an easy ass hop, skip, jump away to Mor Dhona
I mean for fucks sake once you get on your choco you can go scurry the whole region very easily, never being in crazy danger, I mean sure try to run through 3+ mage type mobs and get thunder/fire out so quickly or ranger type pew pewing their arrows


DRG buff:

- Heavy Thrust Increased damage when attacking from a target's flank has been increased from 10% to 15%.

- Full Thrust Potency when used as a combo action has been increased from 300 to 330.

- Phlebotomize Potency of the damage over time effect has been increased from 20 to 25.

- Chaos Thrust Potency when used as a combo action has been increased from 160 to 200. Potency of damage over time effect has been increased from 20 to 30.

- Jump The animation has been changed, and the animation lock shortened.

- Spineshatter Dive The animation has been changed, and the animation lock shortened.

- Power Surge Recast time has been reduced from 90 to 60 seconds.

- Dragonfire Dive The animation has been changed, and the animation lock shortened.

WAR and MNK also got buff. Only SMN and BRD got slightly nerfed.

I thought MNK was still king on melee.

Pure dps no from what I've seen myself DRG is king but MNK has stun so I'd say they are still best choice. The DRG dps I've seen with my own eyes is tops.


Me in the back.


Ploid 3.0

Well I can't say for the person you quoted, but if you port everywhere, you just don't run into those mobs in FFXIV

For me I choco everywhere, I get hit by many level 40+ mobs and the stupid 20 second heavy ability that gets thrown on you... grrr
Rather than it being a Oh Shit! moment, it's more of a "Come the Fuck On!" experience

If you can solo 4-6 level 47-49 mobs before needing a break, it doesn't enthrall threat
Northern Thanalan should be a mine field to cross, not be an easy ass hop, skip, jump away to Mor Dhona
I mean for fucks sake once you get on your choco you can go scurry the whole region very easily, never being in crazy danger, I mean sure try to run through 3+ mage type mobs and get thunder/fire out so quickly or ranger type pew pewing their arrows

(warning, not ffxi talk)

For me, the reasoning behind not stressing about better gear is that I didn't need it. Why get stronger when the world can't handle me already. If I was getting killed or threatened left and right while in the world trying to do random things (my thing), I'd surely enough try to upgrade to better survive if I needed to, but I don't. All I see is chasing gear for chasing gear currently. I did the daily thing but after that first rank upgrade and nothing seemingly changing, the missions still being easy I figured I'd wait to see what it's like when people upgrade another time. I haven't tried treasure hunting yet, so I don't know how tough that is. I never did mess with crafting and gathering much so I put it off for later.

Also I like the way AF look better. hah, poor subligar dd, foot pants body helmet tanks, and cloak mages.

Well then drg it is.

If monk had 2 stuns would that sway you back to team monk?


maybe you guys could help. my group has been having trouble with turn 4
So who is your eighth member? Do you guys pug it or?

If you cannot get all spiders down in P4 then mark one(or two, or three, however many you can handle) and focus them down to assure a certain amount will be dead. If you cannot reasonably get the rest down don't even bother wasting tp/mana dpsing them after the designated ones are dead. We actually run dual BLMs here and their aoe combined with foes definitely makes things much easier in regards to adds.

P5/6: Trying to tank all four clockwork adds at once is a really really bad idea, especially at that gear level on the tanks. Hell even with full i90 I could see this being an issue, they do insane burst and you need good cooldown management even with three. Three is how my group does it, we have a BLM kite the new soldier form P6 around the arena. Rest of dps focuses down Rook(melee LB on it right after it spawns), when it's dead other magic DPS goes and helps finish off Soldier being kited. While they are killing the Soldier physical DPS kills Knight from P5, then Knight from P6, they then move to boss. The magic dps that was on P6 Soldier will likely be done by the time P5 Knight is dead, so they move to P6 soldier. Once all adds are dead everyone stacks on dread and finishes him.

For tanking tips I'll say the better geared tank should be OT in P5/P6, as three clockworks are much more dangerous than a 2stack dread. I don't have an exact cooldown rotation, I sort of go on the fly based on how much my health is fluctuating. I usually pop FoF on the initial P5 add set, and rotate RoH through the adds. They (finally) fixed it so that RoH still applies even if damage is absorbed, so you can keep it on Soldiers now. If you focus a bit on Soldier you can actually break it's Stoneskin during P6 while both knights are still up, and that helps a lot.

If you'd like I could post a vid of one of our clears a couple weeks ago, there were some slight errors but gives an idea of how I tank them most of the time.


(warning, not ffxi talk)

For me, the reasoning behind not stressing about better gear is that I didn't need it. Why get stronger when the world can't handle me already. If I was getting killed or threatened left and right while in the world trying to do random things (my thing), I'd surely enough try to upgrade to better survive if I needed to, but I don't. All I see is chasing gear for chasing gear currently. I did the daily thing but after that first rank upgrade and nothing seemingly changing, the missions still being easy I figured I'd wait to see what it's like when people upgrade another time. I haven't tried treasure hunting yet, so I don't know how tough that is. I never did mess with crafting and gathering much so I put it off for later.

Also I like the way AF look better. hah, poor subligar dd, foot pants body helmet tanks, and cloak mages.

If monk had 2 stuns would that sway you back to team monk?

drg also have two stuns
maybe you guys could help. my group has been having trouble with turn 4. we've had some member changes recently, but around half of us has been running together for a while. i've been having to pug turn 4 because we can't beat it, but i'd like to get us all past this. turn 5 should be the stumper, not 4 imo. our setup for turn 4 is

PLD x 2. both +1 sword/shield at 6.2k hp and 6.1k
SMN full i90
DRG +1 i86, also has BRD i78 base relic
WHM +1
SCH +1
BLM +1

we used to have a 2nd BRD but he threw a shit fit and left the group (right after outlotting me on brd pieces this week too, how nice of him).

this is what we usually try. phase 1 aoe (ballad/paeon up for just recovering faster, songs off when phase 2 drops), phase 2 take down MT K/S, then OT. phase 3 requiem up on the dread.

phase 4, for some reason, we haven't been able to aoe things down in time. our blm is pretty new and i think has only a couple of i90 pieces. weapon, body, and at most an accessory or two. we've been feeding the remaining spiders to the phase 5 dreadnaught.

we've tried two different ways of phase 5 + 6. take out the OT K/S, then work on the dread til phase 6, take out rook, back on p5 dread, p6 K/S, p6 dread. we haven't really come that close to beating it this way as the MT drops like a rock when the 2nd dread is on him.

we've gotten closer by trying to take out p5 dread before anything, then the p6 rook, then work on 4 K/S that's on the OT. problem is the tanks are still dropping. i've beaten this a bunch of times with other groups, but i'm DRG/BRD, so i don't know the mechanics of SMN/BLM/PLD. so i wouldn't know where to fix our aoe problem in p4, or the tanking problem in p5 and p6.

so i guess what i'm looking for is advice that i could share with my group in regards to playing SMN and BLM during aoe phases, and what cooldowns PLDs would like to be using or saving for certain times. i'm also thinking if clearing up those aoes portions would help, recommending our smn come blm also. he'd have 7 i90 pieces between allagan and hero that he got for his smn, but i'm not sure about his weapon.

This might or might not be useful but it's from the perspective of PLD OT. Please pretend not to notice the times I miss Flash, one of which would have wiped us except our WHM is pro and knew exactly what he could do to give me the Clockwork back and also I knew how Cover works.


Ploid 3.0

Just thinking about it, wouldn't it be nice if drg had it's wyvern for it's heal, maybe they would lose dps since the wyvern would probably add commands though.


Why would you want that? why would you want a normal world trash mob wipe your face? As a former ff11 player, i don't understand that mentality when it's not neccessary

I dont want that...but what I do want is for some enemies to be harder to escape with sprint. Say like Malboros, Raptors, Wyvern, or Treants. Some enemies to move faster than others etc.


(warning, not ffxi talk)

For me, the reasoning behind not stressing about better gear is that I didn't need it. Why get stronger when the world can't handle me already. If I was getting killed or threatened left and right while in the world trying to do random things (my thing), I'd surely enough try to upgrade to better survive if I needed to, but I don't. All I see is chasing gear for chasing gear currently. I did the daily thing but after that first rank upgrade and nothing seemingly changing, the missions still being easy I figured I'd wait to see what it's like when people upgrade another time. I haven't tried treasure hunting yet, so I don't know how tough that is. I never did mess with crafting and gathering much so I put it off for later.

Also I like the way AF look better. hah, poor subligar dd, foot pants body helmet tanks, and cloak mages.

If monk had 2 stuns would that sway you back to team monk?

I just want an alt to help in possible endgame scenarios with my alts. Already have a semi geared warrior and i86 blm.


It's not that they could easily kill me, but that there was a challenge or skill to fighting them and killing them. When I could survive 2 VTs or whatever it felt good because it mean I played well. Like a fighting game, you don't want to just fight easy prey over and over. You want some push back, a battle, it's interesting that way. Also you don't want a one hit ko opponent also, though if you keep dodging him and kill him you'll feel very satisfied because even with his broken abilities you still beat him. A lot of ffxiv world is boring because they are just too weak, or too out of balanced if I try to solo a massive boss fate (times up, fail). Rage/timed battles man. I once spent a long time fighting some thing in ff11 with 4 people and enjoyed it all the way. Duo vid, post 75 cap though so it seems easier.

Anyway I think the challenging environment stuff is going to be here soon enough. Patch or more likely expansion.

They might, but I seriously doubt they will be in the world wandering around like that. They will probably be regulated to raiding zones (you can't just wander around in Coil alone), higher up levequests/treasure maps with solid rewards to entice people, stuff like that. Maybe even FATEs that are hopefully better implemented than that one Slyph daily. I still feel plenty of accomplishment in those raids, let me tell you, and those don't encroach on the playing of those not interested like the FFXI environment did. It's not perfect but it's probably the best solution when taking everyone into consideration.

They had HNM style monsters in a later 1.x patch that respawned pretty quickly, and had generally strong/horrible monsters on the way to the next town from Day 1 of 1.0, and obviously they were removed. Things that received a lot of negative feedback and were subsequently removed prior to ARR will likely stay gone or change quite a bit before coming back, so I wouldn't be too expectant of a return to those times.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Go play FFXI if you want that. Its time has past.

FFXI was very old school in that MMOGs used to be about how much you were willing to suffer for a game. The genre evolved when the MMO makers realized that they found they could gain a larger audience if they catered to people who didn't enjoy suffering.

FFXI is still operating today. If you love it that much, go play it. Leave the rest of us alone.

OK you 2 need to relax, no one here is saying make XIV like XI

Someone on the last page asked why XI gets more of a stronger response than XIV and never say why they talk about XI like that

Some of us just responded


So who is your eighth member? Do you guys pug it or?

our 8th member was another BRD, but he left the group two days ago. we would try turn 4 with dual BRDs, or with his BRD and my DRG and fail at the same exact spots.

so it sounds like your method was similar to my second method. take out phase 5 dread, then rook. but instead of having all 4 dps on rook, have 3 on the rook and a blm kite one of the 4 mobs that the OT is tanking. i'm guessing the OT tank wouldn't be kiting the 3 K/S that are on them as to not criss cross with the kiting BLM and the rest of the DPS, right?

This might or might not be useful but it's from the perspective of PLD OT. Please pretend not to notice the times I miss Flash, one of which would have wiped us except our WHM is pro and knew exactly what he could do to give me the Clockwork back and also I knew how Cover works.


thanks. i'll definitely take a look and mention it to my tanks.
For Phase 4 we usually targeted the Spinner Rooks first, I think one tank tanked one and the other tank tanked the Rook and the spiders, took out the Rooks and then AOE'd the hell out of the spiders. We had a MNK, BRD, BLM and SMN. I was SMN and I just threw down a ShadowFlare, Baned up most of the spiders...I think I also ran in and used Misama 2 before popping Rouse and using Enkindle, which did a nice chunk of damage. If I had Spur ready, I would have popped it too.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
You know Pharos Sirius is truly a FFXI dungeon at heart

It really asks all 4 party members to work like a team

Call stuff out, learn to adapt to the situation, rather than just trucking ahead all willy-nilly, learn the patterns for the new mobs and mechanics

I mean for fuck sakes 2 people in my PS party last night still didn't know what the fuck stacks were from Zu, this person was ilvl 85+ with Relic+1 and a few Allagan pieces, they had no clue what stacks meant and where the # and icon were, they thought I was trolling him....

You can see how many people quit left and right and eat 30 minute penalties just cause they got rolled into PS due to duty roulette

Yes the dungeon is unforgiving, but the community at large still will not play it and learn it, there still shouts for WP SR for fuck sakes

PS could use a little adjustment and help out in the wipe and get to back to the last area and not waste 2 minutes getting back there route

First time beating Siren really made me appreciate how dedicated my party was of beating her
We wiped 4 times to her before, rather than saying fuck it, we gave it the good ol' try, communicated a little faster and overcame the mechanics of learning patterns and when to peel off and when to dodge/move

Our timer @ the end of the dungeon was like 7:22 left, but it was worth it to learn

Now I do get PS from time to time, but most the time people bounce, mostly the healer first =/
Then DPS just say fuck it and leave too

Then I try DFR again get WP and 20 minutes of same ol' shit, very fucking easy to do comes into play

I get the least resistance to reach the reward becomes an opportunity to not pass up, but PS really does fucking hone your fucking skills better
I become way better @ picking up mob with tab targeting cause you have to anticipate the adds from the 1st boss

Seriously macros become very beneficial in PS, just saying Help I got add grabbing me, or I've been charmed, w/o voice communication pays dividends during Siren


I've been doing daily beast tribe quests since their inception and I'm 343/360 for the Amal'Jaa
3 allowance tomorrow of 2 5 rep and 1 7 rep should lock me into the next rank
I'm guesstimating here, but I think the next rank most likely will bring level 49 quests into the fold with 9 rep per quest
Also I think the next cap might be roughly around 720+, which will require at least 15+ days of doing the 3 9 rep quests and 3 7 rep quests

I'll find it tomorrow what the deal is and report back, but I'm dreading what the level 49 consist, if there are even level 49 quests
Be crazy if you have to use the 36 rep to fill the bar for rank 4


phase 4, for some reason, we haven't been able to aoe things down in time. our blm is pretty new and i think has only a couple of i90 pieces. weapon, body, and at most an accessory or two. we've been feeding the remaining spiders to the phase 5 dreadnaught.

We used to just AoE LB the phase 4 bugs if they weren't already nearly dead when we were first learning it. This helped establish a good clean slate and base point for working on the phase 5 and 6 transition which is where most groups fall apart. The phase 5 dreadnaught won't be super amped up from being fed, and now you can work on keeping tanks alive, whether through proper cooldown cycling or communication.


I guess the feeling that i'm a walking god makes the over world rather boring and worthless. Doesn't it seem old to walk into zahar'ak a beastman stronghold and just decimate them like cattle. Guess that's what fun for people but I think it sucks.

This game already have enough waiting and queueing unless you are a tank, it doesn't need more wait just to get basic quests done. what you are wishing for is a game that will for sure fail

OK you 2 need to relax, no one here is saying make XIV like XI

Are you reading the same post I am reading?

Ploid 3.0

Hey guise, FFXI thread is that way

Don't get too defensive, ffxi was only brought up in relation to ffxiv to discuss ffxiv.

I cringe every time some one say how they love FF11 and 14 is too boring for them, yet they give no detail on why this is the case.

I wouldn't have said anything if he didn't cringe, I was helping him understand. It was a act of good will.

The request was replied to and I think the guy is satisfied now. The universe is intact.


It's not that they could easily kill me, but that there was a challenge or skill to fighting them and killing them. When I could survive 2 VTs or whatever it felt good because it mean I played well. Like a fighting game, you don't want to just fight easy prey over and over. You want some push back, a battle, it's interesting that way. Also you don't want a one hit ko opponent also, though if you keep dodging him and kill him you'll feel very satisfied because even with his broken abilities you still beat him. A lot of ffxiv world is boring because they are just too weak, or too out of balanced if I try to solo a massive boss fate (times up, fail). Rage/timed battles man. I once spent a long time fighting some thing in ff11 with 4 people and enjoyed it all the way. Duo vid, post 75 cap though so it seems easier.

Anyway I think the challenging environment stuff is going to be here soon enough. Patch or more likely expansion.

Don't get too defensive, ffxi was only brought up in relation to ffxiv to discuss ffxiv.

I wouldn't have said anything if he didn't cringe, I was helping him understand. It was a act of good will.

The request was replied to and I think the guy is satisfied now. The universe is intact.

you think over world tote trash is more challenging than the end game ff14 currently provides?
what's going on, i don't understand the world anymore.


You know Pharos Sirius is truly a FFXI dungeon at heart

It really asks all 4 party members to work like a team

Call stuff out, learn to adapt to the situation, rather than just trucking ahead all willy-nilly, learn the patterns for the new mobs and mechanics

I mean for fuck sakes 2 people in my PS party last night still didn't know what the fuck stacks were from Zu, this person was ilvl 85+ with Relic+1 and a few Allagan pieces, they had no clue what stacks meant and where the # and icon were, they thought I was trolling him....

You can see how many people quit left and right and eat 30 minute penalties just cause they got rolled into PS due to duty roulette

Yes the dungeon is unforgiving, but the community at large still will not play it and learn it, there still shouts for WP SR for fuck sakes

PS could use a little adjustment and help out in the wipe and get to back to the last area and not waste 2 minutes getting back there route

First time beating Siren really made me appreciate how dedicated my party was of beating her
We wiped 4 times to her before, rather than saying fuck it, we gave it the good ol' try, communicated a little faster and overcame the mechanics of learning patterns and when to peel off and when to dodge/move

Our timer @ the end of the dungeon was like 7:22 left, but it was worth it to learn

Now I do get PS from time to time, but most the time people bounce, mostly the healer first =/
Then DPS just say fuck it and leave too

Then I try DFR again get WP and 20 minutes of same ol' shit, very fucking easy to do comes into play

I get the least resistance to reach the reward becomes an opportunity to not pass up, but PS really does fucking hone your fucking skills better
I become way better @ picking up mob with tab targeting cause you have to anticipate the adds from the 1st boss

Seriously macros become very beneficial in PS, just saying Help I got add grabbing me, or I've been charmed, w/o voice communication pays dividends during Siren


I've been doing daily beast tribe quests since their inception and I'm 343/360 for the Amal'Jaa
3 allowance tomorrow of 2 5 rep and 1 7 rep should lock me into the next rank
I'm guesstimating here, but I think the next rank most likely will bring level 49 quests into the fold with 9 rep per quest
Also I think the next cap might be roughly around 720+, which will require at least 15+ days of doing the 3 9 rep quests and 3 7 rep quests

I'll find it tomorrow what the deal is and report back, but I'm dreading what the level 49 consist, if there are even level 49 quests
Be crazy if you have to use the 36 rep to fill the bar for rank 4

People quit Sirius because the difficulty isn't worth the reward. Plain and simple.
I've tried Pharos as a healer a few times and it seems hard to drill it into DPS' head at times that the adds, especially the crawling zombies need to go down ASAP. Usually, it just ends with me getting grabbed and watching the rest of the party die because I can't heal. Then they yell at me as to why I'm not healing.


I've tried Pharos as a healer a few times and it seems hard to drill it into DPS' head at times that the adds, especially the crawling zombies need to go down ASAP. Usually, it just ends with me getting grabbed and watching the rest of the party die because I can't heal. Then they yell at me as to why I'm not healing.
I see how that would be frustrating.

Personally, as a DPS, anytime an add spawns, I always attack it as quickly as possible. I'm guessing the numerous years I've spent playing a Mage in World of Warcraft has kind of...instilled that response in me. They must die, and it must be quick.
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