First Woo-Hoo Rank 3 now with the Amal'Jaa, considered Friendly by them:
Now a big HUGE FUCK YOU to the people who thought making a FATE that cannot be soloed at all be a daily beastmen tribe quest
You have to wait roughly 45 minutes to an hour for said FATE, "Quenching The Flames"
(The FATE spawn right next to were you go sync for Ifrit, has 3-4 adds + 1 huge boss, whose health is GODDAMN Ridiculous!)
I started the fight @14:35, by 9:00 I had it widdled down to 25%
Asked some of my Garauda Ex farming peeps to help me out, 2 came and still it took us roughly 5 more minutes to kill it
I know no one else was doing this FATE or had done it cause no one is that part of the area for the 1.5 hours I was there
(I reached there @10:30AM)
My god this is like the worst conceived quest possible, you can not possibly solo this FATE
The new quest giver is off to the side, the quest are level 48, make you go into the high level area
You can get 10K+ XP, 780gil, either 15 Philosophy or 3 Myth and 25 shards
From previous pic, you can see I won Vortex Ring of Casting
Great stats on it, might not need to get Hero's possibly