Is anyone playing this game on the pc with the DS4. It randomly disconnect when I'm playing and I have to log out the game reconnect it in order to get it to work again. Is anyone else having this problem.
If it makes you feel any better, that groups killed her like an hour later with some replacements for the people that left.
When people price things on the market lower than what you'd get for selling it at an NPC, I just want to break something (or someone).
Not really, grats to them though but still no kill for me and maybe I'm the problem (I'm not).
Tremor earrings have roses and they are amazing and everyone needs a pair.
Also, some people need to wake up so we can do Ifrit! I wanna beat him before reset tomorrow.
Yeah, it's gotten to the point where I'm like "I think I'm going to level up PLD so I can learn how to tank Garuda to see what's going on from their perspective."
Hell, might even be a fun experience (although, I already leveled SMN like, a lot, as an alt).
Outdated. The new changes from 2.1 has made things a lot simpler. Fracture is now worthless and a loss of dps to use at any time with the higher potency of several of our moves.
Heavy Thrust > Impulse Drive > Disembowel > Chaos Thrust > Phlebotomize > True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Full Thrust > Heavy Thrust > True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Full Thrust
Or to put it simply ;
H > IDC > P > TTT > H > TTT
P > IDC > H > TTT > H > TTT
This is currently the highest dps combo for sustained dps on large targets, the Chaos Thrust combo, then 2 of the Full Thrust Combos with alternating Heavy or Phleb between them. Comes out so that for the first Chaos Thrust combo has Heavy before it and the next has Phleb and so on. I of course am leaving out instant skill usage. You will want to weave them between hits and start after the first Heavy for maximum up time. You start off with the self buffs like Internal Release after Heavy and Blood for Blood after Impulse Drive, and then move onto the attacking cooldowns like Leg Sweep/Power Surge/Jump. Still be mindful of when to use Jumps since it still has an animation lock even if smaller. Spineshatter and Dragonfire are used as movement skills primarily and can be worked into spots you decide you need an extra hit or aoe move in fights where you don't believe you will need to quickly advance to targets.
Can also just go with the simple combo from before 2.1 as well of;
Over and over. Really easy to remember and work out instant skill usage since because of timings you will always be able to use certain instant skills after certain parts of combos, like Leg sweeps cooldown makes it s oyou can always use it after the first True Thrust of the first line and the second True Thrust of the second line. Same with Jump being able to come after every like Chaos Thrust with Power Surge after every other Disembowel iirc.
Warrior is much more fun to lvl imo. Hated getting pld to lvl 22 for provoke.
It's not a hard fight for tanks. Wicked wheel is a dps check. Most tanks can't stand up to two wicked wheels. The dps needs to kill the first sister quick. All tanks have to do is watch the spiny stacks and manage cool downs.
Whats the best rotation for a monk?
Well, there kind of isn't one. It's more like a flowchart:
Good advice
Stuff like this is rargh. Joined a Garuda Extreme farm party, and we didn't even get a single kill in before time out because of one dumb mistake or another each time. Sad times.I'd imagine that a big part of the fight is downing the sisters fast and Wicked Wheel problems seem to be dropping as PUGs get more adjusted to the fight. Now it's just a matter of going beyond "hey, why didn't you peel spiny from me?" "dunno sorry" kinds of moments.
When people price things on the market lower than what you'd get for selling it at an NPC, I just want to break something (or someone).
Are level 45-50 normal quests worth completing at 50 (wasted exp?), or should I skip them for other jobs later on ?
dps was not upped
melee's fault
Well, I just beat it with Illya and a few others so...
(it's a joke, we were doing the melee friendly strat where OT pulls Chirada instead of Suparna but shit just kept happening)
Be careful in long fights or Fracture may exacerbate TP issues.Also make sure to keep fracture up, it is very good.
anyone else disliking the tier 2 daily quests? all that back and forth is a longer timesink than mosts quests in this game. let us accept all 3 quests at once.
dps was not upped
You can accept all three at once...
How do you get that crown?
All battle classes to 50. 2 more to go before I get mine. bleh
So basically sacrifice my kitty soul to the throne of SE...not a chance in hell!
There is a similarish purple one you can get by getting everything to 30, but it's literally everything. (battle classes, crafts, and gathering) Xarielle has it and it's nice. I'll probably go for that after I finish paragon crown cause purple.
So basically sacrifice my kitty soul to the throne of SE...not a chance in hell!
So basically sacrifice my kitty soul to the throne of SE...not a chance in hell!