Can’t stump the diablos
No freaking way I would recommend DF to learn such a fight. 80% you don't get past heart and the 20% people leaves after one wipe.
If you have a FC with ppl that can help or ppl that can stick together to learn it or you find a PF that sticks together to learning, or yeah you can smash your head with DF for days until you find enough that aren't a total disaster.
I meant smash your face against DF for days so you don't waste the time of your FC mates who may have better things to do than repeatedly fail a fight.
If you have enough people in a group willing to stick with it and learn the fight, more power to you. Personally, I got plenty of DF experience before even attempting the fight with FC mates or my coil static. No need to waste their time unless they have the same goal. In the end, it was "elitist" PF groups created myself (booting people after their 3rd death) that got me through the fight. Ifrit EX is excluded from this as it was a joke and I completed it through DF.