What are the recommended macros for DRG? Reached level 50 yesterday and made some progress on the relic quest:
Macro, Kags? D:
Gotta do it full manual, don't be fooled by DRG imitators!
DRG rule of thumb is this:
- If Heavy Thrust (H) isn't active, use it (ideally before it drops off).
- If Disembowel (D) isn't active, use Impluse Drive > Disembowel > Chaos Thrust (IDC) (ideally before D drops off).
- If H and D are up and Phlebotomize (P) isn't, use that (ideally just after it does drop to get full DoT damage).
- Once all three of those are met, True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Full Thrust (TTT).
Some additional tips from my experience as DRG:
- Don't use Leg Sweep in your rotation on enemies that you want to stun. Do use it on mobs that don't AOE.
- Use Feint if solo as an opener (unless it dies fast), or in groups on mobs that AOE to help the tank. Only have to use it once.
- Don't spam your other two Jumps as additional DPS on a single target unless you KNOW you won't need them for their actual purpose (AOE or gap closing). So many people do this, Dragonfire is an AOE and Spineshatter is a stun + gap closer (if you have to dodge and come back it doesn't break combo).
- When in a big mob AOE scenario, if you were smart and saved Dragonfire Dive, you can H, Blood for Blood, Life Surge then Dragonfire Dive > Ring of Thorns > Doom Spike. Things will die.
I'll write more if needed but I have work soon.
Oh and Aeana, no mistake you made or may have made changes the fact that you're a damn good healer. Encounters take practice, no shame in a mistake especially with all you've already accomplished. You have nothing to prove. Nothing.
What is the ideal rotation? I'm still early on (just about level 20) myself but since I plan on maining a DRG... so yeah.
End game rotation using the short form above (without off-GCD): H-IDC-P-TTT-H-TTT-P-IDC-H-TTT-P-TTT (repeat).
Yeah it's big.
EDIT: Corrected rotation errors.