Um....I just took out my chocobo whistle...used it...and it
Nah, it just got used up. Should be able to summon it with the ability in the companion tab.
Um....I just took out my chocobo whistle...used it...and it
I see Square Enix still fails miserably in the web design department.
Does anyone know how to cancel my account so I don't get billed in 3 days? I'm in their website, and cannot for the life of me figure out which one of the 20 gibberish links to click so that it doesn't bill me again. I found something where it lists my Billing Cycle as 30 days, and my payment method as Credit Card, but clicking "Update" on either of those doesn't provide an option to cancel.
Nah, it just got used up. Should be able to summon it with the ability in the companion tab.
Aww, I remember going on some hairy adventures trying to get those crystals in the middle of bumfuck nowhere surrounded by level 75 mobs![]()
That will never, welcome back Renta. XD
EDIT: Bribe or threaten the rest of the LS to go to Ultros. >_>
lol, welcome back Renta. XD
Am I just reading the map wrong, or is there no longer any way to get to Thanalan from La Noscea by land?
The boat in Western Thanalan. There's no land path tho, just that boat.
It's better here Rain, things don't cost zillions of gil lol.
On a serious note I understand why Legacy folks didn't want to give up all the stuff they did in Sarg. But for me this game was too different to start at max level, and I wasn't gonna start over on a Legacy server where the economy was set in stone and everyone else was leveled. They changed too much for it to feel right starting at max level for me.
So, it's only by ferry or by air now? Yikes.
I'm asking because I need a certain story level to get the ferry pass. I just wanna visit Uldah, lol.
Am I just reading the map wrong, or is there no longer any way to get to Thanalan from La Noscea by land?
Also, I see the elitists are out in full force. Unsurprisingly, said person is missing tanks....
Those regions have never been connected by land.Am I just reading the map wrong, or is there no longer any way to get to Thanalan from La Noscea by land?
It says I can't take the boat.Don't believe the boat required a pass.
No longer? There never was a way (unless they had it in 1.0 and removed it one of the early patches).
Oh yeah, that's right, I'm remembering it wrong. For some reason I thought that there used to be a side path to Mor Dhona from La Noscea /shrugThose regions have never been connected by land.
It says I can't take the boat.
In the main story, I'm getting close to the point where I'll have to choose a grand company to join. Is there a huge difference in which one I pick? In terms of gear, if I get into raiding will the gear from that supersede a lot of what's available from the GCs in the long run?
It says I can't take the boat.
Wow, just got out of a CT instance with my FC and it was one of the worst experiences i've had in a game. Our group was almost all ilvl 80-90, experienced and mostly ex XI players.
We were team A which as far as i'm aware is supposed to main tank bosses, well.. that didn't happen and at every opportunity team C would try and pull agro or not do their task while also insulting our main tank and flicking the target icons on/off our party.
It's just kinda sad to see this behaviour and I just hope it's down to the free weekend.
Wow, just got out of a CT instance with my FC and it was one of the worst experiences i've had in a game. Our group was almost all ilvl 80-90, experienced and mostly ex XI players.
We were team A which as far as i'm aware is supposed to main tank bosses, well.. that didn't happen and at every opportunity team C would try and pull agro or not do their task while also insulting our main tank and flicking the target icons on/off our party.
It's just kinda sad to see this behaviour and I just hope it's down to the free weekend.
No? It's usually whoever volunteers. Although I think with the Thanatos boss, Alliance A should pull cause they usually go ghost first?
The way they were acting was similar to what i've seen in LoL and Dota. I agree that Team A doesn't have to take lead but Team C never said they wanted to main tank anything so we assumed it was our duty. Every CT run i've been in Team A just automatically took lead.
No? It's usually whoever volunteers. Although I think with the Thanatos boss, Alliance A should pull cause they usually go ghost first?
The way they were acting was similar to what i've seen in LoL and Dota. I agree that Team A doesn't have to take lead but Team C never said they wanted to main tank anything so we assumed it was our duty. Every CT run i've been in Team A just automatically took lead.
So today I filled in as healer for Bara's group since their other healer was on vacation...first time I ever healed Coil (Been doing it as SMN the past 3 weeks) and I was sooooo bad. I know first time and all but I felt really bad for my many mistakes. Any healers have any tips for Coil? I have a little more time in the week now so I will probably have better luck gearing both my WHM alt and my main.
Ugh, darn you Dreadnaught...=/
Thanks Bara, Zan, Yaotzin, Galen, Ashlin, Takato and Nin for letting me tag along. Good luck to your group!
Also, I see the elitists are out in full force. Unsurprisingly, said person is missing tanks....
I think I'm gonna make it a mission to help as many non-jerks as I can in the party finder.
at every opportunity team C would try and pull agro or not do their task while also insulting our main tank and flicking the target icons on/off our party.
It's just kinda sad to see this behaviour and I just hope it's down to the free weekend.
Whoops, read too fast. Cleric Stance would've answered my question though
You too~ Thanks for being such a helpful tourguideNice to meet you, Rentahamster. Remiel thinks you should go serious with your alt on UltrosHope to see you around again sometime.
How exactly are you suppose to survive Wicked Wheel on Garuda EX?
Sentinel? lol
That's why I like more when you tank Chirada + Garuda. Don't know why is not the standard.
How exactly are you suppose to survive Wicked Wheel on Garuda EX? Every piece of advice I see on it is contradictory, it's improbable to run out of it, and Sentinel doesn't seem to work alone.
Sentinel? lol Either way, you have to be topped + Stoneskin.
That's why I like more when you tank Chirada + Garuda. Don't know why is not the standard.
I tried that, it still didn't work when I got hit by double wicked wheel....
Is also a healer job to keep you alive. Adloquium+Stoneskin is pretty important as being topped of in HP.
Because giving Suparna to the OT means the melee on OT's add has to dodge that too.
Is also a healer job to keep you alive. Adloquium+Stoneskin is pretty important as being topped of in HP.