Finally got a static Coil Group again, won Heavy Allagan Legs + Striking boots (free lot)
Lost roll on Allagan Bracelets of Fending =/
Didn't you get the tank legs last month already?
Finally got a static Coil Group again, won Heavy Allagan Legs + Striking boots (free lot)
Lost roll on Allagan Bracelets of Fending =/
Didn't you get the tank legs last month already?
Was Feet (Turn 1)
Had to buy PLD Myth legs (they're BIS), will use the Heavy Legs on WAR, saves me Myth to burn on WAR for awhile, now my 3rd Alt class WAR is higher ilvl than my BLM =/
WAR @ilvl78, BLM @ilvl77, at least Casting Gear is next to be slotted for me, so Myth and Allagan gear to shuffle in there (maybe a few extra DRG pieces, cause they always drop in Coil, 49 DRG at the moment)
What, exactly, did they do to the graphics? They look slightly different, but I can't really put my finger on why.
Finally decided to dive in on this game however I'm just wondering how is the healing in this game?
I used to main a priest on wow and I'm not sure where to go with this game, thinking either an archer as it sounds like dps/support once you level it in to a Bard or a Conjurer going in to a White Mage to become a full on healer.
Didn't know they got Destiny Islands into the game but they did.
anyone else feel garuda ex is kinda hard on the tank? dodge this, take care of spiny, watch stacks, pop cooldowns here or get one hit killed, tank in this position etc. there is barely room for error for the rest of the raid, the mt has to shoulder everything. i wanted to strangle the guy that wanted to dump resp. on me for dmg on spiny as well. i think we wiped for 2hrs total on her before the kill. not that bad for an ex fight, but make sure to play with cool people only in the learning phase as mt.
anyone else feel garuda ex is kinda hard on the tank? dodge this, take care of spiny, watch stacks, pop cooldowns here or get one hit killed, tank in this position etc. there is barely room for error for the rest of the raid, the mt has to shoulder everything. i wanted to strangle the guy that wanted to dump resp. on me for dmg on spiny as well. i think we wiped for 2hrs total on her before the kill. not that bad for an ex fight, but make sure to play with cool people only in the learning phase as mt.
anyone else feel garuda ex is kinda hard on the tank? dodge this, take care of spiny, watch stacks, pop cooldowns here or get one hit killed, tank in this position etc. there is barely room for error for the rest of the raid, the mt has to shoulder everything. i wanted to strangle the guy that wanted to dump resp. on me for dmg on spiny as well. i think we wiped for 2hrs total on her before the kill. not that bad for an ex fight, but make sure to play with cool people only in the learning phase as mt.
anyone else feel garuda ex is kinda hard on the tank? dodge this, take care of spiny, watch stacks, pop cooldowns here or get one hit killed, tank in this position etc. there is barely room for error for the rest of the raid, the mt has to shoulder everything. i wanted to strangle the guy that wanted to dump resp. on me for dmg on spiny as well. i think we wiped for 2hrs total on her before the kill. not that bad for an ex fight, but make sure to play with cool people only in the learning phase as mt.
aw yeah
anyone else feel garuda ex is kinda hard on the tank? dodge this, take care of spiny, watch stacks, pop cooldowns here or get one hit killed, tank in this position etc. there is barely room for error for the rest of the raid, the mt has to shoulder everything. i wanted to strangle the guy that wanted to dump resp. on me for dmg on spiny as well. i think we wiped for 2hrs total on her before the kill. not that bad for an ex fight, but make sure to play with cool people only in the learning phase as mt.
I know a certain dps that loves to get hit by WWs that may think its harder on melee dps.
He probably means another currency that lets you spend it on Coil gear, based off his latter post of not ever seeing certain Coil drops. I kind of agree with him as I have no issues with circumventing RNG. Maybe make a new set of gear that has the same stats as Allagan but different looks that you can redeem with Coilbux in case you offended RNG somewhere in life. Different stats would work too I guess, but I'll not doubt SE's abilities to make more strange gear with Breakblade levels of stat-distribution (it would also make the whole thing redundant haha...).
It's certainly stacked against melee dps, I don't even like having them in the group because they automatically make the overall dps for the fight lower.
oh thank god there's not another tier to grind above friendly. I'd have my goobbue today if I had actually started the rep stuff on day 1.
Sounds like the general description for every fight ever. You take us for our limit break , and because range players are general bad at the game, what with not having to play it on hard mode.
Maybe I just don't know too much yet about the new stuff in 2.0, but it seems like the main way to gear up is through completing dungeons and trading in currency now.
I like how there used to be a large contribution from crafters before for endgame gear. It made the crafting classes more relevant and important, and involved in the end game economy.
For example, we'd make a party of adventurers, go hunt a NM, bring back crafting drops, and have the crafters make high level gear. It was a nice cycle.
All righty, a decision has been made about the housing situation for the Ultros Free Company. Members should go and read this post if they want to vote on where the house is built.
Please participate. We want as many people to have a say here as possible.
Well, that is the entire point of a weighted voting system. It ensures that what the majority wants (perhaps the best wording here is "is happy with" instead of "wants") wins.My only concern with this type of voting system is that you can have the second place city appear as second place on all the ballots and end up winning. They used this kind of weighting on Weekend Confirmed for their games of the year and a game that received less first place votes but a lot of second place votes ended up winning.
Well, that is the entire point of a weighted voting system. It ensures that what the majority wants (perhaps the best wording here is "is happy with" instead of "wants") wins.
So my WAR is ilevel 76 about. I want to start doing Coil and have been watching a few videos on Turn 1 and 2 at the least. Any groups care to give me an educational run? I'd love to join a static but my schedule is quite busy that I'm not sure if I would be able to commit.
The carrot on the stick has no point if its easy to grab. Be happy that they didn't make it like coil and you only get one shot a week at the piece you want.
You could always try the Party Finder. I see groups often forming to do Turns 1 and 2, 4 and sometimes even 5. That's how I pug Coil as my second character since trying to juggle two Coil groups sounds too tough.
Easy? I got i90 for the class I care ... making it like coil would save me a lot of time each week (and give me even less reason to touch the game, not that there is anything beyond Coil/Ex Primals anyway).
Garuda is pretty easy when you condense your role as a tank to the role of MT or OT. Just takes a partner who you can 100% confide in.
Both are busier than most classes, but even then, it's not terrible. Just focus a target, provoke a spiney every now and then and pop a CD after friction. Beats the hell out of HM Titan where you just stand there and eat damage.
oh thank god there's not another tier to grind above friendly. I'd have my goobbue today if I had actually started the rep stuff on day 1.
I just unlocked friendly for both tribes. So what you're saying is that after I grind these 520 or w/e rep points and achieve the trusted rank, I don't have to grind them anymore? It just says maxed or something?
Edit: Nvm GraveRobberX's pics answered my question.
Garuda EX isn't too bad provided that you have decent DPS and have two tanks that communicate with each other and can play in sync. And by communication, I don't mean "2 stacks take spin- *spiny explodes a second later* WHY DIDN'T YOU VOKE" scenarios. Luckily, PF groups are getting better at Garuda gradually as the time goes on. Unfortunately, the incentive and rewards is still not that great for tanks on the fight.
This is just completely wrong, esp after 2.1. And on Garuda? Are you kidding? You have to be out of range for like 1-3 seconds based on your skill at timing to avoid wicked wheel. And you only need to avoid one wicked wheel from Superna, and maybe one from Chirata if you can't burn her down before she uses it.It's certainly stacked against melee dps, I don't even like having them in the group because they automatically make the overall dps for the fight lower.
Garuda is pretty easy when you condense your role as a tank to the role of MT or OT. Just takes a partner who you can 100% confide in.
Both are busier than most classes, but even then, it's not terrible. Just focus a target, provoke a spiney every now and then and pop a CD after friction. Beats the hell out of HM Titan where you just stand there and eat damage.
This is just completely wrong, esp after 2.1. And on Garuda? Are you kidding? You have to be out of range for like 1-3 seconds based on your skill at timing to avoid wicked wheel. And you only need to avoid one wicked wheel from Superna, and maybe one from Chirata if you can't burn her down before she uses it.
Any Melee DPS will still easilly out DPS a range in this fight.
the fight isnt so bad for something called extreme. i just want to see dds get more resp. thats all. and all these fights dont drop anything i need. this game is weird sometimes.
oh and that last screen cracked me up robber.
Fuck you very much Rush Cz (whoever you are). Got us locked out of KB in CT. Ran in, aggroed the boss then ran out before anyone was in. KB killed him and then reset then the arena locked us out.
Ready for the Ixal and whatever titan's beast tribe is called?
Titans are called Kobolds
I want Sahagins and Goblins
The Sahagins give you a bad-ass Seahorse or Pugil Mount, wattch it be a Crab of some nature
While the Goblins give you a Snurble or Aldgoat mount, watch it be a Boar
Most likely it will be Ixali which will give you the Wolf Mount and Kobolds that give you the Puk or Eft mount
Sahagains will probably be released when Leviathan is released.