The Sahagins give you a bad-ass Seahorse or Pugil Mount, wattch it be a Crab of some nature
Just a normal little crab that goes at walking speed imo. Same exact look as the one you get for killing cancer.
The Sahagins give you a bad-ass Seahorse or Pugil Mount, wattch it be a Crab of some nature
Sahagains with Leviathan, Sylphs with Ramuh, and probably the Mamool Ja with something else... there's concept art of Fenrir, but it seems like an odd fit.
Sahagains with Leviathan, Sylphs with Ramuh, and probably the Mamool Ja with something else... there's concept art of Fenrir, but it seems like an odd fit.
Mamool Ja Mercenaries, hired since the Calamity, have taken a foothold in La Noscea and are showing a suspicious interest in the Arcanists' Guild. Could it be that they're looking into summoning for some nefarious purpose, or are they merely trying to broaden their horizons?
Well Sylphs are already used right now, so Ramuh if added say 2.3+ might just give the next few ranks for Sylphs
Sahagins go with Leviathan
Mamool Ja is going to be tricky, they can give them Fenrir, I mean this is their description:
Compared to coil? Yes, the loot grab is easier for CT. Theoretically, you can hunt down that one piece you want per week. You can't do that in coil. Idk what to tell you, don't like it, don't play? You're already seeing the game as a job instead of fun anyway it seems like. I was unaware someone was pointing a gun at your head and telling you that you had to do CT each week till you get your piece of loot, set your own rules if you want, run CT once, if you don't gte your drop that pretend you are locked out just like coil, easy.
Mamool Ja is going to be tricky, they can give them Fenrir, I mean this is their description:
This is just completely wrong, esp after 2.1. And on Garuda? Are you kidding? You have to be out of range for like 1-3 seconds based on your skill at timing to avoid wicked wheel. And you only need to avoid one wicked wheel from Superna, and maybe one from Chirata if you can't burn her down before she uses it.
Any Melee DPS will still easilly out DPS a range in this fight.
I guess... I mean the thing is the summon usually roughly looks like the beastman tribe behind it. The mamool ja look like they could end up getting a darkness type monster, but I don't know. Sylphs don't really look like Ramuh though, so whatev. WHERE'S MUH DOOMTRAIN, we have the tracks there already, give me a chance to suplex a train.
Seeing the game as a job? I like the base of the game, a lot actually, and just want worthwhile content to keep me busy, or at least attention at all. However for me as a legacy player the game is mostly just boring. 2.0 was rather meh and didn't really offer much to keep old players busy. And the first (delayed) update has some neat ideas (CT itself isn't as bad as I thought, Housing, Ex Primals) but most of this content could have been 10 times better or at least have been handled in a much better way.
Coming back to loot, neither Coil nor CT lootsystem is exactly great. Coil drops have been pretty bad for us (some pieces haven't dropped in 4months+ and T5 is giving us lots of really bad duplicates/weapons for jobs nobody plays). I don't know if a token system is the best way to handle this but the way it is now is far from perfect.
Given that GCD is 2-2.5 secs, none for me on DRG. I can throw a skill on my way out and be back before it's time to use another, or milliseconds barring that.I'd still argue how much downtime there is lost in that 1-3 seconds over the course of the entire fight
Do Mamool ja use any elemental attacks?
Edit: Oh. Yeah. Who summons Shiva?
Edit: Aaah. The Gigas.
Oh right! Shiva!
Huh... well poop, who knows who they might get.
Why do they have a system where there is such a huge discrepancy among players of "equal" level, at level 50? ilvl goes all the way up to 90. Isn't that like having a level 45 player partying with a level 5 player? But it still all "looks" the same on the surface, since everyone's all "level 50".
We got rid oh physical levels back in 1.0 because it was stupid to have two different "levels" (Your character's level and your class level used to be separate). But here we are with two different levels to look at again. Is that really the best way to do things?
You get GC seals for Low level Duty Roulette right?
If you 50 and do low level as a 50, you get 100 Phil and 10 Myth, if not 50 you get seals
What else would you like them to do at level 50?
If our ilvl goes all the way up to 90, why can't our class' level cap be 90, and have all of our equipment's ilvl be the required level to equip?
It's all arbitrary. From what I've seen, leveling up doesn't take a lot of effort anymore. I'm gaining exp by scratching my ass in this game.90 is a HUGE level cap for an MMO just starting (or restarting as were the case).
"And then at ilvl 90, what happens? What are people's motivations to better their character?"And then at 90, what happens? What are people's motivations to better their character?
Why do they have a system where there is such a huge discrepancy among players of "equal" level, at level 50? ilvl goes all the way up to 90. Isn't that like having a level 45 player partying with a level 5 player? But it still all "looks" the same on the surface, since everyone's all "level 50".
We got rid oh physical levels back in 1.0 because it was stupid to have two different "levels" (Your character's level and your class level used to be separate). But here we are with two different levels to look at again. Is that really the best way to do things?
If our ilvl goes all the way up to 90, why can't our class' level cap be 90, and have all of our equipment's ilvl be the required level to equip?
90 is a HUGE level cap for an MMO just starting (or restarting as were the case). And then at 90, what happens? What are people's motivations to better their character?
90 is a HUGE level cap for an MMO just starting (or restarting as were the case). And then at 90, what happens? What are people's motivations to better their character?
Why do they have a system where there is such a huge discrepancy among players of "equal" level, at level 50? ilvl goes all the way up to 90. Isn't that like having a level 45 player partying with a level 5 player? But it still all "looks" the same on the surface, since everyone's all "level 50".
If our ilvl goes all the way up to 90, why can't our class' level cap be 90, and have all of our equipment's ilvl be the required level to equip?
If Leviathan becomes the next pet for SMN, I wonder what kind of role it might play? I kinda see it as another ranged attacker but perhaps it could be a debuff kind of pet.
You wait for more content, a level cap increase, or for them to introduce more interesting horizontal methods to improve your character (e.g. ability enhancements, augmentations, slotting, etc.) . Yoshi already stated there will be an increase in the level cap, we just don't know when. My guess is they are going to hold out until the first expansion.
The thing is we are "restarting" on an MMO that was already out for a couple of years. People were at endgame in 1.23 even if there wasn't much of it, it was still quite a bit to accomplish. It's an arbitrary scale anyway. They could have just used stars ala PSO or something else and it would have been the same effect. Powercreep is only terrible if it goes unchecked like how WoW's is right now, big numbers are great, but eventually it gets silly if you let it go on too long.
Not if it can apply additional DoTs. We don't have one of those yet.
Well that's 2.2 no?
I mean we have 2.15 @ end of January, 2.2 late Feb
I've been posting about that very same phenomenon since 2010. Seems like it's gotten worse since 1.0.That ilvl creep is something that is bad in modern mmos. It comes from a system of putting all of the "game" at cap level, and making that the only part that really maters, while also keeping that same cap for a long time with a lot of new content. Have to give people some way to feel advancement and balancing new skills or bonuses to skills on gear is harder then just adding more stats. Just wait until some sort of level cap raise for it to get even worse because it isn't like they are going to do a 50 level cap increase. So new cap level gear will still have to overcome the curent high ilvl stuff to be worth while, while the level itself hasn't gotten closer enough to it.
As in say the cap is increased to 60. The new standard cap level dungeon isn't going to be dropping just darklight level of itemized gear, and will likely drop something like ilvl 80-90 as a standard. So that will already be a 30 ilvl gap when the gap for cap at 50 was around 5-10 ilvls. That is just how the ilvl creep works.
What's so bad about increasing the level cap? It's just an arbitrary number.It allows them to introduce new content and progression without increasing the level cap.
I've been posting about that very same phenomenon since 2010. Seems like it's gotten worse since 1.0.
What's so bad about increasing the level cap? It's just an arbitrary number.
A DoT pet for a DoT class. Why not I guess. Probably what it would be considering how things go...
I've been posting about that very same phenomenon since 2010. Seems like it's gotten worse since 1.0.
What's so bad about increasing the level cap? It's just an arbitrary number.
I've been posting about that very same phenomenon since 2010. Seems like it's gotten worse since 1.0.
What's so bad about increasing the level cap? It's just an arbitrary number.
Well from AF to Myth/Allagan a player gains roughly 50-65% bonus on their stats
It doesn't create a huge gap between the end game player-base
You can be a ilvl70 tank and a ilvl90 tank, and most of the time both will be good for most content
The ilvl90 tank might have extra bonus of health and other stats, it just helps out from fuck ups that may occur
Right now the better geared you are, the more mess ups you can have on content and still prevail, while lower ilvls you have to do a perfect run or wipe
Turn 4 as a DL MT (ilvl70-75) can be rough as fuck, your cooldowns and health come so much into play, one quick CD or mess up rotation could mean disaster for the whole party
With a ilvl85+ Tank with Allagan/Myth, now you have an extra buffer that a CD popped to early or rotation not done right can be forgiven cause the gear supplements for you, doesn't mean you can keep fucking up, but there is a barrier the ilvl's do create for players
It might not show just by looking at it, but when in combat you start seeing it
In both these explanations, you could switch character level to ilvl and it would be the same. Why even bother with a character's level if item level is what people look at anyway?Because it only acts as the advancement of gear at the current cap. People would not care about the ilvl 70 darklight or 80 ct gear, and only thing that would mater would be the 90. Much like how you don't see people giving a damn about the WP unique sets because it is irrelevant, and the only reason why they go for some other precap gear sets is for looks.
It is just the way this type of mmo goes. Small world, cap is where people rush to to play what they consider the "real" game. Same reason why you have people wiling to just grind a shitty leve quest with a macro to get exp instead of doing anything else in the gameworld. Why there are people that pay for a fully leveled character basically skipping what could be fun parts of the game that they just don't care about. Cap is everything.
Why would they all of a sudden not care about the ilvl70-80 gear, if they need to obtain it, and use it, in order to complete the content that gives them ilvl90 gear?Because it only acts as the advancement of gear at the current cap. People would not care about the ilvl 70 darklight or 80 ct gear, and only thing that would mater would be the 90. Much like how you don't see people giving a damn about the WP unique sets because it is irrelevant, and the only reason why they go for some other precap gear sets is for looks
What's so bad about increasing the level cap? It's just an arbitrary number.
You need more content for people to level to that cap with.
In both these explanations, you could switch character level to ilvl and it would be the same. Why even bother with a character's level if item level is what people look at anyway?
Why would they all of a sudden not care about the ilvl70-80 gear, if they need to obtain it, and use it, in order to complete the content that gives them ilvl90 gear?
More content? We already have a lot of dungeons and FATEs. If we have enough content to get us up to ilvl90, we should have enough content to get to character level 90 too. It's the same thing.
In both these explanations, you could switch character level to ilvl and it would be the same. Why even bother with a character's level if item level is what people look at anyway?
Why would they all of a sudden not care about the ilvl70-80 gear, if they need to obtain it, and use it, in order to complete the content that gives them ilvl90 gear?
More content? We already have a lot of dungeons and FATEs. If we have enough content to get us up to ilvl90, we should have enough content to get to character level 90 too. It's the same thing.
Please try to refrain from killing me with laughter.
Then change what the "general population" should expect. Don't be beholded to shitty game design just because the general population expects shitty game design. You can add other things to your character besides new abilities. Allow increases in cross class slots, add the functionality to alter your current abilities and further customize and refine your character, along with very minor stat increases or allocation possibilities.A level cap increase makes people expect new abilities and new abilities means new balancing. Do you need new abilities? No, but the general population expects it and if they don't get what they want that just creates more wide spread whining.
Edit: And as said above, that means new quests a solo content to help level to that cap.
Why would it mean obsolete gear? The existence of ilvl90 gear in this game doesn't mean that the ilvl70 or 80 gear is obsolete.Because you really need to plan those things out, it will mean obsolete all current end game content. Planning on zones for new mob placement (well FF14 is a bit more mixed in that department, but still probably need to plan lots of things out.)
It's prob best to do in expansions.
Hey they said they were back on schedule right?... right?
This game really hampered itself by letting the player-base get way ahead of the content and gear
Their thought process was most people would do dungeon gear upgrades almost Tiered Progression
Taking an example before 2.1 arrived
Most likely devs saw playerbase go in this fashion:
Do WP to replace AF, get geared up, do AK, while doing AK get geared up for Primals Hard Mode + run through CM & Prae for DL, get DL and start working on your Myth/Allagan Build in Coil
The Community at large said fuck that:
Bypassed WP, straight to AK, get gear slots filled (SR came to be, most decked out within a few weeks
Prae SR's came in got people decked into DL faster than the content was ready to be chewed through
Some bypassed DL pieces and straight into Myth to just start over-gearing
So devs made progression a 5+ step process, community shrunk it down to 2
So for 2.1 on now as a level 50 char it's just go from AF > DL > Allagan/Myth
Use CT as a 2nd or 3rd Alt job and start feeding it those items
Why would it mean obsolete gear? The existence of ilvl90 gear in this game doesn't mean that the ilvl70 or 80 gear is obsolete.
Then change the way exp increases at each level and balance it so that it doesn't take forever to do. No need to add in new areas. Use the ones we got already.Well, it's not just an arbitrary number. Increasing the level cap to the current item level is another forty(!) levels on top of what we already have. With the way exp increases at each level, we're talking about a significant amount of more time spent leveling, per job, in a system that is supposed to encourage leveling multiple jobs. Moreover, leveling is typically supported by successive zones (whereas item level increases in instances), so you're also talking about many more areas that would need to be added. Finally, it is a lot easier to tune end-game instances on a single point of progression (item level), rather than two at the same time (item level and character level).
That's why I'm saying why shouldn't it just be the same thing?Finally, it is a lot easier to tune end-game instances on a single point of progression (item level), rather than two at the same time (item level and character level).
It doesn't have to work the same way as WoW does it. Normal gear doesn't "have to" blow away previous dungeon gear.Just look at WoW expansions. Every time they increase the level cap the normal gear you get at higher levels pretty much blow what used to be the best gear out of the water.
Item level is there to give a cursory glance at someone's progress. Right. That's why I'm saying why even have character levels AND item levels if we're only concerned about item levels anyway? We have to metrics of progression, and only one of them means anything significant.Maybe it's because you haven't played this game except for the weekend (I assume) but if you told people they were going to get 10 new levels by doing the same old shit, that wouldn't go down well. Stop conflating item level and your actual level though. In actuality item level is meaningless. If they made all gear have the same stats but only an item level 50 it wouldn't change a thing. Item level is just there to give a cursory glance of someone's progress within the game.
We already have all the abilities we need from our character level.Because abilities wouldn't be tied to ilvl?
Players are doing that now.So you would have someone level from say 50-55 by running ifrit HM over and over again?