I think the first large plot of land being sold expedited the process.
Yep. gg GAF
I think the first large plot of land being sold expedited the process.
When I play as a healer, and things go south, it's almost always because the tank messed up.
I was running Haukke Manor HM last night and on the first boss the tank was ignoring the adds and just standing in the ice taking tons of damage. Whenever I got aggro I would run over to the tank to make it easy for him to Flash or Overpower, and when he refused to move out of the ice I did everything I could, but the tank still died.
We barely won the fight, with two dead party members at the end, but I felt I did everything I could as the healer. This is an extreme example, but as long as the healer is keeping the party alive to the best of their abilities (and maybe with some good MP conservation), any blame falls on other jobs.
I can't tell you how many times I'm running HM Primals or CT on my WHM and the SCH isn't doing anything other than DPSing. So frustrating to see, yet the SCH claims they're healing if you call them out. Every time I die, the party dies. When the SCH dies, he's back up instantly and we all survive.
Why is Limsa such an attractive place for housing? Is it because LL is a really good place to have your home point?
Why is Limsa such an attractive place for housing? Is it because LL is a really good place to have your home point?
Oh is that it? Back in the day, Uldah used to be the most populous, but that was because it was the most convenient.Its just really pretty.
Revenant's Toll is a really good place to have your home point.
Beach.Why is Limsa such an attractive place for housing? Is it because LL is a really good place to have your home point?
Why is Limsa such an attractive place for housing? Is it because LL is a really good place to have your home point?
- DoTs deal their damage based on whatever state you were in at the time of cast, meaning you can Cleric Stance, toss DoTs out, remove Cleric Stance, and DoTs will tic as if you had it on until they expire
- It takes a whopping (base)8 seconds to get Bio/BioII/Miasma/Aero on a target
- You can Lustrate with no penalty while in Cleric Stance, since it's a HP percentage heal
- The fairy isn't affected by Cleric Stance; you can even hit Rouse beforehand to make up for you not actively healing(and if you're really dexterous, control it manually while DoT-ing via Obey)
When I play as a healer, and things go south, it's almost always because the tank messed up.
I was running Haukke Manor HM last night and on the first boss the tank was ignoring the adds and just standing in the ice taking tons of damage. Whenever I got aggro I would run over to the tank to make it easy for him to Flash or Overpower, and when he refused to move out of the ice I did everything I could, but the tank still died.
We barely won the fight, with two dead party members at the end, but I felt I did everything I could as the healer. This is an extreme example, but as long as the healer is keeping the party alive to the best of their abilities (and maybe with some good MP conservation), any blame falls on other jobs.
I can't tell you how many times I'm running HM Primals or CT on my WHM and the SCH isn't doing anything other than DPSing. So frustrating to see, yet the SCH claims they're healing if you call them out. Every time I die, the party dies. When the SCH dies, he's back up instantly and we all survive.
The fact that a tank can die on King Behemoth with like 8 healers present always seems absurd if the Tank is dodging everything. Granted the main tank isn't on the party list for each of those healers, but Christ man. CT isn't really the type of place anyone should set a bar for competence. Outside of the single area where your party is shuffled off alone against Atomos, it's always a clusterfuck. I always just try to keep out of the way.
The fact that a tank can die on King Behemoth with like 8 healers present always seems absurd if the Tank is dodging everything. Granted the main tank isn't on the party list for each of those healers, but Christ man. CT isn't really the type of place anyone should set a bar for competence. Outside of the single area where your party is shuffled off alone against Atomos, it's always a clusterfuck. I always just try to keep out of the way.
By "everything" you just mean Trounce, right? I mean, I've tanked him a few times and haven't seen a way to dodge anything besides that and meteor. Holding hate is easy on him so I just usually spam stoneskin on myself to help the healers.
The fact that a tank can die on King Behemoth with like 8 healers present always seems absurd if the Tank is dodging everything. Granted the main tank isn't on the party list for each of those healers, but Christ man. CT isn't really the type of place anyone should set a bar for competence. Outside of the single area where your party is shuffled off alone against Atomos, it's always a clusterfuck. I always just try to keep out of the way.
I don't how those tanks die, when a tank in my party chooses to MT KB, as WHM, I usually volunteer to solo heal him and let the other healer take care of everyone else. It usually always goes without any issues.
Trounce and the forward gust from... what the hell is it called? Chyrablis? Can be dodged. The forward gust has no set AoE pattern but it's a forward cone that does roughly 800dmg iirc. Small potatoes, but I don't like to take chances on KB or most anything I tank in CT. Too often my healers just fuck off and do whatever for some reason when I DF it. I too stoneskin the hell out of myself.
Shoot I dps as a WHM when I don't need to heal.
Chyrablis is the name of the tornado skill he casts around the arena. I use that window to give myself a new stoneskin, usually. You don't need to ever dodge this as MT unless you're tanking him in a really bad spot for some reason because the tornadoes are in set locations.
His other attacks are Thunderbolt (small cone AOE) which you can't dodge and... I forget the name, horn something I think, the one that does a knockback. You can dodge that one? I'm always afraid of spinning him.
As I said, Chyrablis once cast executes a forward AoE grey gust of air that hits while also casting the cyclone on the map somewhere, not saying it's something that needs to be dodged, but you can if you feel like it. Hell you can blind him too for that matter and make everything miss should you luck out. Not advocating doing either, just saying it's possible.
Also I wouldn't spin KB either, I've had DPS who for whatever reason sit right next to me while they attack so if I so much as inch him sideways, I'm afraid they'll get KO'd by accident.
The same way you see DPS sitting outside the barrier in other phases lol. Apathy is the real enemy in CT. Everyone goes, we'll make it with everyone else doing the work, and when an alliance wipes like 3 times in a row, suddenly everyone cares. Keep that CT Bingo card handy.
But we've tried 24 man gaf groupsYeeeaaah, I really hope that adding the ability to do 24 person pre-made groups really cuts down on that sort of clustermuckery. I actually think most those boss battles are fun, for the most part. (Tower duty on King Behemoth biiiiites.)
but the fact that Alliances almost never seem to be on the same page, and often end up competing with, or directly undermining eachother, detracts from that. Granted, those sorts of CT runs are their own kind of fun, but I like having the satisfaction of doing my job well.
Not enough people get this, outside of bosses or very specific trash mobs you can let tanks get a little low and be completely safe. I love doing dungeons with SCH who dps. Eos and Lustrate will handle nearly every trash pack in the game, which frees SCH to be in Cleric Stance whole time dramatically boosting clear times. Well geared WHM can get similar results with a non-cleric Regen and just stoneskin occasionally inbetween dps.Maybe the tank won't be at 100% health all the time but they really don't need to be and honestly I find constantly topping off everyone to be a waste of time/MP most of the time.
We're so good we screw up on purpose to give the mobs a fighting chance.Full GAF groups are the best and always completely smooth and successful.
I have had people accuse me of not healing on Scholar but for a lot of trash mobs, Eos/Selene can handle all the healing. Maybe the tank won't be at 100% health all the time but they really don't need to be and honestly I find constantly topping off everyone to be a waste of time/MP most of the time.
Just because you don't see Adloquium being spammed on their cast bar doesn't mean they're not doing their job.
The cool down on Cleric Stance is too short to not use it actively as a WHM.I totally agree with this. In some of the 4 man dungeons a scholar can leave all of the healing to Eos for trash mobs and help bring them down quicker. Even some boss fights can be left mostly to the fairy (for example demon wall deals almost no damage and players only require a quick cast of leeches and a succor to be topped up occasionally).
Scholars have fairies and DoTs for a reason, this perspective is from an active scholar however. What gets to me is when I see the WHM sitting there doing nothing but waiting for someone to heal when they could be casting aero or stone skin (especially on the players that tend to get hit by AoE). Some fights have a reasonable amount of down time that could be spent being proactive, even as a WHM.
Full GAF groups are the best and always completely smooth and successful.
Since going on my reintroduction to this game, I have to say that I've been quite impressed with all the detail and looks of the new equipment. Those artists at SE are very talented. I do wonder, though, if the vertical progression path they're undertaking might be a little too fast this early in the game's lifespan.I enjoy epic loot. I like seeing bright shiny armor. Is there a good variety of armor/weapons in the game to keep the the most addicted loot-hunters at interested?
TLDR: Worth playing if I like raiding, epic loot, a good story, and a social community?
With the arrival of my new gaming system a few days ago- I am now finding myself chomping at the bit for a new MMO.
I have basically decided to either return to EQ2 once more... or dare to challenge myself to break out of my comfort zone and try a new game. I have long burned out on WoW, so that really isn't an option either.
The only other game that intrigues me in this one. I have read through a number of the pages here and my curiosity has been piqued.
I enjoy raiding. I like the challenge of end game content and would like to play with a regular group of players i.e, a guild or free company they are called here? How is the raiding scene compared to say EQ2 and/or WoW?
Speaking of group of players- how is the community? Are people social? Nothing worse than playing an MMO and not a single person interacts. If I wanted that experience, I would like a single player game and pretend the characters are my friends.![]()
I enjoy epic loot. I like seeing bright shiny armor. Is there a good variety of armor/weapons in the game to keep the the most addicted loot-hunters at interested?
And how is the story? In WoW, I could care less about the story. I found it boring. I liked all of the ins and outs of the EQ2 lore, the collectibles, etc. I thought it had great story lines. How are they here?
Streaming some Turn 5 now http://www.twitch.tv/escapingjail
I don't how those tanks die, when a tank in my party chooses to MT KB, as WHM, I usually volunteer to solo heal him and let the other healer take care of everyone else. It usually always goes without any issues.
aww you were doing so well, poor dead summonerStreaming some Turn 5 now http://www.twitch.tv/escapingjail
When you tank twin in the middle, what does the OT do in case of Unwoven Will on him?
Is it even possible for the OT to be targeted?
I enjoy raiding. I like the challenge of end game content and would like to play with a regular group of players i.e, a guild or free company they are called here? How is the raiding scene compared to say EQ2 and/or WoW?
Speaking of group of players- how is the community? Are people social? Nothing worse than playing an MMO and not a single person interacts. If I wanted that experience, I would like a single player game and pretend the characters are my friends.
I enjoy epic loot. I like seeing bright shiny armor. Is there a good variety of armor/weapons in the game to keep the the most addicted loot-hunters at interested?
And how is the story? In WoW, I could care less about the story. I found it boring. I liked all of the ins and outs of the EQ2 lore, the collectibles, etc. I thought it had great story lines. How are they here?
+ Better story (subjective really, but I never got into WoW's storyline. In WoW, the player was more on the sidelines and the real story involved the NPC. Even when killing the Lich King, you felt more like a minion/soldier for your faction. In FFXIV, the player plays a central part in the story, even if it doesn't really make sense in an MMO-world.)
Worth the first free month for sure.TLDR: Worth playing if I like raiding, epic loot, a good story, and a social community?
Streaming some Turn 5 now http://www.twitch.tv/escapingjail
Grats! You won right after the video started playing lolStreaming some Turn 5 now http://www.twitch.tv/escapingjail
Streaming some Turn 5 now http://www.twitch.tv/escapingjail
Streaming some Turn 5 now http://www.twitch.tv/escapingjail
Just watched your kill. Grats. Whats the deal with kiting the snakes though? Also boo these people for no melee dps.
Think it's to reduce the healing needed on the OT.
This is something I've been thinking about. You are a central figure is a world where most everything you do is meaningless.
Killing Primals? Meaningless. They just keep coming back. Endlessly. The player would have to commit genocide in order for the Primals to truly be stopped. Until SE introduces some story element where a different method of summoning the Primals was used. I don't see it coming any time soon though since Primals continue to be the main evil in the world.
Garland Empire? Many Bases still exist in the mainland that we can't even get to. Gaius' fate means nothing really.
Paragons? Well, we can't kill them. They just continue to float around and plot and scheme. No big.
We are the central character in a world were what we do and what we accomplish has no impact on anything. I hope that the first expansion brings actual change to the world beyond the redesign between 1.0 -> 2.0. Endlessly killing Primals is going to get old. =/