Dunno what is going on but this week doing CT it's been a lagfest. Every CT has been super laggy. A second or two pause every few seconds. Nothing changed on my end, still getting speeds I should etc.
It's been especially buggy for me this week.
Ahhh we got Twintania to 50% tonight. The group adapts pretty fast though so I think we can do it.
I just bought Tales of Graces f for 15 bucks and honestly I'm having more fun with it.
Dunno what is going on but this week doing CT it's been a lagfest. Every CT has been super laggy. A second or two pause every few seconds. Nothing changed on my end, still getting speeds I should etc.
It's been especially buggy for me this week.
edit2: still bummed the DQX is golem stuff.
king slime would have been so cool![]()
edit: guess i'll be logging on again sooner than i thought. need those minions
edit2: still bummed the DQX is golem stuff.
Boo. Golems are awesome. I am super hyped about getting a golem minion.
just you wait. That complaint I filed with the guild receptionist against you will be processed and judgement will be on my side that day
Got past conflag phase on Twin last week. Whooo. Hopefully we can keep that momentum going this week.
Nin Py doesn't suspect a thing...
As a SCH that DPSes in CT (and other places), that's because having both of us heal is honestly a waste sometimes (for example, if our tank isn't MTing the raid). WHM has better aoe heals, so leaving the incidental damage to my fairy and the WHM seems like a good idea to me.
Of course, I still throw out lustrates, and if people start dying that's generally a cue that maybe the WHM can't solo heal it and it's time to switch back.
But hey, if you want to DPS instead, just say the word and I'm sure most DPSing SCHs will let you take a turn (just watch your MP).
The fairy accounts for ~1/3 of most SCH's total healing, give or take, so it's not totally untrue. The guy could be picking his nose and not touching the keyboard and still be 'healing'. :lol
If the fight doesn't require for me to be healing 24/7 or to conserve my mana, I will definitely DPS as SCH. I won't go so far as to say it's a requirement, but it's definitely something a SCH should actively consider because...
- DoTs deal their damage based on whatever state you were in at the time of cast, meaning you can Cleric Stance, toss DoTs out, remove Cleric Stance, and DoTs will tic as if you had it on until they expire
- It takes a whopping (base)8 seconds to get Bio/BioII/Miasma/Aero on a target
- You can Lustrate with no penalty while in Cleric Stance, since it's a HP percentage heal
- The fairy isn't affected by Cleric Stance; you can even hit Rouse beforehand to make up for you not actively healing(and if you're really dexterous, control it manually while DoT-ing via Obey)
If you decide to go full-tilt DPS as SCH and otherwise ignore healing entirely, and whatever you're fighting doesn't require accuracy, you can put some decent numbers on the board. Something like 50~75% of a geared DPS doing their job, give or take (which is like 100% of DPS who don't know how to do their rotations) Obviously I don't recommend this unless there's currently no need for the SCH to heal, but the fairy is clocking in work regardless of what you do.
IMO a skilled SCH can and often should be putting damage out there, because they can maintain decent healing throughput while DPSing. But knowing when to stop is tatamount to this working; if they're tunnel visioning and getting their party wiped because they didn't stop to heal(or realize they need to heal), that's obviously no good.
FWIW, I would probably at least partially DPS on SCH for anything that isn't Coil/Extreme Primals, and probably not while learning a fight(unless it's mega easy).
Also probably not if I'm solo-healer for an 8-man group.![]()
Well yes you can DPS if heals aren't needed. The problem is that some healers DPS when they should be healing. I've seen healers do it in 4man dungeons and have died (as tank) because of it.
You need to learn how to stop DPS on Acheron in CT and help kill claws before you go around calling out other people in your party.
Anyone on a PC prefer to use their controller instead of the KBM combination? I use Steam Big Picture a lot to play various platformers with my PS3 controller- I am a little intrigued about playing this with a controller.
Do you feel limited/hampered by using a controller? Should I stick to the conventional KBM controls?
Just curious how others experiences are.
Anyone on a PC prefer to use their controller instead of the KBM combination? I use Steam Big Picture a lot to play various platformers with my PS3 controller- I am a little intrigued about playing this with a controller.
Do you feel limited/hampered by using a controller? Should I stick to the conventional KBM controls?
Just curious how others experiences are.
Anyone on a PC prefer to use their controller instead of the KBM combination? I use Steam Big Picture a lot to play various platformers with my PS3 controller- I am a little intrigued about playing this with a controller.
Do you feel limited/hampered by using a controller? Should I stick to the conventional KBM controls?
Just curious how others experiences are.
I use a controller on PC (PS3 controller) and I very much prefer it to KB/M.
It is a little limited with things like quick targeting and number of hotkeys. But I have learned to play with the controller/mouse. So I can take my hand off the controller and click something with the mouse quickly when I need to.
I've had no issues at all playing this way and I very much prefer it to KB/M. Being able to play effectively with a controller is one of the major reasons I am still playing this game rather than going back to another that I find better designed in almost every way.
I've played mostly DPS but am starting to dabble a little in healing, and I haven't felt hampered by the controller much. If you'd prefer to play with a controller, it's certainly viable.Anyone on a PC prefer to use their controller instead of the KBM combination? I use Steam Big Picture a lot to play various platformers with my PS3 controller- I am a little intrigued about playing this with a controller.
Do you feel limited/hampered by using a controller? Should I stick to the conventional KBM controls?
Just curious how others experiences are.
Proof that I was in the 1.0 beta.I found this today in a random folder.
It amazes me how the game could be like that at launch after FF11.1.0 beta was open, so it wasn't too big of a deal.
Honestly the way 1.0 worked after release, there were massive changes month after month. Hell we didn't even have true enmity tables when 1.0 launched. Enemies just pingpong across parties hitting whoever, not even the highest damaging party member.
Also leveling your physical level to 50 in like an hour with a group of THM or CNJ whatever it was... by casting spells on eachtother was hilarious.
It amazes me how the game could be like that at launch after FF11.
Also, while I'm thinking of it.
Goals for Next Week.
Beat Titan EM.
Beat Garuda EM as the Main Tank.
Get Twintania down to 50% or less.
Unlock Dragoon, and level said class to at least Lvl 35.
I think most of these are, fairly modest goals, given everything.
Oh you are darkness tear ;o
you can do all those this week instead of next!
I'll just let you mt garuda next farm run ;o
Darkness Tear is Darkness Tear.
Darkness Tear is Darkness Tear.
Definitely prefer the controller, even on the PC. There are a few instances where it can be a pain (e.g. navigating the menus, enemy targeting filters, etc.), but the majority of my playtime has been with a pad. I still use a K/M for specific menus and chatting, but normally it's just a matter of convenience rather than usability. I'd rather slap bumpers to toggle hotbars than put four of them on my screen.
Proof that I was in the 1.0 beta.I found this today in a random folder.
Think again.
Proves I'm the best dragoon in the fc
Oh you are darkness tear ;o
you can do all those this week instead of next!
I'll just let you mt garuda next farm run ;o