Anyone got advice for completing Haukke HM? First boss is a real pain..
I don't think I've ever had too many problems with the Spiny being blown up by DPS.
It's better than any AoE SMN has if you don't have the time (or can't) to bane.
Decent aoe and it inflicts heavy on a target. Expensive so you can't spam it unless you're a BLM. For a group of enemies, Shadow Flare, Miasma 2 and Blizzard 2 do great...along with the usual dots.
I was in a Party Finder group where the SMN bane'd the spiny plume when Garuda was literally at 1% health.
... Yeah, that guy was not too popular in the group after that.
I'd argue that it's only use cross class would be for its bind effect, and Summoners have Tri-disaster for that. Blizzard 2 also requires close proximity to be effective. 212 MP per cast for 50 potency, I wouldn't use it as a summoner personally :/
so I broke the house. This is my new secret hiding place
I think killing the skeletons near each other leads to the Steward showing up when the chandelier aoe spawns on their corpses, so try and kill them apart.
And Tri-Disaster is 266mp for 30 pote. Blizz 2 is a much better AoE for damage.
Also around 1 sec faster to cast.
No one is using it for damage though. IMO they're used for their utility which is the bind effect.
I have been replaced.![]()
Anyone got advice for completing Haukke HM? First boss is a real pain..
yup, pretty much that. It is far more useful than thunder ever was though.
First off, I am a SMN.
Second, on fights like Siren or HM Ultima, having two of them can suck when there are phases that need burst damage in a hurry. And it's really rare to find a SMN that knows what they're doing so the mediocre ones stick out more than other dps jobs.
I hardly ever see many SMN's, they seem pretty rare still. Lots and lots of SCH's though. Thank goodness, being in a party with 2 SMN's can be a drag.
BRD's and MNK's seem to be more popular.
No one is using it for damage though.
Uh, yes? If I have to AOE (damage) and bane is off limits I'm not going to sit around casting tri-disaster.
There's like only two encounters where I would ever use tri-disaster, and in both it's not for its damage.
Coming from someone who just learned Tri-Disaster on a SMN alt, I'm curious as to what those two times would be.
I'm surprised to see there's actually hate for SMNs. That explains some of the heat I got my first time doing Titan.
I second this. SMN isn't a super difficult class but it requires the player to be attentive and I've seen too many players that just spam ruin/ruinII over and over or completely neglect to heal/revive anyone in need if the healer's preoccupied. To play the class well the player needs to have a level of situational awareness that just isn't present in a lot of people who probably just want to get on and enjoy the sparkly effects without having to think much. It's not so different from WHM in that regard (I had a healer recently who decided it would be great to just heal once every 15 seconds or so, we wiped multiple times to say the least).
For example (for anyone not familiar with SMN), at the start of a fight, a SMN's action is primarily DoT/Fester/Ruin/II rotations with either Garuda/Cast-Carby or Ifrit out and pet buffs. If at any moment the healer is preoccupied keeping the tank alive and the other DPS is dead or the healer themselves are about to die with the tank in middling health, the SMN can halt and heal the WHM/SCH or tank depending on who the healer is targeting at that moment. They can revive dead members while the healer is preoccupied. Lastly, in the event that the tank is unable to aggro mobs in time or if it's the party's first time in a dungeon and they find themselves ambushed by adds in a boss fight, the SMN can summon Titan and take aggro off the healer.
Played well they can fulfill both roles (of course not as a replacement for true supports) effectively. Unfortunately, not a lot of people I've seen have the attentiveness required to pull it off. Also as mentioned having 2 SMNs in a party becomes a bit of a wash because their DPS isn't immediate like other classes in the category.
Uh, yes? If I have to AOE (damage) and bane is off limits I'm not going to sit around casting tri-disaster.
There's like only two encounters where I would ever use tri-disaster, and in both it's not for its damage.
Well SMN's heals are pretty bad so us healing the healer is like a super super last resort. SMN's should be the first to revive dead party members, that's a ton of mp for a healer, especially a WHM to lose. Too often I see SMN's that don't revive and it drives me up a wall, especially when I play WHM and mana is at a premium.
Also I never heal (unless shit has hit all of the fans) because my heal sucks. I will revive people as soon as they go down if I have swiftcast up.
Maybe it's different at endgame if there's less near-death states and more OHKO.
It at least keeps the healer alive and lets them focus on keeping the tank alive by proxy.
That's pretty much what our heal is for. We aren't main healers, but the ability to help is a boon. If a mate's low on health and the healer's preoccupied with someone else, you're just gonna let'em bite it? Hell no, you heal them once to keep them alive until the healer gets to them.
Maybe it's different at endgame if there's less near-death states and more OHKO.
So, I've been wondering. I've been using a 360 controller to play the game, and for the most part it works fantastically. However, I have gotten into trouble on several occasions because of the Dad.
In order to reduce the amount of juggling I have to do between various Crossbars, I've mapped every high use action to the crossbar you select upon holding the right trigger. That means, rotations and tomahawk go to the face buttons, and provoke, stun, fracture, and mercy strike go to the D-pad.
The problem is that the 360 controller, sometimes screws up. Hit the right quickly, and left will go off as well, press up and down will go of upon depressing.
I've considered remapping things, but every other arrangement would drastically increase juggling and complicate the set up, and to prevent misfiring provoke on my current controller I have to use the dpad slowly and carefully.
So, what I'm wondering about, is whether I should purchase a dual shock 4 for my PC. Do they work well in that environment, are they compatible with a fair number of steam games? And how much do those little blue tooth adaptors cost?
Use a keyboard and mouse for MMOs like god intended.
I don't have the muscle memory for that. Besides, my mouse kinda bites.
Some would even say it was designed with pad in mind. The predecessor definitely was.
To each their own, I promise you though, you are using more muscle memory on that horrid controller set-up.
Besides, when it comes to dodging AoE, I think controllers actually trump the keyboard and mouse setup.
Lord, not another control method supremacy discussion. Nobody is better than anybody else just because of the control method they use. The game has been out for months, content has been easily cleared with both control methods.
Let it go.For the sake of argument, just because current content has been cleared by both methods doesn't mean that both methods are equal. They would be bad devs if they placed content that could realistically only be cleared by one method when both were placed, purposely, into the game. That being said, the odds of both methods being exactly the same on a hierarchy is slim so one is probably better than the other.
Has anyone else here experienced major lag spikes after 2.1? I downloaded WTFast and it was working for about a week and now i still get lag spikes.. Im on fios as well. Has anyone heard if or when there's a fix?
Let it go.
I'm surprised to see there's actually hate for SMNs. That explains some of the heat I got my first time doing Titan.
I second this. SMN isn't a super difficult class but it requires the player to be attentive and I've seen too many players that just spam ruin/ruinII over and over or completely neglect to heal/revive anyone in need if the healer's preoccupied. To play the class well the player needs to have a level of situational awareness that just isn't present in a lot of people who probably just want to get on and enjoy the sparkly effects without having to think much. It's not so different from WHM in that regard (I had a healer recently who decided it would be great to just heal once every 15 seconds or so, we wiped multiple times to say the least).
For example (for anyone not familiar with SMN), at the start of a fight, a SMN's action is primarily DoT/Fester/Ruin/II rotations with either Garuda/Cast-Carby or Ifrit out and pet buffs. If at any moment the healer is preoccupied keeping the tank alive and the other DPS is dead or the healer themselves are about to die with the tank in middling health, the SMN can halt and heal the WHM/SCH or tank depending on who the healer is targeting at that moment. They can revive dead members while the healer is preoccupied. Lastly, in the event that the tank is unable to aggro mobs in time or if it's the party's first time in a dungeon and they find themselves ambushed by adds in a boss fight, the SMN can summon Titan and take aggro off the healer.
Played well they can fulfill both roles (of course not as a replacement for true supports) effectively. Unfortunately, not a lot of people I've seen have the attentiveness required to pull it off. Also as mentioned having 2 SMNs in a party becomes a bit of a wash because their DPS isn't immediate like other classes in the category.
So, about replacing my 360 controller with a PS4 controller. Thoughts? Things I should be aware of?