I've been leveling my Monk exclusively through my daily low level roulette and I get this feeling when I do. "How is my combo going to play out in this dungeon!?

" Really wish they would just let you use all of your abilities / traits. ~_~
Yeeeaaahhh, your play style changes dramatically based on what abilities you have unlocked. So, roulette often ends up being pretty poor practice for end-game content as that class. Slight problem, considering people often get to 50 and have a ton of gear waiting for them. It means they end up skipping a lot of the fresh-50 content, that helps get you trained up as that class.
I kinda wish they'd just, scale stats downward, but leave skills alone. That'd probably make the dungeons a lot easier, but still.
Edit: To be clear, I understand why they don't do it this way, this is mostly just wistful daydreaming. Also, this would only, "slightly," help with endgame training. Once you get to level 40, you usually have enough skills at hand to effectively start training up that class, for level 50 content. So, keeping Skills in tact for Roulette would only help slightly. It'd result in maybe getting, 5-10 more dungeon runs with a mostly complete set of job skills. It'd be a start, but not all that much of one.