is it possible to macro SMN's DoT rotation into one nifty button? Would free up some valuable hotkey slots for me.
Havent done one of these in awhile:
I love this game and I love you guys. <3
3 runs and everything dropped except Paladin stuff.
I love this game and I love you guys. <3
I think I've said it before, but my wife is lord of the RNG on CT loot She hadn't done CT this week so this past Saturday night we put CT on to show a friend who quit on the game and she got the BLM boots first roll. That's 6 runs of CT done total and she's gotten the BLM drop she needed on 4 of those.
D'awww Tiv thanks again for putting that Prae group together last night and waiting for me while I watched cutscenes (Tomo here!).
D'awww Tiv thanks again for putting that Prae group together last night and waiting for me while I watched cutscenes (Tomo here!).
I love this game and I love you guys. <3
I've always got crappy luck when it comes to RNG, but i'm just glad for the experience. Acheron has some insane looking attack target indicators!
Cool that you got it done, did you watch the scene after the credits to set up the new scenario events?
Tomo, the guy I ran Cape with I think? (Jade here)
If so, sorry we didn't wait for you to do the last couple of story dungeons, our timezones didn't exactly match up well for that. Glad you got it done though.
Iffy's theme isn't nearly as heart pounding as Ruru's or Tits'. Leviathan better have an equally epic theme or I will be pissed and will refuse to use him as an egi when it's released.
This game is pretty good when you pretend beastmen dailies don't exist.
This game is pretty good when you pretend beastmen dailies don't exist.
That's what it needs, in my opinion, a dungeon/raid useful item. Maybe stat-benefitting food or something similar to that. As it stands now, they're virtually meaningless if you're not into pet/mount collecting.Don't have to pretend, I have never done them.
When all they have is vanity pets and mounts, the reward isn't that enticing. Just hope they don't end up like wow fraction reputation which give you useful combat item at eggsalt level.
Bah, trying to unlock CT and got disconnected (and I was in a party on top of it!). This happened a couple times last night, too, during an AK run.
Edit: And I'm not having any luck so far getting back on.My apologies to the party that was helping me.
I'm Ty Graa on Ultros.
This game is pretty good when you pretend beastmen dailies don't exist.
So, looks like there's going to be another ADS boss in one of the upcoming Turns.
I really hope that this is the Final ADS, and that it's good, tough, and that unlike Turn 2, cannot have it's mechanics sidestepped. XD
Also, I hope they don't do that blasted thing where you have to kill and rekill a bunch of Mini ADS's first. When you're probably going to wipe on the actual Boss a dozen times, being forced to re-do the dungeon doesn't make sense, even if it's a short/mini-sized dungeon. XD
Also, still working on Titan. The lack of groups for that is making it REALLY hard to get good practice in. I mean, with Ruda at least, the DPS check was fairly early on at least. It meant that seeing the real fight wasn't that difficult. I probably shouldn't be going to Duty Finder for that fight, but my luck with the Party Finder hasn't been all that much better. XD
I did the pumpkin quest from the Slyphs for the first time yesterday and... wtf. Worse quest ever. So much more annoying when compared to all the Amalj'aa dailies.
If someone is buying FFXIV new, and was not in 1.0, are they able to join a legacy server?
Legacy ppl can't change to new servers, but new ppl can join Legacy servers.
This game is pretty good when you pretend beastmen dailies don't exist.
3 runs and everything dropped except Paladin stuff.
But that Goobbue mount forced my hand. I needed it. The Sylph dailies are truly awful too.
I use a 670 and have the same issue. If you look on the official forums there are indeed people with the same problem. :/ I've tried pretty much every driver available for my card but still experience the crash intermittently. Fortunately it hasn't happened in a while! [knocks on wood]Does anyone play with a GTX 770 on PC? I'm having an issue where every now and then it seems like the graphics card crashes (game freezes for a second and then screen goes black) and recovers a couple seconds later. This usually isn't that big of a deal, but it got me killed in Titan EX yesterday which is a problem.
Has anyone else experienced this or something like it? I tried doing a Google search but nothing really came up. Really hoping there's a fix to this...
I stopped doing mine after hitting 50 on Monk. Really dislike how it's pretty much three sets of the same quests. DRG is the only job I have left to 50 so I'll probably get around to capping the Amaal'ja if I ever decide to finish that up, but eh.This game is pretty good when you pretend beastmen dailies don't exist.
Though getting 300 tomes for Main Scenario roulette (200 + 100 for the dungeon) + 100 for low level roulette isn't that bad either.![]()
good quest because you can fail. 0% chance for any other quest.
That reminds me, I missed a CT drop last week. >_<
Not a huge deal, because you only need a few key drops to get a new class up to respectable stats. Still, I can't let that become a habit.![]()
Grats on getting absolutely every job to 50, Mira.
Time to pack it up and move on!!
*Funny enough, I dreaded doing MNK and BLM and made sure they were the last jobs I touched, but now it turns out they are (outside of healing) my two favorite jobs..
Did my very first Coil run today! Tons of fun. Got to Turn 4 final phase twice.
Looking forward to conquering it next week!
Does anyone play with a GTX 770 on PC? I'm having an issue where every now and then it seems like the graphics card crashes (game freezes for a second and then screen goes black) and recovers a couple seconds later. This usually isn't that big of a deal, but it got me killed in Titan EX yesterday which is a problem.
Has anyone else experienced this or something like it? I tried doing a Google search but nothing really came up. Really hoping there's a fix to this...
After doing Extreme and Hard mode Titan, normal mode Titan seems so one landslide? Only a couple Titan egi adds...what kind of fight is this?
Man, I need to get to some sort of breaking point in this game, and then take a day or two to collect myself. It's not so much that I'm getting burnt out, so much as it's simple exhaustion. I mean, after playing almost nightly for months, it feels like my brains starting to get a little tangled up.
Yeah yeah, I know, "shouldn't be difficult to tangle your brain up Tia." Yeah ha ha, I know, but it's been a whole lot worse lately. Even fights that used to be fairly easy for me have been tiring. Particularly in the last few days.
I dunno, maybe I just need a few days of excessive sleep or something.
Also did the easy mode Titan fight and the music was surprising. I thought I was in a Guilty Gears game for a second. =p