Virus, Sacred Soil, Eye 4 Eye, Rouse, Whispering Dawn, Fey Convenant etc. CD was probably the wrong choice of word
Just wondering if it's more beneficial to help with SS on Fireballs and MB or just keep Adlo and heal up asap with lustrate stacks.
I guess I will find out tonight but I guess I have the general idea down.
Been playing SCH in coil and EX fights exclusively now and I must say, I find it way more fun than WHM and finally getting comfortable with playing one too.
Now if I just had more time to farm the stupid Myth..
Unless there's any danger of the fireball one-shotting someone (which is hopefully never going to be the case) I prefer to save my stacks for Lustrates since high tank damage is much more common and spiky (or maybe Energy Drains cause yay damage/mana). Since the group is split up around her it's difficult to justify SS since there's a good chance a large % of the raid won't get/need the effect. A pre-AoE from me followed by a post AoE from my WHM cohealer and myself is more than enough to top ppl off after a fireball.