I do smn/sch and I always saw the point allocation thing as the trade off for getting to level 2 jobs at once. For lower level content you can do either regardless of point allocation but for endgame you have to pick one or the other, I don't think that's unfair. I picked scholar just because I like healing more.
Bah, trying to get Stone Vigil done to advance the story. Healer just leaves right away now it's constantly people cycling in and out at the entrance. Is this dungeon that bad?
It was story dungeon I had the most problems with.Bah, trying to get Stone Vigil done to advance the story. Healer just leaves right away now it's constantly people cycling in and out at the entrance. Is this dungeon that bad?
For context the only other thing I said was Hi at the start of the dungeon.
For context the only other thing I said was Hi at the start of the dungeon.
He does make a good point though.
Bah, trying to get Stone Vigil done to advance the story. Healer just leaves right away now it's constantly people cycling in and out at the entrance. Is this dungeon that bad?
So I'm on the road of my relic and beat Ifrit HM but don't have any options for the next primal. The quest notes even state that I need to now take on Garuda but she's not in the duty finder. Any ideas?
So I'm on the road of my relic and beat Ifrit HM but don't have any options for the next primal. The quest notes even state that I need to now take on Garuda but she's not in the duty finder. Any ideas?
Final boss is tricky and everything there hits pretty hard. Plus it's a really boring looking dungeon.
How did the Summoners out there get comfortable with manually controlling your pets? Now that my Carbuncle can cast Shining Emerald, I'd like to get a handle on that.
Edit: Nevermind, thought Gust had to be done manually, but it's auto no matter what. Really easy to control manually as it turns out. =p
Managed to get that Stone Vigil run finished. It was actually pretty awesome. After a time, a Black Mage and a Scholar joined the group and we were chatting, waiting on a tank. Eventually we decided screw it and see how far we could get just the three of us. We made it to about half way between the first and second boss before duty finder got us a tank.
I brought out Titan and had him tank as best he could on the trash while the mage slept everything we weren't fighting, occasionally face tanking himself. The first boss took a couple of tries before we could down him. We just gave Titan a few seconds to gather aggro, and I'd pop Rouse on every CD to help him along with that, then we'd sit on the bosses butt the whole time, only moving when it would bugger off somewhere to do it's big attack. I think I spent more time healing Titan than anything else there. Tried to keep DOTs up as best I could and get out a few Festers, but it was mostly spamming Physick and Sustain. Still, we got the boss down, and it felt darn good managing it without a tank. We didn't even have a LB at our disposal, presumably because there were only three of us so the game wouldn't recognize us as a Light Party.
Once we did get a tank, the whole run was a lot easier. I enjoyed the second boss, a nice little nod to Utgarde Pinnicale. Last boss was really straightforward, I thought. It's just a Don't Stand in Stuff fight. Granted the ice lines it does when it takes to the air are a bit tough to see, but none of that stuff is insurmountable.
On the whole, I liked the dungeon, and it was pretty fun seeing how far we could get without a tank. =)
Granted the ice lines it does when it takes to the air are a bit tough to see, but none of that stuff is insurmountable.
The first time I beat Stone Vigil, the tank and one of the dps ragequit at the last boss because we wiped a few times. A summoner got in through duty finder and we beat last boss with just Titan-egi subbing in.Managed to get that Stone Vigil run finished. It was actually pretty awesome. After a time, a Black Mage and a Scholar joined the group and we were chatting, waiting on a tank. Eventually we decided screw it and see how far we could get just the three of us. We made it to about half way between the first and second boss before duty finder got us a tank.
I brought out Titan and had him tank as best he could on the trash while the mage slept everything we weren't fighting, occasionally face tanking himself. The first boss took a couple of tries before we could down him. We just gave Titan a few seconds to gather aggro, and I'd pop Rouse on every CD to help him along with that, then we'd sit on the bosses butt the whole time, only moving when it would bugger off somewhere to do it's big attack. I think I spent more time healing Titan than anything else there. Tried to keep DOTs up as best I could and get out a few Festers, but it was mostly spamming Physick and Sustain. Still, we got the boss down, and it felt darn good managing it without a tank. We didn't even have a LB at our disposal, presumably because there were only three of us so the game wouldn't recognize us as a Light Party.
Once we did get a tank, the whole run was a lot easier. I enjoyed the second boss, a nice little nod to Utgarde Pinnicale. Last boss was really straightforward, I thought. It's just a Don't Stand in Stuff fight. Granted the ice lines it does when it takes to the air are a bit tough to see, but none of that stuff is insurmountable.
On the whole, I liked the dungeon, and it was pretty fun seeing how far we could get without a tank. =)
Does anyone play with a GTX 770 on PC? I'm having an issue where every now and then it seems like the graphics card crashes (game freezes for a second and then screen goes black) and recovers a couple seconds later. This usually isn't that big of a deal, but it got me killed in Titan EX yesterday which is a problem.
Has anyone else experienced this or something like it? I tried doing a Google search but nothing really came up. Really hoping there's a fix to this...
For context the only other thing I said was Hi at the start of the dungeon.
Not from the PS3. The MP3 directory is only available on a PC with a BD drive; so if you have that available to you, then yes, you can export it. Inserting it in a PS3 puts an XMB icon under the [VIDEO] section, which plays all the tracks and the aforementioned slideshow.
Quick question: I read on reddit that with Titan HM (which we've not done yet, just unlocked Garuda HM today), a healer (or the tank themselves) should use Stoneskin before every Mountain Buster. Why is that?
I mean I get why SS is generally useful but why should it be used before this specific move?
There is no safe spot period. Tanks just eat the bombs when they're near one. You'll have to learn the patterns and where to go.
Quick question: I read on reddit that with Titan HM (which we've not done yet, just unlocked Garuda HM today), a healer (or the tank themselves) should use Stoneskin before every Mountain Buster. Why is that?
I mean I get why SS is generally useful but why should it be used before this specific move?
edit: Also while I'm asking about Titan HM (not worrying about Garuda too much since it seems a lot simpler than Titan HM), is there a safe spot for anyone who isn't the MT from the bombs? Just so I can hopefully avoid messing up too much due to getting hit with a bomb is all.
Quick question: I read on reddit that with Titan HM (which we've not done yet, just unlocked Garuda HM today), a healer (or the tank themselves) should use Stoneskin before every Mountain Buster. Why is that?
I mean I get why SS is generally useful but why should it be used before this specific move?
edit: Also while I'm asking about Titan HM (not worrying about Garuda too much since it seems a lot simpler than Titan HM), is there a safe spot for anyone who isn't the MT from the bombs? Just so I can hopefully avoid messing up too much due to getting hit with a bomb is all.
For context the only other thing I said was Hi at the start of the dungeon.
Mechanics-wise Garuda is just as difficult if not more difficult than Titan. Its just way more forgiving and you can't be permanently removed from the fight.
Worst Coil group to be renamed Coil Group Drowning in Caster loot
please make it stop
Alagan casting pants BIS for SMN my foot, dumb things killed my accuracy by ten points, back to incredibly short SMN myth skirt.
I swear, some people just play online games to vent their RL frustrations. How can people get this mad at a vidya game?
If he was upset that you were 'spinning mobs', he should of told you about it when it was happening. Some people need to learn how to communicate and put down the haterade.
you serial?
if there is statistics, i can bet that perma removal (getting hit by LS) is not one of the highest cause of death in titan ex.
titan ex is harder because of the difficulty of recover and the fast succession of everything that's going on. garuda ex is like a chill fight. However you still can't recover if mt dies with both garuda and the add up
He was probably already pissed about the moving around while tanking thing, and then Ari asked him about the LB in a somewhat, uh... Ari way. I can see how it would set him off, but people need to learn to not be so srs I guess. It's just a gaaaame. I used to be like that, though when I was new to the game.
I am totally surprised that "asking" someone for a Limit Break in a jerky way results in a jerky reply.
That was more than a jerky reply. Dude flipped his shit because he couldn't optimize his DPS. Maybe if it was a coil run or something I'd understand the frustration, but they were doing a level 31 dungeon. It was a bit childish.