Ah, uh, well.
Honestly I try not to compete too heavily with the other Tanks, but some of those fights do a fairly poor job at giving the Tanks clearly defined roles.
The King Behe fight isn't too bad, sure Tower Duty is boring but at least it's a clearly defined role.
The Pothead fight (can't remember that bosses name,) is a bit of a problem fight. It basically calls for one Tank, and a whole lot of Off Tanks, with occasional role switching. The problem is that a lot of times you get Tanks that either want to Main, or seem to have no notion of properly off Tanking the more dangerous Adds. So on a lot of fights you have Succu flying around everywhere.
Then you have the early trash mob fights, where you only really need two Tanks, and the rest are superfluous. This is my experience tends to be where most of the Hijinks occur. There always seems to be Tanks fighting over enmity here.
I often suspect that CT would work better as a 16 Man dungeon, with a few adjustments to mob sizes, HP, and boss mechanics. That said, I can see why they didn't do that, and hopefully future CT floors will be a little better designed. XD