You don't need to be defensive about that
Id say I'm trying to be less defensive, but then I'd be defensive over being defensive.
You don't need to be defensive about that
sounds familiar
I didn't know end-game raids had so much drama. I enjoy my time in XIV whatever it is I'm doing, even if my party is terrible and we're wiping multiple times.
you serial?
if there is statistics, i can bet that perma removal (getting hit by LS) is not one of the highest cause of death in titan ex.
titan ex is harder because of the difficulty of recover and the fast succession of everything that's going on. garuda ex is like a chill fight. However you still can't recover if mt dies with both garuda and the add up
After wiping to Twintania for nearly 4 hours today, I wonder what I am doing wrong as SMN. For Phase 2, I keep my dots up so I can spread them to conflags but it seems like that isn't enough. I pop Fester on fast conflags and sometimes even Energy Drain too if need be but then I am short on aetherflow stacks, which leads to conflag blowing up, taking whoever is inside.
It often seems my party does the best when I'm in a conflag instead of dishing out damage. Tempted to reroll as another dps.
It often seems my party does the best when I'm in a conflag instead of dishing out damage. Tempted to reroll as another dps.
After wiping to Twintania for nearly 4 hours today, I wonder what I am doing wrong as SMN. For Phase 2, I keep my dots up so I can spread them to conflags but it seems like that isn't enough. I pop Fester on fast conflags and sometimes even Energy Drain too if need be but then I am short on aetherflow stacks, which leads to conflag blowing up, taking whoever is inside.
It often seems my party does the best when I'm in a conflag instead of dishing out damage. Tempted to reroll as another dps.
I honestly don't know why people ever decided not to tank the boss in the center. It is so obviously designed for that.
Tempted to reroll as another dps.
Dunno if it's the same for $, but it should be 100 Crysta = 1$, so 1200 Crysta ?
I'm personally temped to reroll as BLM just for the loot we get in coil lol.
You know how many Bones would die right near the Dragon if it was tanked in the middle
After wiping to Twintania for nearly 4 hours today, I wonder what I am doing wrong as SMN. For Phase 2, I keep my dots up so I can spread them to conflags but it seems like that isn't enough. I pop Fester on fast conflags and sometimes even Energy Drain too if need be but then I am short on aetherflow stacks, which leads to conflag blowing up, taking whoever is inside.
It often seems my party does the best when I'm in a conflag instead of dishing out damage. Tempted to reroll as another dps.
The first thing you're doing wrong is not blaming the other DPS enough
I'm personally temped to reroll as BLM just for the loot we get in coil lol.
Must be different server cultures but with what kind of ppl do you play?
This. I thought CT was universal (well, data cluster based) but I've had none of these issues on Sargatanas and every run bar 2 or 3 have been done with BD in centre and with not much trouble. Obviously you run into a troll or two every so often or someone who argues for the sake of it because they are bored but that's just MMOs 101.None?
Must be different server cultures but with what kind of ppl do you play?
What you are describing is ppl not knowing the fight, DPS hold their attacks letting the tanks grab the skeles and bring them to last tiles and when there's an accident at much they die in the second/third tile which still gives enough time. You explain that or most people already knows it already. It might happened a few weeks ago when ppl didn't know the fight but event with some very particular exceptions that's never the problem (problem is linking 2 skeles most of the time).
You know how many Bones would die right near the Dragon if it was tanked in the middle
The North just gives a space buffer, only 6 Skellys will come out through the first 2 phases
If by mistake DPS go overboard (most of the time they do), Skellys die in middle or not even reach the edge tile of the arena to be killed
It's better to have a gap in between the boss and the Skellys
It would be awesome if you could tank it in the middle and communicate with 16 other people to listen and follow orders
That shit not gonna fly with PUGs, I mean if you can get 24 man GAF CT, then show how it really needs to be done
People take the least resistance approach cause it maybe the safest method out there
People still in CT kill 2 skellys right on top of each other, CT is 1.5 month old already, yet people still haven't learned the damn mechanics
From dragon arena to the walk of lament and get trolled by a group who wipes the whole alliance cause they don't understand 4 people to a pad to thanatos and people hitting Thanatos when they are visible, bypassing all nemesis and saying Fuck You to the invis groups pot....
How about Allagan Bomb and people not helping on Napalms, cause you know, made deeps on the Vassago yo'
KB, fuck those bombs and Giant, I need to Crit on KB, *hey where did all the boulders go?*, "Hey why do I have this debuff making lose HP like no tomorrow?; What happened to the towers hurr durr?*
Then the last boss, every hero tank ripping aggro for whatever fuck sakes, oh hey our teammate/alliance memeber is aggroed by a claw, "Who Gives a Fuck!"
I rather take the least resistant method when you have 16+ other random people who can ruin your enjoyment by fucking up a mechanic from any part of CT
I just unlocked Black Mage last night! I won't lie---I was hoping for a bit more fanfare in the game. It felt kinda like a pat on the back and "here, take this".
20 levels to go!
If you do a bane > fester > energy drain > ruin spam combo, with your pet attacking the fast conflag as well, and it's still going off it's probably not you. Rolling a different class won't change anything.
Take some pride in your abilities to play your job; if you absolutely know you're doing your best then it's okay to believe that the problem might not be you.
I can't stress this enough.
I feel like taking a break until 2.2 . I'll sign in for seasonal events over the next month but that's about it. Just got a PS4 and Tomb Raider and I don't want all my gaming time taken up by one game. I feel like I've experienced what the game has to offer right now except for PvP, which doesn't interest me much until Frontlines is added), and Binding Coil, which I'll probably wait until 2.2 for when I can clear it without the need for a static and having to play on someone else's schedule.
I've had this game since release and my Bard is only level 42. I want to level up to 50 and start getting in on all the stuff I'm reading about, but each time I load the game up I just feel...overwhelmed for some reason. I think I'll just wait on the PS4 release and then get back on the grind lol.
I bought the 'wolf' HQ jewelry set (i55) for ~28k to buff my iLvl a bit since my equipment on that side was lacking and the really snazzy stuff costs minimum 44k each. Is that good enough to get me through the HM primals or will I need better jewelry?
And have you guys ever tried to catch running Bara in a picture? Impossible.
Log in, do a daily roulette, and log out.
It's about an hour to an hour and a half per day for the best XP for the time spent, and you also learn how to play your role in end game.
I try! I just...have this nagging voice telling me every wipe is the SMN's fault.
Our SMN regularly does the most DPS of the ranged jobs in our group.
I'm debating going for SCH or WAR after I max out SMN. Think I'll go WAR first so I don't have to deal with being a -30 MND SCH lol.
Waiting in queue for Labyrinth of the Ancients, any notable things I should watch out for?