As long as we're on the subject, here's what I've learned about the Titan fight so far.
Tanks, focus on making good transitions with the other Tank. Ignore Rock Jails unless the other Tank is at 1 Stack or less. If you're splitting your attention between DPSing down the various jails you're a lot more likely to make mistakes. I've learned this the hard way unfortunately. -_-;;
Why? The OT can easily DPS the jail and the MT can DPS the Jail while Titan prepares his push back attack. Every DPS helps on Gaol. If the MT has 2 stacks on the gaol part just change at Landslide.
In the first phase, use Voke during the Plumes. I think on every phase after that (with the exception of the final cycling phase,) use Voke when Titan is firing off Landslides while the current Tank is at two stacks.
I like more use it after his first Jump (beginning of Phase 2), since depending of the DPS after 2 stacks on Phase 1 he can jump at any moment and you can miss your Voke. But not much of a difference, just a matter of preferences.
If you see a three way landslide when it's time to Voke, wait until after it's shot off before running behind Titan. For some reason landslide is particularly unforgiving when it comes to getting behind it. I've also learned this the heard way. Soooo many ring outs.
Yes. As soon as Landslide goes off you can voke + Halone (or Flash)
Up until the Heart Phase. The top priority for DPS is always to Destroy Rock Jails. Don't leave a Jail to go back and fight Titan, the only time you ever want to, "not," DPS a Jail, is if the person inside will be caught by a landslide, or if you're in the final stretch of the Heart Phase. If you need the Off Tank to DPS jails to get them down in time, then chances are you're going to have trouble with the later DPS checks, such as the Heart or Adds. This doesn't mean that Tanks should never help out, but Jails usually hit around the same time Tanks are supposed to switch off.
As I said, I found it easier to change at the Landslide during the Gaol part. That said, there shouldn't even need to tell DPS to focus on Gaols, it's almost common sense
For pretty much everyone, this appears to be the first fight where it really does pay off to learn Titan's full skill rotation in detail. I'm in the process of memorizing it myself. Find a written description of the attacks Titan uses in his various phases, and write them down on paper. Doing so will help you remember them a lot better.
Yep, that's important, also I'd note that if you are gonna be OT, knowing how to handle adds it's a critical moment of the fight.
Again I'll reiterate, this is not a response to any specific player. Most of these are responses to mistakes I myself have made. XD
Corrections and elaborations are totally welcome here.