So Makoto is the punching bag of the group.
So, what do you guys do, when you've hit a brick wall, and your so emotionally invested in getting past it that you can't even play consistently anymore?
Take a break, maybe?
Yes. You should just take a few days off to go play something else.
Freakin' Bookey! He tanks Liquid Hell and LB's. Nothing stops him!again, just blame bookey. He's the cause of all wipes.
If you're so focused on beating a particular encounter that your gameplay/skill is suffering, definitely take a break. Forcing yourself through it isn't viable for yourself, or the group you're with.So, what do you guys do, when you've hit a brick wall, and your so emotionally invested in getting past it that you can't even play consistently anymore?
Take a break, maybe?
"Damn it, Makoto!"So Makoto is the punching bag of the group.
Freakin' Bookey! He tanks Liquid Hell and LB's. Nothing stops him!
"Damn it, Makoto!"
If you don't have that macro'd to a key by now, you're doing it wrong!
True enough!except punch's liquid hells, and plummets
Freakin' Bookey! He tanks Liquid Hell and LB's. Nothing stops him!
If you're so focused on beating a particular encounter that your gameplay/skill is suffering, definitely take a break. Forcing yourself through it isn't viable for yourself, or the group you're with.
That's why people recommend, if you're trying to beat a piece of content new to you, that taking a break after each lock-out/reset is a good idea. It's allows the player to get a brief respite to grab a drink, refresh their body/mind, etc.
Just take a break for a few days and then come back. I'm sure you'll feel better about it then.
Honestly that thing is kind of ugly compared to the Dual Haken. I saw it in Rev Toll the other day and my first thought was that it doesn't even look like an axe!
SE agrees on the proper place to tank Bone Dragon, taken from the new PS4 trailer.
SE agrees on the proper place to tank Bone Dragon, taken from the new PS4 trailer.
Don't ruin this for me.
They also showed during the trailer the KB fight in CT, tanking it in the middle and towards the party, everyone nonchalantly eats Elliptical Meteor...
Yeah SE is very based to it's own GODDAMN Positioning
Sorry Aeana, I rather survive than follow SE's logic of positioning
Tanking bone dragon at the north does not increase your odds of survival, nor does it make the fight easier. Think for yourself.
Tanking bone dragon at the north does not increase your odds of survival, nor does it make the fight easier. Think for yourself.
Tanking bone dragon at the north does not increase your odds of survival, nor does it make the fight easier. Think for yourself.
I've ran CT so many times and I've never seen it pulled north. Like, never. When I tank it I tank it mid and no one complains or tries to take agro from me or anything. I think GAF is in a twilight zone.
I do tank KB west though cuz of IG spawns.
I've ran CT so many times and I've never seen it pulled north. Like, never. When I tank it I tank it mid and no one complains or tries to take agro from me or anything. I think GAF is in a twilight zone.
I do tank KB west though cuz of IG spawns.
Sure it does. It drastically reduces the likelihood of tanks pulling it off you and attempting to move it to the north where the vast majority of Ultros is comfortable tanking it.
Doesn't matter anymore. It's been what? Eight weeks? Where it's tanked isn't going to change now
So, guys, I'm almost level 18 now. I registered and joined the guild's forum. (Gather Against Fate - Ultros)
My problem: How do I join the guild in the game? I'm unable to select anything like 'free company' in the menus yet...I'm lost. D:
Bone Dragon tanking stuff is weird. I've ran CT 50+ times, and I've never seen anyone talk about or attempt to take him north.
You need to send a /tell to one of the leaders to get an invitation. Try one of the following:
Maple Cookie
Strawberry Shortcake
Safflower Amariyo
Tiv Einsfell (me)
Mira Mora
Elliott Kirkland
Guy Incognito
Remiel Cathetel
Renault Cathetel
Any of these people can invite you to the free company.
Only time I've seen it tanked in the middle was an all GAF run where the tank wasn't actually SBing that day. Otherwise, they take it to the north.
Lately though, the last CT runs I've been in are so bad, I just want to avoid the place altogether.
I urgently need your help.
I am trying to select a new server [this is my first time in the game], the most populated one if possible. I have come down to Cerberus and Ragnarok, however what is the difference between Legacy and Non-Legacy?
Legacy is mostly full of people that transferred characters from 1.0 to the current version.
If you have no friends on legacy servers then you definitely want to join a non-legacy server.
But the legacy server has got the most "hardcore" crowd right? Because at the end of the day I am looking to be in a very competitive environment.
Not really. I'd say it depends of each server culture than rather being a legacy/new server thing. I remember that in the first months non-legacy servers were always the first one beating Bahamut turns (harder content in the game right now).
And I'd say there's still a quite number of new ppl on legacy servers, so that's not a problem neither. There's this lie thar or you have friends on legacy servers or you should go to a new one....that's bullshit. It was months ago and is still right now.
Gil inflation is a real problem for new characters on legacy servers.