Twintania gets easier once you beat it once...not that I would know!
In theory, anyway.
Got 11th kill with my group last night and it took over an hour. Two weeks ago we one-shot it and last week it was only like 2 warmup wipes before we won.
Attempt 1: I don't even remember, I think we died at snakes or right after
Attempt 2: Warrior disconnects at divebombs
Attempt 3: I ran a liquid hell at a bad angle, misjudged cone range and got hit with plummet, distracted healers, warrior soaking bombs was next liquid hell target, chaos, tank died to DS at 5%
Attempt 4: Bad timing on last conflag before divebombs, blm stuck while we dodged divebombs, died, bad transition
Attempt 5: Somehow the conflag I (and tank) was in exploded
Attempt 6: Both healers went boom on first twister
Attempt 7: Three people knocked around (but not killed) by divebombs, tank died to snakes
Attempt 8: Warrior ran on top of me during twisters, exploded both of us and tank
We won soon after that but geez lol...
As an i89 SMN, what should my dps be at? At least on average.
I'm not sure what parser he was using and I don't parse our runs but my static's WHM also has i90 SMN so I often heal turns 2 and 4 so he can play his SMN. He said that combined with garuda he was doing over 400 DPS on miniADS in turn 2 last night, that was with raging strikes but without Foe Requiem I think. Your single target combined damage with garuda should be around 300 minimum with that level of gear...but it does depend on the parser. Worry more about the gap between you+garuda and other DPS rather than about the gap between 0 and whatever raw number a parser gives you.