Stone Ocean
It was on the lowest traffic time in the server.Only 70? Sometimes it feels like the entire server is there. XD
I can't fucking imagine doing Odin in peak hours lol
It was on the lowest traffic time in the server.Only 70? Sometimes it feels like the entire server is there. XD
Apparently I pick the worst times to play this game. Is there a standard maintenance schedule?
Apparently I pick the worst times to play this game. Is there a standard maintenance schedule?
So while I wait, are their any decent Youtubers to view for FF14 or maybe a good fansite/forum to read up on guides/info?
So i was thinking about picking this up for PC. I don't have a PC right now, so this would be my only option for a MMO. My question is 1) is this MMO worth playing? I was a hardcore EQ player back in the day, and enjoyed early wow, don't enjoy all the instancing and hub-style, like dungeon finder etc. 2) Is it worth picking up on PS3? Is there any limitations/awkwardness besides chat?
Greetings, everyone!
Im stopping in again to bring you some more information about plans for housing that are in the works!
As mentioned briefly during Letter from the Producer LIVE, in patch 2.2 we will be adding a cultivation system, which will allow you to cultivate crops from your houses garden and use them for things such as cooking.
Additionally, though this is something for the future, we are currently looking into making it so you can dye furnishings that cannot presently be dyed.
I don't go into DR expecting the dungeon to give me exp, I go in expecting the end bonus to give me exp. The objective of DR is to help players who want to get in a certain dungeon without having to wait hours to get a party. The bonuses are incentives for other players to queue in a random system.I know that patch was supposed to fix the low level DR thing but I am still getting Tam Tara far too much for my liking. If the game would be kind enough to throw a dungeon closer to my level, even if it has to be as low as Bray or Qarn, that would help speed things up. At least I'm rolling healer, queues are generally pretty fast so I can just queue up for either Stone Vigil or Cutter's Cry after doing my DR.
So, anyone want to bet that phase PS4 beta ends at Story mode Ifrit again? Was such a great place to do so that left you wanting more.
Seems a bit silly. The big things you want to ensure are working on PS4 is what is performance like in Mor Dhora, Crystal Tower, Titan EX, etc.
Does the PS3 trophies for FFXIV transfer to the PS4 version? For those doing the PS4 upgrade.
They should
Unless FFXIV for PS4 has a different value check
Most likely you'll have to complete the objective at hand to re-earn it
So to get both the Mine 1 time and 1000 times to PING!, just go hit a node
The achievements most likely will be the value check that the Trophies will check against and most of the stuff is saved server side
I don't go into DR expecting the dungeon to give me exp, I go in expecting the end bonus to give me exp. The objective of DR is to help players who want to get in a certain dungeon without having to wait hours to get a party. The bonuses are incentives for other players to queue in a random system.
DR technically isn't built to help you level.
I'm aware of that but I just wish it would do a better job of matching up the players who are around the level of that dungeon or who need it in general.
I'm aware of that but I just wish it would do a better job of matching up the players who are around the level of that dungeon or who need it in general.
Ready Check!! \(^_^)/
Wet surface effects have been added.
Player models will now appear wet in inclement weather, when immersed in water, or when struck by water-based attacks.
The color of mob ground effect indicators was changed from red to gold. I wonder why they did that.
Waymarks have been added.
Using waymarks, players can mark select areas on the field that can be seen by party and alliance members. Waymarks can be accessed under Social on the Main Menu.
The focus target bar will now remain visible even when the indicated target is no longer on screen.
Maybe they're animated and sweep out away from the caster.Not just that, they seem to have sections to them now?
Maybe they're animated and sweep out away from the caster.
Not just that, they seem to have sections to them now?
he focus target bar will now remain visible even when the indicated target is no longer on screen.
It's time.