Oh...I didn't even realize you could have other people do it for you. Man that was a waste of an hour. Thanks guys!
You can do leves, though that will be somewhat costly.Man getting a crafting skill up to lvl 20 so I can attach materia to shit is such a there any way to speed this up so it doesn't bore me to death? I miss punching things.
On a related it even worth attaching materia before lvl 50? I have all this gear at ~lvl 20 now that has materia slots, but I suppose I will keep changing gear fairly often huh?
On a related it even worth attaching materia before lvl 50? I have all this gear at ~lvl 20 now that has materia slots, but I suppose I will keep changing gear fairly often huh?
If you're going to be converting your gear, don't slot good materia in, slot garbage materia in.No, but gears with materia on them spirit bond faster, so you can convert them to materia either to keep or sell.
Speaking of materia, anyone know what is the percentage of getting a grade IV materia from ilevel50+ gears? I was quite annoyed and frustrated when I went 0-3 on converting my best leathercraft gear considering how long it took to spirit bond them (was 0-3 the day before on miner's), the materias I had attached cost more than what I ended up with. Honestly, they should make HQ stuff having a higher chance of turning into a better quality materia. Also, why doesn't Aetheryte Ring convert into craftmanship materia? I got a stupid Mind IV out of it...if I had known, I'd kept it since I had a control +3 on it. What a waste.
Tempted to try the PS4 beta, but my head's telling me I might as well use the time to play more of the PS3 version instead. At least until the second phase anyway, as I believe the characters are wiped after the first phase.
I've never seen anyone parse close to 400 DPS on anything but a training dummy, on any job, using ACT. A SMN who can hit 250 by ACT's metric (pet included) on most fights is doing fine, I'd say.I'm not sure what parser he was using and I don't parse our runs but my static's WHM also has i90 SMN so I often heal turns 2 and 4 so he can play his SMN. He said that combined with garuda he was doing over 400 DPS on miniADS in turn 2 last night, that was with raging strikes but without Foe Requiem I think. Your single target combined damage with garuda should be around 300 minimum with that level of gear...but it does depend on the parser. Worry more about the gap between you+garuda and other DPS rather than about the gap between 0 and whatever raw number a parser gives you.
Anyone getting server errors logging in?
Got hit 5006, then 6001 now
Edit: Never mind, it fixed itself
I landed on Primal in Brynhildr, (what is Primal? region?) still remembering how this works. Doesn't seem like many there. Should I start over somewhere more populated?
And square acknowledged the issue -
If you're going to be converting your gear, don't slot good materia in, slot garbage materia in.
I'd say you should look at the servers with GAF guilds and pickShould I start over somewhere more populated?
Primal is the name of one of the data centres. Here's a list of all the data centres and servers to help:
Aegis / Atomos / Carbuncle / Garuda / Gungnir / Kujata / Ramuh / Tonberry / Typhon / Unicorn
Alexander / Bahamut / Durandal / Fenrir / Ifrit / Ridill / Tiamat / Ultima / Valefor / Yojimbo / Zeromus
Anima / Asura / Belias / Chocobo / Hades / Ixion / Mandragora / Masamune / Pandaemonium / Titan
Adamantoise / Balmung / Cactuar / Coeurl / Faerie / Gilgamesh / Goblin / Mateus / Midgardsormr / Sargatanas / Siren / Zalera
Behemoth / Brynhildr / Diabolos / Excalibur / Exodus / Famfrit / Hyperion / Lamia / Leviathan / Malboro / Ultros
Cerberus / Lich / Moogle / Odin / Phoenix / Ragnarok / Shiva
I've noticed as an ilv 83 summoner that I tend to hit anywhere from 170 - 210 with regular ruins, almost 300+ with crits, and then anywhere from 750 - 1200 with a non-crit vs a crit Fester. Then I am always rotating Spur/Rouse with Ruru.
Are those good numbers for a summoner? I always feel like I do shit damage and my DPS is too low...
Ruin is supposed to do crap damage. You gotta check how much your DoTs are doing because aside from Fester that's where the bulk of your damage is.
Is there a reason why my Macro's sometimes fail and need to be pressed a second time? That's the only thing preventing me from making a Macro announcing that I've used Voke.
It's either global cooldown or another skill animation is preventing that macro skill from being used. For a PLD for example, the animation for Spirit Within or Rage of Halone skill takes 2-3 seconds to complete, so any other skill you press during the animation won't work till the animation is done. Pretty annoying when I need to use Hallowed Ground immediately, but still stuck in Halone animation.... and that the buff from Hallowed Ground won't take affect till the animation for it is completed which is another 1 second or so.
Mm, okay that makes sense. I wonder if there's a way I can set those text announcements not to send till the skill actually goes off.
/ac provoke <t>
/p provoke used on <t> <se.1>
i think. i have to recheck in game
DoTs are always up on bosses, and Raging Strike is always used when available before applying any DoTs.
Edit: I feel like I run through my festers too quickly. I feel like I need to use them as soon as they are available or else I won't be contributing as much. Any tips, especially on things like Ruru EX?
I don't think it will work, I have something like that for Provoke and HG. It will attempt to cast the spell even if you can't and will still announce(/p) that it has been cast.
I don't think it will work, I have something like that for Provoke and HG. It will attempt to cast the spell even if you can't and will still announce(/p) that it has been cast.
My HG macro is:
/micon "Hallowed Ground"
/ac "Hallowed Ground"
/wait 3
I can spam it during Rage of Halone animation and it still wouldn't cast even with this in chatbox:
That's because you have a /p before the wait. The point of /wait is to prevent spam, which it does even in your example; it's not a confirmation of cast.
There really is no way to check for confirmation before announcing the spell has been cast macro wise, there is no IF/AND/OR/THEN commands.
the macro still doesn't care if the skill has gone off or not before announcing /p after your /wait.
Well yeah, but it's the next best thing.
We're all aware macros in this can only go so far, which is where human interaction comes in.
Mm, okay that makes sense. I wonder if there's a way I can set those text announcements not to send till the skill actually goes off.
No you can't, you can get something that Ken originally posted, but like he said, you have to be vigilant about it. You have to make sure it is actually cast before doing something else.
methinks you're overthinking tanking too much yo
On a related it even worth attaching materia before lvl 50? I have all this gear at ~lvl 20 now that has materia slots, but I suppose I will keep changing gear fairly often huh?
I finally got a friend onto this.. Using a slim PS3 he's borrowing from me until he gets one of his own.
I have a spare 80GB that I'm not using, but I'm hesitant on selling it to him as I know those things run a little hot. Anyone have experience playing FF14 on the original models?
First time fighting Odin was pretty fucking crazy. Not much I can do as a healer aside from resurrecting people, though.
It was the 60 one, tanks getting deleted left and right and we almost couldn't kill him before Zantetsuken even though we had like 70 people around.The Odin battles vary in difficulty, depending on the level of the Odin that spawns.
Level 55 Odin isn't so bad, but the level 59 and 60 Odin can plow through ilvl90 tanks like they were tissue paper.
It was the 60 one, tanks getting deleted left and right and we almost couldn't kill him before Zantetsuken even though we had like 70 people around.