Here's something fun.yeah, I've picked up /fc, and I want to say the rest are standard (at least from FFXI Memory). /s is say, /p is party, /r was reply (I think), /t <name> was tell. Haven't tried linkshell (nor do I understand the reason to have both linkshells and Free Companies, besides the fact that FC's hold more people). /L was linkshell chat back in XI.
I rarely shouted/yelled, so I can't remember what the shorthand for that was.
Alt + F : directs the subsequently typed message to 'Free Company'
Alt + P : directs to 'Party'
Alt + R : replies to the last person who sent you a tell; repeated pressing of this shortcut sends you back through the history of people who /tell you
Alt + S : Say
Alt + Y : Yell
Alt + H : Shout
Alt + L : repeated pressing of this shortcut cycles through your linkshells
Emotes are available to put on your hotbar. It is in the Social > Emotes menu; setting one on your hotbar will by default execute the /laugh or whatever for you, without using the chat.
For beckon quests, you can do the lazy thing, which is making 2 macros: one that "/focustarget <t>", and another that does "/beckon <f>" (for focus target). When you pop the quest to start, target the escort NPC and use the first macro to focustarget him, and then you can run ahead and mash the second macro until kingdom come.