why is the emperor wearing a gremlin on his head?
The Ultros FC armory page updated now. As I expected, it moved me up and now I'm #10.
ultros titan hm pls
wtb titan carry 5gil
You missed 4 runs yesterday! (though all but 1 of us were running alts through)
That stuff typically happens near the end of the week if people are bored after getting all their Coil and Mythology done.
I still think people should have to fight that thing constantly for a minimum of 2 weeks before getting carried. The fight needs to be learned.
ultros titan hm pls
wtb titan carry 5gil
Dire Miralis is selling runs on Behemoth (lol)
He stated quite plainly (and this is ihis marketing quote so I don't think I need to tag it) that essentially he is in the right to take Eorzea because no one has the STR to stop him. It's the exact same thing I said but on a larger scale.
This is not about his motivation but about why he feels justified in seeking his motivation in the methods he does
First time "seeing" the Odin FATE today without Odin but lots of Chocobos, minions and N-words that got thrown around. Also, everyone wiped and I raised some Miqo'te before laughing to the bank and vanishing.
This is some seriously dumb stuff, absolutely horrible on all accounts.
Got my miner to 45 before maintenence and bought myself the full set of HQ Miner AF for about 80k. 5 levels early but I figure the value of that might actually go up later this week with more people that might bother to level it with the xp changes.
Once that is at 50 I'll go back and finish getting my SMN to 50 so I can start doing end-game stuff properly again, and perhaps level GSM on the side.
did you know you can fit two lalas one chair
Holy Fuck
This game is ruining my life
I just did a 27 hour marathon @_@!
Mother of Christ!
Hey at least I capped Myth to 300, took 8 hours
Come on SE and do a cap reset, PLEASE!
Can get an extra 300 tomes ^_^
I made 2 sets gear doing the 8 AK runs, got full Starategos and Peltast
Hilarious I made my WHM jfriend ealous, he's farmed AK even after cap just for that Strat Ring, I got in on 2nd AK run, then it dropped again on the 4th, LOL
Now I go Slumber! and awake right as maint finishes, damn I need an intervention
maintenance reset tomes!!! hell yes an extra 300!
Who s gaius?
Logged out for maintenance. I wonder what'll be broken tomorrow.
ps, Thanks Yennaiv for forcing me to learn SCH rapidly. Post-heart attack, I'm much more comfortable with the job already.
I keep putting off learning how to heal(SCH) because I know Yen will pull half the instance on my first time. D:
Logged out for maintenance. I wonder what'll be broken tomorrow.
ps, Thanks Yennaiv for forcing me to learn SCH rapidly. Post-heart attack, I'm much more comfortable with the job already.
take that server maintenance logout messages
ps, Thanks Yennaiv for forcing me to learn SCH rapidly. Post-heart attack, I'm much more comfortable with the job already.
Hard to pull half of Titan.
no no I'm referring to his AK pulling methods. I thought thats what Tiv was alluding to anyways, my mistake if she meant Titan!
Logged out for maintenance. I wonder what'll be broken tomorrow.
ps, Thanks Yennaiv for forcing me to learn SCH rapidly. Post-heart attack, I'm much more comfortable with the job already.
i joined yen for a couple of ak runs today with my noob SCH and lets just say that yen's method of pulling mobs is the fastest way to learn how to heal or die trying.
I definitely know how to play a SCH now though.
Is it just me or are most ppl in the GAF FC unhelpful at best, and flat out selfish at worst?
Yesterday, I spent roughly 20 minutes asking ppl in the GAF FC if they would be willing to help me run Hydra so I could get my relic weapon. With the exception of one gaffer, literally everyone ignored me all my repeated requests for help. One gaffer even made a smarmy comment at me, which was completely uncalled for. It seems that now that most gaffers have already got their relics, they've adopted a FUCK YOU GOT MINE attitude to helping newbies.
Maybe I should consider switching FCs.
What's the point of doing AK if you can't pull 3 groups at the same time @_@
Both of you did great thanks for healing my impatient Pally self.
I hope they make changes to WP, cant see what impatient method you come up with. Ignore adds and nuke the king? Pull the instance through stalkers? What will satisfy you Yen?!
This is something that's being addressed in the update tonight.I tried to get some tomes just in case of a reset and just to que for AK with a premade the wait was crazy long DF was beyond impossible. I qued solo dps for over an hour with nothing. Then I qued with a healer we waited over 40 minutes before settling on cm. thanks a lot SE. Don't make AK mandatory then make it impossible to que up.
Oh man, 20 whole minutes? This coming from the same guy who wouldn't teleport himself to Coerthas for Chimera? Sure why don't I teleport two extra times to pick you up and bring you to something you needed also.
The same guy who left two FC members hanging mid AK run because he misunderstood something the pug tank said? Sure, let's waste everyone's time by leaving the instance screaming and crying "elitist". (I wasn't there for this one, but I had the fun of watching it unfold over FC chat)
And lastly, this:
lol, yeah I think you should stop considering it and go ahead and find another FC.
I sure hope this is Anime Bodypillow
How do you read it with red text?!!? My eyes are bleeding @_@
This is something that's being addressed in the update tonight.