I'm conflicted about that. On one hang being that picky about gear for WP is absurd. On the other hand he did craft you a new accessory.
I can see the xp boost on gathering normally, but I'm not seeing it in the leves. Weren't the leves supposed to get a boost as well? I'm currently looking at Costa leves and they seem to be right where they were before the hot fix (~15k).
I also need Chimera, but for Sargatanas. Anyone interested in a run this evening?
As a fresh 50 PLD, how should I be spending my Tomes? Darklight armor or accessories first?
I would really like to join the GAF FC on Ultros. I know about the FC website in the OP, but I am unsure about what to do to get started. If someone could explain what to do or who to send a tell to get signed for the FC that would be great. Is it still full, with a waiting LS?
I am not much of a hardcore player though and don't have an enormous amount of time to invest, but would really like to experience the game and story with decent people. Thanks.
Name's "Furious Wildfire" btw.
Yeah I told him I'd run it before no problem but he insisted so I'm grateful for the gear. He just didn't need to be so highstrung about WP lol.
Thanks. I'll get on that soon.We have room.
Just go to the recruitment page on the website and fill out an application. Once you have done that, send a /tell to one of the officers while you are online and in-game and we will send you an invite. The officers are listed on the site (and on the recruitment page) and in the OP.
As a fresh 50 PLD, how should I be spending my Tomes? Darklight armor or accessories first?
So lame that Turn 5 is down again. My group got to it last night and only tried a few attempts (because it was late). We planned on working on it more (for fun/challenge) tonight and more this week. Bah. I bet SE just restarted the instance servers for that place and said to themselves, "Welp, that'll fix it I bet!". ~.~
I also wish the game had more end game content or let you run Coils multiple times (even if you couldn't get loot). My friends need help with Coils, but since I've already gone this week, I can't assist them. And for a game that touts you can play as any job on one character, it's a weird system to have at the end game. I level other classes, but I'll never get to go to Coils with them like you could in say WoW via the alt-system. I love that I can do everything on one character, but it's missing some of the perks like being able to run a raid more than once a week like you could in other MMOs. *shrug*
I thought you could run Coil 'Turn' again as long as someone in the group (the leader) hasn't done that 'Turn'? Isn't progress saved based on the party leader?
It's based on your personal progress. If I cleared up to Turn 4, and joined another group whose leader hadn't done anything yet, it wouldn't let us enter. I'd have to become leader and then everyone else could enter into my Turn 4 "save".
So lame that Turn 5 is down again. My group got to it last night and only tried a few attempts (because it was late). We planned on working on it more (for fun/challenge) tonight and more this week. Bah. I bet SE just restarted the instance servers for that place and said to themselves, "Welp, that'll fix it I bet!". ~.~
I also wish the game had more end game content or let you run Coils multiple times (even if you couldn't get loot). My friends need help with Coils, but since I've already gone this week, I can't assist them. And for a game that touts you can play as any job on one character, it's a weird system to have at the end game. I level other classes, but I'll never get to go to Coils with them like you could in say WoW via the alt-system. I love that I can do everything on one character, but it's missing some of the perks like being able to run a raid more than once a week like you could in other MMOs. *shrug* My group finished Coils last night (since Turn 5 is down for maintenance), so we have nothing to do but work on farming tomes for other jobs or level other jobs. :/
A+ game design.
No wonder so many static groups have started forming. The game pretty much forces you into them.
What MMO doesn't work this way?
I feel you. We have enough for 2 coil groups in my FC though a few more that kind of spill over and it just screws everything up not being able to go back in. What we are doing lately is taking the core group and splitting in in half and taking the new ppl to coil in. At least that way everyone gets a turn but it sucks having to re teach ppl this stuff.
I'm on Sarg. Name is Jaybee Three (whm). If you see me on (probably around 7pm est), send me a tell and I'll lend you my elite healing skills.
In other MMOs, having alternate characters is how you would get around this issue we are having. You can technically make an alt on XIV, but why would you when you can have every job on one character? Plus you have to pay more for having another character. Plus, didn't WoW change that recently?
I just find it weird that the game says "You can level any job on any character! Go wild!" Then at the end game, it's a completely different story. You can really only gear up 1 job at a time due to the myth caps and Coil issue (once per week).
I'm gonna ask in here because I don't know when I'll log into the game today, anyone interested in doing Chimera on Ultros sometime today?
In other MMOs, having alternate characters is how you would get around this issue we are having. You can technically make an alt on XIV, but why would you when you can have every job on one character? Plus you have to pay more for having another character. Didn't WoW change that recently?
I just find it weird that the game says "You can level any job on any character! Go wild!" Then at the end game, it's a completely different story. You can really only gear up 1 job at a time due to the myth caps and Coil issue (once per week).
Yeah, we are tempted to start doing that as well, but... it does suck having to basically start from scratch with new players in your group after learning the fights already (ie: lots of wipes with new people probably).
So lame that Turn 5 is down again. My group got to it last night and only tried a few attempts (because it was late). We planned on working on it more (for fun/challenge) tonight and more this week. Bah. I bet SE just restarted the instance servers for that place and said to themselves, "Welp, that'll fix it I bet!". ~.~
Hyro Kurosawa here and I just wanted to officially say goodbye to the GAF FC. Heat and I decided to transfer servers because we have some IRL friends on a different server. Just wanted to say that we will miss everyone and we had a great time getting to know everyone.
Hyro Kurosawa here and I just wanted to officially say goodbye to the GAF FC. Heat and I decided to transfer servers because we have some IRL friends on a different server. Just wanted to say that we will miss everyone and we had a great time getting to know everyone.
Hyro Kurosawa here and I just wanted to officially say goodbye to the GAF FC. Heat and I decided to transfer servers because we have some IRL friends on a different server. Just wanted to say that we will miss everyone and we had a great time getting to know everyone.
Hyro Kurosawa here and I just wanted to officially say goodbye to the GAF FC. Heat and I decided to transfer servers because we have some IRL friends on a different server. Just wanted to say that we will miss everyone and we had a great time getting to know everyone.
my game is broken.
i cant turn in this quest. keeps saying complete
Maybe try clearing a few inventory slots? You're full.
Anyone have an issue where when you exit the game the client doesn't exit and it just goes black? I have to end it with the task manager
o_o cant believe i didnt notice that, but the quest gives no items but ill try anyways tomorrow. thanks
If it's the GC AK quest you have to abandon it and take the replacement AV quest instead.my game is broken.
i cant turn in this quest. keeps saying complete
This is how my char looks now, I am a princess <3
If it's the GC AK quest you have to abandon it and take the replacement AV quest instead.
Can anyone tell me if I'm ready to face HM Garuda yet based on my gear?
Can anyone tell me if I'm ready to face HM Garuda yet based on my gear?
how did you turn into an armored bird?
I dunno, then. Did it several times with everyone with relic+1 and still didn't kill everything before he caught up each time. I really hate that dungeon.