Unknown Soldier
Going off the various discussions of War buffs... I think the best way to buff war would be to emphasize its unique flavour over Pld.
25%HP, 20% healing bonus as std passive. Slightly inferior to pld's 20% dmg reduction.
Change the stacks from healing bonus to parry bonus. At full stacks, you get parry equivalent to a shield. And burning it will give you a dmg debuff on mob.
Cool down skills should be centered around self healing - increase HP, regen.
And give them enhanced provoke - locked threat for 5 seconds.
That way war and pld become complimentary tanks - one is damage mitigation, one is health spiking.
The reason PLD is so broken is because all their skills are based on reduction of % incoming damage. So the PLD will basically do nothing and yet get stronger as the enemies get stronger, even if his gear does not change.
To make WAR on par with PLD, their skills need to be revised to also be based on % damage incoming. Anything which centers around a fixed value like weapon damage or defense rating willl be perpetually inferior to PLD.
Squenix really did not play-test anything at endgame at all to not realize that having one tank scale upwards perpetually without a cap based on damage taken while the other has a fixed value would be incredibly imbalanced.