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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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This is ludicrous. Why pay for something and dedicate time to something that would cause communication based solely off of complaining?
We're talking about video games here, not forums

Give gamers a GOOD and FUN reason/motivation/incentive to communicate. This is my opinion. The griffon ride was run maybe the first few times, but the 100th time - no.

Why can't we just have more things that require skill (which in turn, for a multiplayer game would require communication....) and not just time dedication.

As I said, how fun you felt that was is irrelevant. That isn't an insult to you or your opinions, it is just a fact. How fun or meaningful I felt it was is irrelevant as well to the point I was making. It isn't that is is fun or memorable, it's it is part of what gave the gameworld depth. It directly caused and promoted certain types of experiences, while giving certain classes/jobs a unique feel. Stuff like if you played as a mage you had an ability that was coveted and desired, while not lessening the experience other players had since their class also had something that made that class feel unique in the world. Getting a free mount and quested epic mount had meaning beyond "yay I get to ride the unicorn now". And so on.

Why I chose to pay and dedicate time to something is because I find it's experience meaningful. That doesn't always mean 100% fun 100% of the time. To reiterate, no mater how you or I feel about the direct act of travel time, it gives purpose and meaning to the world you are playing in. To some game genre's and people themselves, this maters. To others it does not. MMORPGs are a genre where the gameworld is, if not the most important thing, then very close to it.

I used to be one of those people completely against duty/dungeon/raid/whatever finders. But over time as I got to know the type of people who actually play these games, I've changed my opinion. So I don't blame people for using Duty Finder instead of shouting for groups and I don't think it's really indicative of anything that they do.

I'm not against duty and dungeon finders. Just there are other ways to make groups as well. If your main example of a system failure is people only wanting to use one avenue to proceed when there are others available, and them having to wait because they are limiting themselves, then I don't think it is a good example, or cause for change.

There is also no "us and them" mentality for this game, and games without that turn into "me and my friends vs everybody else", that causes there to be no real reason to engage in pvp unless that is what you were already looking to do. If that makes sense.

Thought of an example that may be able to better articulate my point using a comparison I think you are familiar with. It also relates in a way to my "forced socializing" argument.

Blizzard has been trying to recreate something that happened naturally early in WoW every since it's launch, not realizing the original cause of it. The pvp atmosphere of places like Hillsbrad Foothills even on PvE servers. It wasn't a designed pvp zone, and didn't have any pvp objectives in any way. What it was, was an area that by other means the two factions were in close proximity to each other during a formative part of their character experience. People would go through there just as part of leveling and encounter pvp when they may not want to, or may not realize that they would actually enjoy it. All the areas since then that have been made to create the same feel have been based around "this is a pvp thing, pvp happens here". From the sand stuff in Silithus and towers in the Eastern Plaugelands, through Halaa, Wintergrasp, and "daily quest island". These are all areas that if you want to pvp, you go to pvp, with less chance of actually getting someone who doesn't think they want to interested in the experience.

What I am saying is that a system that doesn't offer some form of the experience as forced content, be it by just observing your town being killed off with no recourse but to fully by choice engage in it, is a system where the growth of that kind of content doesn't happen within it's player base. This extends directly to giving some reason to force communication between players.
Blarg, upon rereading, that seems a bit long winded and may not have clarified anything


As I said, how fun you felt that was is irrelevant. That isn't an insult to you or your opinions, it is just a fact. How fun or meaningful I felt it was is irrelevant as well to the point I was making. It isn't that is is fun or memorable, it's it is part of what gave the gameworld depth. It directly caused and promoted certain types of experiences, while giving certain classes/jobs a unique feel. Stuff like if you played as a mage you had an ability that was coveted and desired, while not lessening the experience other players had since their class also had something that made that class feel unique in the world. Getting a free mount and quested epic mount had meaning beyond "yay I get to ride the unicorn now". And so on.

Why I chose to pay and dedicate time to something is because I find it's experience meaningful. That doesn't always mean 100% fun 100% of the time. To reiterate, no mater how you or I feel about the direct act of travel time, it gives purpose and meaning to the world you are playing in. To some game genre's and people themselves, this maters. To others it does not. MMORPGs are a genre where the gameworld is, if not the most important thing, then very close to it.

I'm not against duty and dungeon finders. Just there are other ways to make groups as well. If your main example of a system failure is people only wanting to use one avenue to proceed when there are others available, and them having to wait because they are limiting themselves, then I don't think it is a good example, or cause for change.

Thought of an example that may be able to better articulate my point using a comparison I think you are familiar with. It also relates in a way to my "forced socializing" argument.

Blizzard has been trying to recreate something that happened naturally early in WoW every since it's launch, not realizing the original cause of it. The pvp atmosphere of places like Hillsbrad Foothills even on PvE servers. It wasn't a designed pvp zone, and didn't have any pvp objectives in any way. What it was, was an area that by other means the two factions were in close proximity to each other during a formative part of their character experience. People would go through there just as part of leveling and encounter pvp when they may not want to, or may not realize that they would actually enjoy it. All the areas since then that have been made to create the same feel have been based around "this is a pvp thing, pvp happens here". From the sand stuff in Silithus and towers in the Eastern Plaugelands, through Halaa, Wintergrasp, and "daily quest island". These are all areas that if you want to pvp, you go to pvp, with less chance of actually getting someone who doesn't think they want to interested in the experience.

What I am saying is that a system that doesn't offer some form of the experience as forced content, be it by just observing your town being killed off with no recourse but to fully by choice engage in it, is a system where the growth of that kind of content doesn't happen within it's player base. This extends directly to giving some reason to force communication between players.
Blarg, upon rereading, that seems a bit long winded and may not have clarified anything

We'll have to agree to disagree. I personally don't feel like the overall experience becomes shallow when taking out those extended travel scenes. I'd just rather that precious half hour traveling be actually playing whether it's raiding, pvp, etc. Traveling a lot in the beginning is fine, but I feel like I should get some shortcuts after a while so I don't have to painfully sit through the same tedious scene 30 minutes a day. I get enough of that in traffic on the way to work.

I feel like that kind of MMO that is so deep and immersive that it almost mirrors an alternate reality would just have to be a completely different game from the start like you mentioned (I believe).

I am so for a Hillsbrad Foothills type experience. I can see the Grand Companies being an easy solution for factions. The only problem might be the ability to switch factions willy nilly.


Huh, the amount of WAR's sitting at the endgame, waiting for people to party with, is kinda disheartening.

Granted, the problem will eventually solve itself, once more people have secondary classes leveled up. Still, speaking personally, I haven't really started a second class, because I've spent all my time, "trying," to do the endgame stuff.

If I got my Myth capped, and got to turn 3-4 for Coil by Wednesday, I'd be okay spending the rest of the week leveling Dragoon or whatnot. As is, so far I've been spending most the week trying to get endgame stuff done. It hasn't exactly left a lot of time to spare.


WAR is not DPS, but they definitely hit harder than PLD's. Not a ton harder, but definitely harder.

It's not remotely significant enough to make it a real factor, though. We're talking about a very small amount of DPS. I've seen some thoughts where people want Warrior turned into a specifically designated off-tank with full DPS capabilities when not doing so, but I really don't want the game to have one real tank. Most Warriors didn't roll the class for that either, I'd imagine.

I'm still amazed that the class has remained in it's current state for this long, or even to begin with. Warrior cooldowns are almost insulting and they horribly lack scaling, plenty of nonsensical tidbits and corner cut design on the class all around outside of standard complaints as well that just make it all feel so rushed, despite being a somewhat interesting design. Despite all this they're several times over more involved to play than a Paladin, VERY large gulf in the possible skill cap. It's some real dark ages of the genre tank design, sadly. It's frankly a little depressing that the design is this weak when there's only two damn tanks and tanking has been very straight forward thus far.

Of course, most current content is easy enough that there's no real difference in healing one up until Coil for standard runs, and they're perfectly viable until Turn 5. Problem is that no one wants to be viable or do standard runs after a couple weeks. They want to be good and they want to feel powerful. Warriors want to do the same speed runs and not feel like they're stressing their healers just so they can wear their cool AF+1. (It is very cool!)

Suffice to say, all our Warriors rerolled, except the one that simply quit (I have no idea if this was the class or other issues, but it makes it sound more dramatic!). No one in our FC ever nitpicked them, or complained about the class, they just seemed to feel like they would be better off doing something else. That's totally not a fun feeling to have, I've been there in the past in other games, so I hope 2.1 cleans them up at least a little. My fear is that they'll adjust things in Coil rather than adjust things to the actual Warrior skillset, though, which would make me intensely worried for the future of class design in this game.
Illy will let you borrow his "How to buff wars" book, he spent many late nights finishing it.
But alas he caved and realized he couldn't survive another month as a coil war.

There's just no good reason to do things the hard way when there's a much easier way. You don't get a medal for making things harder on yourself and your party, especially your healers, for no good reason.


My fear is that they'll adjust things in Coil rather than adjust things to the actual Warrior skillset, though, which would make me intensely worried for the future of class design in this game.

They already stated that it's too late to make adjustments to the raid content, so they're making changes to WAR instead. So you shouldn't worry about that, at least.

I don't know why we have to wait for a content patch before we see changes though. Balance issues should be pushed out as soon as they're ready. Unless they're really overhauling our mechanics and require time/testing.


Yeah, I realize, i people don't want to make things difficult for their parties, I don't either. I want to be an asset, not luggage.

But, i already have a War ready to go, and even partly geared in AF2 armor.

Sure, I could take my lvl 24 GLD and level it to 50, but I'm not going to put end game progression on hold and do nothing but farm FATES. Realistically, as a back burner project, it'd be mid November before I had a PLD leveled as far as my WAR, or later.

So, it seems dubious to go through all that work just to play PLD for a few weeks. If I was really going to level a second combat class before 2.1, it'd be a DPS class, as it'd likely offer me far more milage post 2.1

Granted, I want to get everything leveled eventually, but so I'll probably level GLD a bit before 2.1 regardless of my concerns.

Anyhow, sorry for the rant, I just want to enjoy the endgame content, and so many people being negative on my class for endgame content is, starting to get to me a bit.

I will say that I don't understand why Square doesn't buff war now. It shouldn't take a month, given that most the adjustments are probably tweaks to the CDs.


First group in the FC to clear turns 1-4 has a warrior offtank. And they're doing fine on turn 5 attempts with him so far as well.


So I've come back to the game after a hiatus due to some hectic school deadlines.

I started anew last night since I didn't get too far with my previous character. Looking to be a Scholar for Gather Against Fate.

Whom do I send a tell to in-game to join? The world is awfully lonely outside of a FC.


First group in the FC to clear turns 1-4 has a warrior offtank. And they're doing fine on turn 5 attempts with him so far as well.
Yep, all three raid groups in our guild are using Warrior off-tanks and we're doing just fine all the way to Turn 5.
So I've come back to the game after a hiatus due to some hectic school deadlines.

I started anew last night since I didn't get too far with my previous character. Looking to be a Scholar for Gather Against Fate.

Whom do I send a tell to in-game to join? The world is awfully lonely outside of a FC.

Maple Cookie, Xarielle, Strawberry Shrtcake and probably a few others.
First group in the FC to clear turns 1-4 has a warrior offtank. And they're doing fine on turn 5 attempts with him so far as well.

Yep, all three raid groups in our guild are using Warrior off-tanks and we're doing just fine all the way to Turn 5.

I guess my expectations of tanking classes in MMOs are different than other peoples. When I roll a tank class I expect to be able to tank content. Squenix didn't designate PLD as "Main Tank" and WAR as "Off Tank" in the descriptions of the jobs, both jobs are just called "Tank" and I don't think my expectation that either would be interchangeable was in any way unreasonable.


I guess my expectations of tanking classes in MMOs are different than other peoples. When I roll a tank class I expect to be able to tank content. Squenix didn't designate PLD as "Main Tank" and WAR as "Off Tank" in the descriptions of the jobs, both jobs are just called "Tank" and I don't think my expectation that either would be interchangeable was in any way unreasonable.

I never made any such claim. My post is simply pointing out that you can do difficult content with warriors. People were saying that a warrior couldn't even tank the adds on Twintania without kiting, but Ragnar does it just fine. I think that while warrior definitely has problems, people dramatically undersell its capabilities anyway.

At any rate, it's getting buffed, so this is all hopefully going to be moot in a month or so.


Neo Member
I guess my expectations of tanking classes in MMOs are different than other peoples. When I roll a tank class I expect to be able to tank content. Squenix didn't designate PLD as "Main Tank" and WAR as "Off Tank" in the descriptions of the jobs, both jobs are just called "Tank" and I don't think my expectation that either would be interchangeable was in any way unreasonable.

I've talked about this before but in Coil, at least 1-4, there is very little difference between MT and OT. On turn 1 and 2 you have the same exact role, the only difference being who tanks Turn 1 boss before the split which is the easiest part of the fight and can be done by either job easily.

On Turn 4 there are different roles but each is really suited to one tank job or the other. It's the closest to having a MT and OT though only because one tank deals mainly with Dreadnoughts while the other does everything else.


All this WAR whining is tiring, yes they're far inferior CoB MTs, but so are certain dps classes unable to silence in CoB. I don't know much about CoB T5, but if warriors can clear to T5 playing a role in the raid, why all the fuss. They're currently not optimized to do everything, but so is having two scholars in a raid isn't optimized.

They definitely want to make warriors more appealing to have more tanks in their player base though.


All this WAR whining is tiring, yes they're far inferior CoB MTs, but so are certain dps classes unable to silence in CoB. I don't know much about CoB T5, but if warriors can clear to T5 playing a role in the raid, why all the fuss. They're currently not optimized to do everything, but so is having two scholars in a raid isn't optimized.

They definitely want to make warriors more appealing to have more tanks in their player base though.

Having two scholars isn't optimized, but neither is two white mages. They got healers right in that aspect, they work better together. Tanks do not. Two paladins bring way more to a raid than two warriors.

Your dps analogy doesn't fit the tank situation either. A more apt comparison would be if a dps class did their role (damage) -%20 worse than another dps class. As far as I know, all the damage classes put up comparable numbers. Melee dps are a little more undesirable right now, I'll give you that. But you still need to have at least one in the raid for LB. As far as utility goes, monks can solo silence turn 2 on their own. Dragoons provide a piercing debuff that helps them pair well with bards (which you will most likely have 1 of). Each one brings some utility that can benefit a group in Coil. What utility does a warrior bring over another paladin? ... slightly more damage, and a debuff to boost the paladins damage... neither one of these is desired by a raid looking for an OT or MT. A second paladin gives you better mitigation, raid-saving cooldowns, and better utility.
Another successful Attack on Titan finished with 4 minutes to go until maintenance. Thanks to everybody who helped out! Nothing feels better than finishing something just before maintenance amirite?

Oh, it's stupid how easy tanking Titan is on PLD. Stand there, stand there, Flash, pop a CD, stand there, stand there, move to avoid bombs, stand there, stand there, stand there, repeat. Titan dead in 3 attempts with 2 random pugs I picked up in Revenant's Toll on DPS. That feel when I Flash and dodge a tableflip, it was amazing.


I'm a paladin but I'm gonna be leveling my warrior soon, not really looking forward to FATEs though since I cleared out practically every single quest after 35. My logic is there might be a fight at some point where having both is beneficial, and if I can switch by simply changing weapons that'd be great.

As for the offtank role, I actually love that job. When I raided in WoW burning crusade that's what I did in almost every raid, and feral druid was practically made for that purpose. Since you could tank for the first half of a fight until your add died then shift to DPS and transition into doing like 70-80% of what a 'real' dps class did even wearing full tank gear. It bugged me that they backpedaled on that concept later on, though.

But yeah, warrior buffs would be nice, but I'd like them to keep the two tanks unique rather than just making warrior more like paladin. In the end all I care is that I get to tank stuff, the mechanics of the fight matter more to me than the order I mash my buttons.


Okay, so got to the end boss of Coil one with a GAF group. It went fairly well considering everyone was learning the fight, real life called and everyone had to go.

Sadly, most of that group talked about meeting back up on Saturday, and while I desperately want to get a more static Coil group together, that's awfully late in the week to, "only," be clearing Coil 1. Ideally I want to get to beat Coil 2 this week, so I have a half decent shot at some piece of Allagan Tanking equipment, before starting over next week. So hopefully I can put together another GAF group and try clearing Coil 1's boss before Saturday. There's a good chance they'll catch up fairly soon, even if I do clear Cudacus with another group. Hopefully between the two groups, we can get some good drops, and all have a better shot next week.

To fill the rest of my game time, I've started to level up a Lancer. Yes, I know, Dragoon's aren't the ideal DPS class of the moment, but with an Bard nerf announced, and with Dragoons getting a buff, they're probably as good as any DPS class to have, long term.

Besides, Dragoon fits the conception I have of my character better. I never really pictured him as a magic user, and I certainly don't picture him as martial artist. XD


Crystal Bearer
My wife (Leolin) was in that Garuda group. She was super psyched, it was her first time beating Garuda. It was fun watching you wig out when the bow dropped.

hahaha, well I have done Garuda HM a ton and never seen the bow drop until then ;-;


Another successful Attack on Titan finished with 4 minutes to go until maintenance. Thanks to everybody who helped out! Nothing feels better than finishing something just before maintenance amirite?

Oh, it's stupid how easy tanking Titan is on PLD. Stand there, stand there, Flash, pop a CD, stand there, stand there, move to avoid bombs, stand there, stand there, stand there, repeat. Titan dead in 3 attempts with 2 random pugs I picked up in Revenant's Toll on DPS. That feel when I Flash and dodge a tableflip, it was amazing.

Well, it wasn't that much more complicated with WAR. Hardest part was holding aggro, and I immediately learned afterward a more effective way of building up a good burst of hate early on.

Only real difference besides that, is that I had to time my CD's fairly precisely, since both the duration and the cooldown period on some of the more useful ones, REALLY blunt their effectivness.

I mean, seriously, 20% HP boost for 10 seconds!? Even if that's only designed to get you through an upcoming piledriver of an attack, that has to be timed pretty darn well to get full usefulness out of it. XD



Well that's interesting. Granted I haven't made it that far yet, but I know enough about the fight to know a little of what's being discussed. Overall it sounds like the difficulty is being marginally reduced. That's good, overall. Sure, that one European group will have extra bragging rights for being both the first to finish, and the only one to really finish before any nerfs were put in place.

Still, I think anyone that finishes before 2.1's going to have plenty of reason to brag, so no big deal there. XD

Edit: Also worth saying, crossing my own fingers that I can manage before 2.1 rolls around. Yes I know, relative MMO newbie, nowhere near experienced as 3/4ths of the people playing on GAF. But dangit, I can dream can't I!? XD


Oh, it's stupid how easy tanking Titan is on PLD. Stand there, stand there, Flash, pop a CD, stand there, stand there, move to avoid bombs, stand there, stand there, stand there, repeat. Titan dead in 3 attempts with 2 random pugs I picked up in Revenant's Toll on DPS. That feel when I Flash and dodge a tableflip, it was amazing.

Freaked me out when I saw Titan running towards me since I was pulling a little bit of healer aggro during the phase 3 -> heart transition :(

Was a fun time though. Was glad to have been on-board :) (sorry not used to LBing with a healer...Ifrit with Drama was an exception lol)
Freaked me out when I saw Titan running towards me since I was pulling a little bit of healer aggro during the phase 3 -> heart transition :(

Was a fun time though. Was glad to have been on-board :) (sorry not used to LBing with a healer...Ifrit with Drama was an exception lol)

Yeah, there's an aggro reset when Titan's Heart pops out. You guys are all healing and DPSing instantly when the Heart pops like you should be, so then I got to fight for the hate a bit at the start. Nothing to be alarmed about.

It was more fun when I was moving away from the line bombs and pulling Titan towards you guys. He's just a lonely guy who wanted to say hi so I brought him over for some face time. :3


AHHHHHHHHH I'm so excited and just got my sub!! I'm pumped! I'm going into the Ultros server with a buddy and then I don't know what after that! Anything important I need to know before I jump in! Installing now! PC! Excite! I've been waiting so long for this!


Having two scholars isn't optimized, but neither is two white mages. They got healers right in that aspect, they work better together. Tanks do not. Two paladins bring way more to a raid than two warriors.

Your dps analogy doesn't fit the tank situation either. A more apt comparison would be if a dps class did their role (damage) -%20 worse than another dps class. As far as I know, all the damage classes put up comparable numbers. Melee dps are a little more undesirable right now, I'll give you that. But you still need to have at least one in the raid for LB. As far as utility goes, monks can solo silence turn 2 on their own. Dragoons provide a piercing debuff that helps them pair well with bards (which you will most likely have 1 of). Each one brings some utility that can benefit a group in Coil. What utility does a warrior bring over another paladin? ... slightly more damage, and a debuff to boost the paladins damage... neither one of these is desired by a raid looking for an OT or MT. A second paladin gives you better mitigation, raid-saving cooldowns, and better utility.

Since I only cleared up to T4, I believe warrior and paladin work better together than two paladins. Warrior lets the paladin MT hold threat better with the slashing debuff. Warrior has firmer and faster AOE threat control. Warrior also builds up higher threat which is also utilized by Paladin during T2 ADS provoke switches. The main disadvantage is more complaints by the healers who much rather heal paladins. And of course dps holding back is never really the problem anyway so better threat is considered negligible by many. Anyway, the complaints are that warriors can't MT rather than pld+war doesn't work for CoB.

Also Warrior being unable to MT anything has been constantly pushed back since the release. Initially it was warrior unable to tank titan, then later warrior unable to tank CoB t1-t2, then it was warrior unable to tank CoB t4 dreadnaughts (probably still true), then now it's warrior unable to tank T5.

Sounds to me that the problem is paladins are too easy to play in comparison... which Yoshi-P also commented on.


Interesting posts theSlacker. Can't say I disagree. Unfortunately, I think that kind of mmorpg is pretty much dead at this point.

Yoshida himself has said he wants this to be end game focused.

Kinda ironic since most complaint come from the lack of meaningful endgame. =P
AHHHHHHHHH I'm so excited and just got my sub!! I'm pumped! I'm going into the Ultros server with a buddy and then I don't know what after that! Anything important I need to know before I jump in! Installing now! PC! Excite! I've been waiting so long for this!

Keep in touch with your friend and join GAF FC. As majority have moved on to the end game, the early main dungeons have become barren, causing difficulty for newcomers to progress. If you have a friend and both of you play different role it will make everything much easier. My main suggestion, don't rush to get to the end game. Enjoy stories, dungeons, scenery, side quests, communication with others etc. Those are the best thing about ARR. Once you get to end game though, grinding and douchbags will start taking away your joys.
Also Warrior being unable to MT anything has been constantly pushed back since the release. Initially it was warrior unable to tank titan, then later warrior unable to tank CoB t1-t2, then it was warrior unable to tank CoB t4 dreadnaughts (probably still true), then now it's warrior unable to tank T5.

This has a lot to do with the fact that everyone, including WAR, is getting more geared every week. The first time we were in Coil our PLD could barely tank Phase 1 Caduceus without falling over. Fast forward 3 weeks and in a pinch this weekend where our PLD was in absentia and incommunicado I had to step in and MT Caduceus on my geared WAR and one of our healers got on his very lightly geared PLD to OT it. The fact that his PLD has a bunch of AK shit and could still OT it but I had to be decked out in AF+1 chest, helm, ring, and also have an Allagan ring to sort of MT while praying to God that my healers didn't have even a second of lag doesn't speak to any kind of balance between tanks.

Gear still means a lot, up to a certain point. The point where your average party is geared enough for Turn 5 is still somewhere in the future. Give it a month and we'll see if a WAR entirely in ilvl 90 can actually tank 2 Dreads at once, or Twintania. There's no way to know for certain now. Of course a PLD can tank Turn 4 entirely in ilvl 70, and can tank Twintania right now with a mix of ilvl 70 + 90, so I'm still not seeing the tank balance here. Because it doesn't exist. A WAR has to be insanely overgeared compared to a PLD to even try some of this stuff in BC1+2, let alone consider 4+5.


So yes, if PLD can just walk into a new dungeon and tank everything vs. a warrior that has to gear up to tank stuffs, which class seems more balanced in terms of what it can do?


im no good on war but i feel like it could use some more self heals on the level of mercy stroke

gimme more % based heals


I might be - add me to your friendlist (Kyomi Dreamweaver). I am at Titan too and my FC has him on Farmstatus (we are doing Coil but I am not playing enough to be in the progression group for once -.-)

I'll check if we can smuggle you into one of our runs :)

edit: What is your main job you are doing the relic for?

Hey man, I tries adding you just before the maintenance but it didn't seem to work. I'll try after.


Sounds to me that the problem is paladins are too easy to play in comparison... which Yoshi-P also commented on.

I would more or less agree with that assessment. I was told I was going to hit a wall with Warrior before I even hit 50, but every delay I've faced always seemed more to do with finding a good group than anything else.

Heck, some people told me that I'd have trouble Tanking HM Garuda with a Warrior, and I've beaten her more times then I care to count.

I will admit that, PLD's cooldowns sound easy in comparison to WAR's, whom constantly have to juggle, stacks, statuses, and cool downs, but I've yet to encounter I boss I wasn't able to adjust around eventually.

It is a little unforgiving though, so a buff to make it a little less of a juggle-a-thon would be appreciated.
No one knows what "soon" means because no release date has been set for 2.1 yet.

I have both WAR and PLD at 50, so the point is entirely moot for me now.

I wish someone could tell me where the safe spots to stand are on Titan's arena where I never would get hit by bombs, then I could reduce the whole fight to this handy chart:

Keep in touch with your friend and join GAF FC. As majority have moved on to the end game, the early main dungeons have become barren, causing difficulty for newcomers to progress. If you have a friend and both of you play different role it will make everything much easier. My main suggestion, don't rush to get to the end game. Enjoy stories, dungeons, scenery, side quests, communication with others etc. Those are the best thing about ARR. Once you get to end game though, grinding and douchbags will start taking away your joys.

I'm always up for helping others with earlier dungeons. I would hate for others to feel stuck.


AHHHHHHHHH I'm so excited and just got my sub!! I'm pumped! I'm going into the Ultros server with a buddy and then I don't know what after that! Anything important I need to know before I jump in! Installing now! PC! Excite! I've been waiting so long for this!

I can help with early stuff. I'm just going through all the early dungeons now as a GLD but have a PUG and LNC around level 15 - 17 to fill the DPS role in dungeons, and will be levelling a CON to at least 15 soon for my PLD, so I will be even able to heal at some point. Contact me if you need assistance as I'm fairly free during the day, Mon - fri. Niah Vormund.
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