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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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Kinda ironic since most complaint come from the lack of meaningful endgame. =P

Long term plan. As with all MMORPG plans.

Not that much end game content 2 months after launch. As with all MMORPG launches.

The statement from Yoshida basically just tells us this is going to be like other modern MMORPGs. We'll get more and more end game content and the leveling stuff will be basically left to rot over time with little additional content there. The focus is on adding more stuff for level 50 people to play with.

Big picture, the journey to maximum level will be short. The real journey will be banging your head against the same few content pieces over and over again to get slightly better equipment so you can go bang your head against the next slightly more difficult content.

It is designed so you will take days, weeks, months to get to level 50. And then spend years there.


Hmm did they add different versions of certain enemies because I have never seen this icon before and the enemy is twice the size of normal ones.



I can help with early stuff. I'm just going through all the early dungeons now as a GLD but have a PUG and LNC around level 15 - 17 to fill the DPS role in dungeons, and will be levelling a CON to at least 15 soon for my PLD, so I will be even able to heal at some point. Contact me if you need assistance as I'm fairly free during the day, Mon - fri. Niah Vormund.

No prob, you guys are all Ultros right?


Hopefully for Yoshi there will be people left to play the long-term content. We saw how all the mmorpg with similar problems fared. :p

It'll probably be fine. Square seems to have had significantly lower expectations for this game than many of the Western MMORPG developers who expected WoW numbers.

They're still being ridiculously cheap with their servers despite getting way more people than they expected. It looks to me like they're betting on people leaving instead of getting better servers or whatever else they need to do to address the various issues people are having.

Also this is the third major MMORPG for Square. They seem content with lower subscriber numbers. I don't think comparing to Western developers here is very accurate.


No one knows what "soon" means because no release date has been set for 2.1 yet.

I have both WAR and PLD at 50, so the point is entirely moot for me now.

I wish someone could tell me where the safe spots to stand are on Titan's arena where I never would get hit by bombs, then I could reduce the whole fight to this handy chart:

This video shows where to stand after the heart phase:


Pre-heart I don't have down to a science, but you can stand near here on the edge in between where the two bombs spawn with decent success.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I personally don't feel like the overall experience becomes shallow when taking out those extended travel scenes. I'd just rather that precious half hour traveling be actually playing whether it's raiding, pvp, etc. Traveling a lot in the beginning is fine, but I feel like I should get some shortcuts after a while so I don't have to painfully sit through the same tedious scene 30 minutes a day. I get enough of that in traffic on the way to work.

Bolded is exactly the problem that I keep posting about. People who view the world and traveling in the world as just the thing you do to get to the REAL game, and not part of the game itself. That is of course aided by developers who make that exactly the case, with small closed off worlds, surrounded by invisible walls, and no reason to really prioritize your travel time. I enjoy raiding. I enjoy pvp. But I also enjoy a world that is made to be more then just a lobby you wait in to get to those activities.

Moving on, it isn't the overall experience that becomes shallow, it is the overall gameworld itself, which depending on what you enjoy, can contribute to that experience. This part of my argument isn't a "agree or disagree" thing, it is a mater of if you enjoy a more actualized gameworld or not. Not prioritizing that isn't wrong, just personal preference. Though It is also through these tightened limitations that you are able to grant a more unique feel to certain classes that even people who do not care about or notice the effect on the gameworld forcing travel time has can enjoy the feel of, as I mentioned in my last post;
Stuff like if you played as a mage you had an ability that was coveted and desired, while not lessening the experience other players had since their class also had something that made that class feel unique in the world. Getting a free mount and quested epic mount had meaning beyond "yay I get to ride the unicorn now". And so on.
And so on includes stuff like warlocks summoning, rogues moving slow yet unseen. All things that only mater and have a feel because travel maters. Examples of course only relate to a single game, but one from reading your posts I assume you have experience in. It is the same concept that makes the Trinity system work as oppose to just letting every class be and do everything all the time. Forced limitations granting power to those that can break them, creating depth and uniqueness across gameplay. Though I have gone off on a huge tangent again since as I have said several times, none of this relates to a game like FFXIV where the gameworld itself doesn't mater.

Interesting posts theSlacker. Can't say I disagree. Unfortunately, I think that kind of mmorpg is pretty much dead at this point.

And ironically it is the game that I feel was the best representation of that kind is what killed it. Made the genre too popular and filled with people who don't even realize why certain aspects of the game were so good. Also a shifting of the target audience to the much larger one. My understanding that it is better business for games to do this doesn't make me less bitter about it. Same reason why I hate the design principles and growing popularity of F2P games, but really, I think I've gone on enough for now. Time to actually play the game some.


Can’t stump the diablos
C'mon GAF, get on this!! Our FC pride is on the line! Validate my lv 30 CNJ existence!

The GAF group I'm in will be working on it this weekend.

It just sucks that our healers haven't got many coil drops the past month and we may have to get creative to get them above the 4.1k hp threshold.
A WAR has to be insanely overgeared compared to a PLD to even try some of this stuff in BC1+2, let alone consider 4+5.

I don't mean to keep chiming in, because I respect your passion for WAR buffs and completely understand some of the disdain WARs feel (I tank as one now), but a WAR doesn't need to be insanely overgeared for that stuff. We went in about 2 months ago and did both of those Turns with a Warrior tank and Rag had a mix of Hoplite/Crafted/DL gear and he tanked both of those fights fine (and like he said, there's no difference between MT and a OT in those fights since your essentially tanking the same mob).


Now that someone beat it there is no reason for artificial difficulty anymore, I guess?
Sounds like they're giving a slightly longer window to dodge the twisters. I wouldn't be surprised if they only tested it on Japanese servers from Japan, and never accounted for the lag that can occur in other parts of the world.


Can’t stump the diablos
Sounds like they're giving a slightly longer window to dodge the twisters. I wouldn't be surprised if they only tested it on Japanese servers from Japan, and never accounted for the lag that can occur in other parts of the world.

lol, the servers are in Canada. But your point is still valid.
The timing was too unforgiving and would make the fight impossible for many foreign players.


C'mon GAF, get on this!! Our FC pride is on the line! Validate my lv 30 CNJ existence!

Don't worry son we only have about 60% of her life to go through, soon you'll have that kill and proudly tell all your friends that your FC did it.. "cryingbaldeagle.jpeg"

The interesting change is to firestorm, damm it Yoshi brah being so ambigious with it D:

Sounds like they're giving a slightly longer window to dodge the twisters. I wouldn't be surprised if they only tested it on Japanese servers from Japan, and never accounted for the lag that can occur in other parts of the world.

Yeah looks like it, giving how little reaction time you actually have to avoid them.


I don't mean to keep chiming in, because I respect your passion for WAR buffs and completely understand some of the disdain WARs feel (I tank as one now), but a WAR doesn't need to be insanely overgeared for that stuff. We went in about 2 months ago and did both of those Turns with a Warrior tank and Rag had a mix of Hoplite/Crafted/DL gear and he tanked both of those fights fine (and like he said, there's no difference between MT and a OT in those fights since your essentially tanking the same mob).

i thought rag has had full crafted gear since before i hit 50.


The GAF group I'm in will be working on it this weekend.

It just sucks that our healers haven't got many coil drops the past month and we may have to get creative to get them above the 4.1k hp threshold.
This is the problem that we're dealing with right now, especially for me, since my first few myths were spent on WHM gear, and now I'm playing SCH where my only non-darklight is the AF+1 body and a vanya hat overmelded with materia. EDIT: And an allagan belt, but it's kinda iffy for SCH.


Can’t stump the diablos
This is the problem that we're dealing with right now, especially for me, since my first few myths were spent on WHM gear, and now I'm playing SCH where my only non-darklight is the AF+1 body and a vanya hat overmelded with materia. EDIT: And an allagan belt, but it's kinda iffy for SCH.

A respec to full Vit may get the healers over the HP requirement, but it would surely gimp the healing. It will be interesting to see what works best.


A respec to full Vit may get the healers over the HP requirement, but it would surely gimp the healing. It will be interesting to see what works best.
That thought hadn't occurred to me. I might give it a look and crunch some numbers to see how much it hurts my healing as well. A full respec into vitality might not even be necessary with food.


That thought hadn't occurred to me. I might give it a look and crunch some numbers to see how much it hurts my healing as well. A full respec into vitality might not even be necessary with food.
Why not just try to juggle in vitality accessories instead of respec? The healing will be less gimped.

I also realized that I reached lvl 50 for weeks and forgot to use my last 7 attribute points...


Why not just try to juggle in vitality accessories instead of respec? The healing will be less gimped.

I also realized that I reached lvl 50 for weeks and forgot to use my last 7 attribute points...
Well I'm working on that as well, but crafted accessories require expensive materials. I don't have Xelios or Odoru money. (._. )


Ah, somebody beat us to it huh.

Well, we're still the largest Guild on Ultros I believe. I think that it's still possible that we could end up with the largest number of groups to beat Coil5 before 2.1 hits.

Also, yes, I heard about 2.1 hitting in December. I'm hopeful it's the first half of December though, so if so it'd be little more than a month away. Granted, that's probably too long for the people already on turn 5, whom are close to exhausting 2.0's content. Only thing I can really think of for them is, well, to level other classes, and maybe spend time training up other Groups for Coil.

Yeah I know, that's not the most thrilling possible use for your time.

Edit: Or take a week or two to catch up on some other title. Zelda, maybe the new Ratchet and Clank game. There are some perks to momentarily exhausting content, after all.


BTW, just realized.

Some form of update will be necessary in early December, regardless of whether it's the full 2.1 or not. Unless they included the assets in 2.01, they'll need to patch in the Winter Festival event for December.

It's kinda hard for me to picture them, not including that with 2.1, since it'd mean two significant patches in less than a two week time span. And they won't wait until too late into December to start that event, if they Halloween event is any indication.

Edit: I suppose there's the Lightning event in a couple weeks too. That's not as exciting, but that still gives players some new equipment to collect. Granted, most of it's, meh, from an aesthetic point of view. Better then nothing though.


Can’t stump the diablos
BTW, just realized.

Some form of update will be necessary in early December, regardless of whether it's the full 2.1 or not. Unless they included the assets in 2.01, they'll need to patch in the Winter Festival event for December.

It's kinda hard for me to picture them, not including that with 2.1, since it'd mean two significant patches in less than a two week time span. And they won't wait until too late into December to start that event, if they Halloween event is any indication.

They can work these things into the weekly maintenance.


They can work these things into the weekly maintenance.

Not exactly. it's still new content that'd have to be patched into the user end client, and every patch increases the chance of producing bugs that are going to necessitate additional patches/fixes. While they can use the weekly maintenance as a good pretense for putting out a patch, logistically it still makes more sense to put this content into a single patch, to minimize the potential for complications. (IE: so any potential fixes can be done all at once)

It'd be a different story if we were talking about vastly different time frames, but if the Winter Festival patch and the 2.1 patch are going to be ready within two weeks of eachother, they'll probably be more inclined just to release them as a single patch.


Big props to all the GAFfers who were on a few hours ago and helped me (Nozomi Dunan; with my PS3 off, your names are already escaping me, though our FC leader was one) get through the TItan story battle and through my first dungeon as a healer! This game sure is fun when you've got helpful mates at your side!

It's kinda hard for me to picture them, not including that with 2.1, since it'd mean two significant patches in less than a two week time span. And they won't wait until too late into December to start that event, if they Halloween event is any indication.

SE is a Japanese company. In Japan, all holidays, particularly Western ones, have their advertising and related events ridiculously far in advance of the actual day -- which ends up being almost an anti-climax.


Big props to all the GAFfers who were on a few hours ago and helped me (Nozomi Dunan; with my PS3 off, your names are already escaping me, though our FC leader was one) get through the TItan story battle and through my first dungeon as a healer! This game sure is fun when you've got helpful mates at your side!

SE is a Japanese company. In Japan, all holidays, particularly Western ones, have their advertising and related events ridiculously far in advance of the actual day -- which ends up being almost an anti-climax.

Yeah, which is why they won't wait very long into December to start the Winter Festival event. They probably won't start it in Late November, since the lightning event will still be going strong, but they aren't going to be waiting until late December to start this event.

Just saying, they'll probably include this event in the 2.1 patch, so, I'd say it's reasonable expect it within the first two weeks of December. So, the 7th or 14th.


So they finally officially translated the last live letter


Interesting, this gives us a slightly better idea how they're going to be Buffing War. Sounds like the CD's are going to be adjusted to give them a bit more parity to PLD's, the Stun CD will be reduced, and they're going to slightly increase the speed at which you can stack Wrath. All of which is welcome. I'm not certain that'll put war at, "complete," parity with PLD, but it should be considerably closer.

Not seeing anything to really indicate that the Leeching attacks will be adjusted, which is a bit of a shame. I think that's mostly intended to be useful against mobs though, not bosses. I mean, I've mentioned this before, but using the Bloodbath and Vengeance cool down, when you're being attacked by 8-12 mobs simultaneously, does a lot to mitigate the damage of those attacks, and helps build aggro on those attacks. It's not perfect, since Vengeance doesn't last long enough and takes awhile to rebuild, but it has it's uses.

Protip, to get the most out of this, alternate between Overpower and the Storms Path Rotation. Overpower will leach about 25-30HP from every enemy it hits, Vengeance will mitigate about 20-30HP per attack, and the Storms Path Rotation will mitigate a bit over 500HP per rotation. (Probably more, been awhile since I counted it out.) That might not seem like much, but it all adds up.

Edited to add Leeching tips.


So they finally officially translated the last live letter

Whoa, a lot of stuff in here I don't remember noticing before:

When it comes to acquiring Allagan tomestones, we realize there are only a handful of options for obtaining them at the moment, but in patch 2.1 we'll be adding three new dungeons, extreme mode primal battles, Crystal Tower, beastmen daily quests, and treasure hunts, all of which will allow players to obtain Allagan tomestones.
Didn't realize we were getting new dungeons in addition to CT.

A: It will be around half a year after patch 2.1's release. Currently, we are split between implementing a personal room within a free company house or personal housing. Since the decision will have a huge impact on how many additional servers we'll need to prepare, we have to carefully consider the balance of the housing system. We believe it will take roughly six months to have everything planned out and prepared.
So they're not even sure if there will actually be personal housing after all??

Regarding stacked party compositions, it's actually more beneficial to have different jobs in the party to help fill your limit break gauge faster.
First I'm hearing that more diverse jobs = faster LB gauge.


BTW, this got me thinking.

When using a controllers crossbar, by default hitting the R bumper will only toggle you between Crossbars 1 & 2. Is there any way you can adjust settings to toggle between Crossbars 1, 2, & 3?

Right now all my crossbars are the same, save that I have different rations set to RT+Facebutton portions of each Crossbar. However, I had to remove Tomohawk from Crossbar 2, in order to fit both rotations onto there, and I'd prefer to have access to Tomohawk on every Crossbar.

Being able to toggle between 1-2-&-3 would fix that, with the only downside being a very slight delay when switching between rotations. Even that however, will be mostly offset by each rotation having the same start.
BTW, this got me thinking.

When using a controllers crossbar, by default hitting the R bumper will only toggle you between Crossbars 1 & 2. Is there any way you can adjust settings to toggle between Crossbars 1, 2, & 3?

Right now all my crossbars are the same, save that I have different rations set to RT+Facebutton portions of each Crossbar. However, I had to remove Tomohawk from Crossbar 2, in order to fit both rotations onto there, and I'd prefer to have access to Tomohawk on every Crossbar.

Being able to toggle between 1-2-&-3 would fix that, with the only downside being a very slight delay when switching between rotations. Even that however, will be mostly offset by each rotation having the same start.

I thought as long as you had actions on additional crossbars, it would include it in the RB toggle. If not, there should be controller settings that determine which will show up.
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