So is there a way for me to see what objectives are on my map? I have a blip showing on mine but I have no clue what quest it corresponds to.
If you move the circular map cursor over the quest indicators (on the map) it'll show the quest name.
So is there a way for me to see what objectives are on my map? I have a blip showing on mine but I have no clue what quest it corresponds to.
Tried clicking?
So is Arcanist like the white Mage job?
Didn't see any mention of healing in the descriptions of the magic jobs.
So is Arcanist like the white Mage job?
Didn't see any mention of healing in the descriptions of the magic jobs.
SCH is more like a Red Mage with a pet.
Summoner is WoW warlock.
It is but at level 30 you can become a Scholar which focuses on healing and/or a Summoner (dps). It's the only class right now with two jobs.
So is Scholar the best option for healing?
Can summoner a summon anything cool like Ifrit or anything? Or is it like you can summon a small pokemon lol
Thanks for the help guys
So is Scholar the best option for healing?
Can summoner a summon anything cool like Ifrit or anything? Or is it like you can summon a small pokemon lol
Thanks for the help guys
Is there no way to invert the camera? I need to be able to do this but don't see the option.
Haha same here. The quest are very repetitive and generic...yet I can't stop playing. I think it has more to do with it being FF though. The art style and music are sublime plus combat is pretty great as well. Makes me long for a FFXVI in this style.Oh god. This game is consuming me despite it being grindy and somewhat repetative. I'm not even into this genre. So will all my progress be wiped once the next beta phase is pushed out?
My normal email is gmail but it wouldn't work but I have used the mrs email and it came through this time.Thanks
Haha same here. The quest are very repetitive and generic...yet I can't stop playing. I think it has more to do with it being FF though. The art style and music are sublime plus combat is pretty great as well. Makes me long for a FFXVI in this style.
If I remember correctly. You need to use PS3 version atleast once in game (with PS3) before you can upgrade it to PS4.
Oh yeah. PS EU Blog according to PS4 FFXIVARR
If I remember correctly. You need to use PS3 version atleast once in game (with PS3) before you can upgrade it to PS4.
Oh yeah. PS EU Blog according to PS4 FFXIVARR
That's good to hear. I had to wipe a tear away when I heard that prelude for the first time. Feels like years since I've actually heard it in a FF game. Plus the overworld themes and battle themes are incredible. Overall the game has a sense of wonder that's been lacking in previous FF games. I guess it also helps that I don't play many MMOs at all.It gets much MUCH better in terms of story, battles and FF fan service after level 20 too. What you are seeing is just the beginning.
So is Arcanist like the white Mage job?
Didn't see any mention of healing in the descriptions of the magic jobs.
By clicking the right stick or was ot the left, can't remember.How do you lock onto targets in this version?
That's good to hear. I had to wipe a tear away when I heard that prelude for the first time. Feels like years since I've actually heard it in a FF game. Plus the overworld themes and battle themes are incredible. Overall the game has a sense of wonder that's been lacking in previous FF games. I guess it also helps that I don't play many MMOs at all.
So is Scholar the best option for healing?
Can summoner a summon anything cool like Ifrit or anything? Or is it like you can summon a small pokemon lol
Thanks for the help guys
The base Arcanist is a versatile class that combines a focus on DoT damage spells and limited healing capability with a choice of two different pets: a ranged DPS pet and a melee tanking pet. For partying purposes, it is considered a DPS class, but for low-level dungeons (such as the first three), you can easily serve as a healer or even a tank.
Now, at level 30 it can acquire two different jobs: the Summoner, which builds on the Arcanist's existing abilities to become a strong end-game damage class, or the Scholar, which transforms the class into a dedicated healer.
Now, the Conjurer is the only one of the base classes that counts as a Healer for Duty Finder purposes, and is the most dedicated healing class in the game. At level 30, it upgrades to the White Mage. So, at level 30+, there are two dedicated healers, the Scholar, and the White Mage.
Now, the White Mage has a wide variety of both single target and area-of-effect healing spells, as well as Regen, a healing-over-time spell. It also has access to abilities that let it dramatically increase its healing power over short bursts, so it is good at pulling the party back from emergency situations. On top of that, it has access to Protect ( a defense buff) and Stoneskin (a barrier that absorbs a certain amount of damage).
The Scholar's main schtick is damage mitigation. All of its core healing spells add a damage mitigating shield in addition to their healing effect. It also has access to the core Arcanist debuffs and DoTs, and a spell that boosts the defense of all allies within a specific area. It also has two healing pets, which will automatically heal and provide different kinds of buffs. I've heard it described as "healing on auto-pilot" when brought into low-level dungeons, but it still demands a lot of attention from the player at high levels. Thanks to the Arcanist's core abilities, it doesn't need to worry about MP nearly as much as the White Mage does. However, it has less than half the number of healing spells compared to the White Mage, so it is less versatile as a pure healer.
However, in 8-man dungeons, it really helps to have both a White mage and a Scholar, since they are great at covering for each other's weaknesses.
Yes, you can only summon the pokemans. FFXIV sadly rapes the classic concept of BLM and SMN, so forget the bad-ass FFXI avatars.
On that SCH flowchart, where it says "Is Fairy on Heel" does it mean Sic?
Placed fairy heals more cause she skips the "follow the player" check.
There is a, surprise, surprise, quite a good balance between WHM and SCH. You won't find a pt that prefers WHM/WHM or SCH/SCH when they can get both in 8 men content.
This said, WHM is really ass-boring to play while SCH is probably the best class in the game as well the most versatile.[IMG]
Yes, you can only summon the pokemans. FFXIV sadly rapes the classic concept of BLM and SMN, so forget the bad-ass FFXI avatars.
they can't aoe heal for shit though
Anyone have an idea if there's a way to keep new chars from this phase? Don't know why they'd just wipe everything.Perhaps they just meant they won't persist the users past the beta. Maybe if you transfer the character off before the phase ends you can keep it? Not sure, just guessing.
Anyone have an idea if there's a way to keep new chars from this phase? Don't know why they'd just wipe everything.
Anyone have an idea if there's a way to keep new chars from this phase? Don't know why they'd just wipe everything.
So if there a decent noob guide to this game's classes and mechanics? I'm an MMO veteran but have never played FFXIV or FFXI in the past. I'm slightly confused by some of the game text referring to my "starting" class. Does that mean that I can switch classes later on, or is it more a progression system like EQ2?
If there's a nub guide on a wiki somewhere, feel free to link away.
Quick question.
Whats the best possible race and faction/alignment combo for a Arcanist?
Essentially your "class" is what you start off as. Say, Arcanist. The "jobs" are obtained through equipping certain items you get from quests at level 30. So as an Arcanist you can get get the jobs of Summoner or Scholar. Now, keep in mind, any experience obtained as a Summoner or Scholar applies to your Arcanist class, so they both level concurrently. So if you're a 34 Arcanist, you can equip the items to become a 34 Scholar or 34 Summoner. The same applies for every other class, except they all only have one job available at the moment.
None of that really matters unless you're a serious min/maxer, in which case you'd want to choose the race with the highest base value of your primary stat (INT for Summoner, MND for SCH).
Just choose the one with the look you like the most. No one is going to care if you're a Roe healer or a Lalafell tank, stat wise.
Oh. So... alt characters will still be something I need to create in this game if I want to play a different class? I was under the impression that it was possible to do everything on just one character.