Why are you all so passive-aggressive? Geez, lol.
I have no idea why people would choose to play a game that is so narrative focused, when they don't care for it, knowing that.
What I would like is for them to set AV to sync to 50 instead of 49. I mean the level 59 dungeon doesn't sync so you're at 60 in it, would be great if they did something similar to AV so we get our level 50 skills![]()
AV is a lv 47 or 48 dungeon though (don't remember exactly), so makes sense for it to be synced a lv or two above that.
Already been covered above, but all the crafting and gathering classes have their own storyline (with some of those stories feeding into in the main storyline). Similarly nearly every single instance in the game is tied to the main storyline. So tell me again about the majority of content not being tied to story.
Cool, they've published subscription and retention figures along with customer feedback? Could you link them? Oh and could you perhaps show a comparison between the success of FFXIV and its competitors who have stuck to a more traditional expansion paradigm? I mean Wildstar's doing great, right?
I know but it's the final pre-50 dungeon (and was the last on LLDR until the new dungeons came in) plus being sync'd to 49 feels like a kick in the nuts![]()
With how heavy the story is, I honestly doubt that they'll story lock the next major expac. We dont really have anywhere in Eorzea to go too other then the Garlean Empire, which I doubt we're going to invade unless something is invading them
But then again, we could have something like a grind from 1-70 in the next expac, going to the new area, and for those who havent played, maybe a short abridged video for every major story patch.
Nope, I don't care how others play the game, however, I will reiterate, if in the words of the poster I quoted "You've played one MMO, you've played them all" why would you want to diminish the only stand out point of the game and play it over any other MMO?
It just baffles me why people who know this a game that is focused on narrative, would wish to change that, to match their desire of a less narrative focused game... Why wouldn't you just choose a less narrative focused game instead? If you want to stick with FFXIV, why try to change that?
I understand why someone may feel "forced" to do story content to unlock new content as galling, but that is par for the course with both FFXI, and FFXIV. Reams of content is progression and story locked, and I have no idea why people would choose to play a game that is so narrative focused, when they don't care for it, knowing that.
Hate it when I have to do AV for relic stuff or roulette, but mechanically it's still fairly simple. Only time it really drags is if DPS is slacking or the healer forgets to love themselves too lol
Who cares about lesser MMO.
You should talk about WoW.
WoW is a story driven MMO as well. Even the smallest dungeon plays an important overall lore to the big raid instance.
And some of the biggest big-bad fights allow you fight with that universe lore-hero, not some random adventurer with big cat ears and wearing a pink dress.
Why oh why are we bringing WoW into this? The story style is completely different, as well as the manner in which the player character is portrayed.
That'd be a looooooooot of video.
Already been covered above, but all the crafting and gathering classes have their own storyline (with some of those stories feeding into in the main storyline). Similarly nearly every single instance in the game is tied to the main storyline. So tell me again about the majority of content not being tied to story.
Or like what happened to me today.
Tank pulls some mobs and forgets about patrols.
And after the first boss
Tank pulls whole room and his hp goes down faster than most tanks I see while at the same time the healer is taking a lot of time between heals. Not a good combination.
Alas, these things happen. I just wish I had the 3rd stage of my opener combo (chaos thrust) and my awesome AoE jump (Dragonfire dive). ;_;
Who cares about lesser MMO.
You should talk about WoW.
WoW is a story driven MMO as well. Even the smallest dungeon plays an important overall lore to the big raid instance.
And some of the biggest big-bad fights allow you fight with that universe lore-hero, not some random adventurer with big cat ears and wearing a pink dress.
Calling WoW "story heavy" is something I would strongly dispute, but even if we accept that the manner in which they tell the story is completely different and the player characters place within the narrative and the narratives place in the overall game experience are different. What works for WoW wouldnt work for the type of game FFXIV is (and advertises itself to be).
So weird I checked this thread and saw this convo. I had someone say the exact same thing to me in fc chat today. I said something to the effect of "almost 60, just gotta skip all these cutscenes" and someone said "why would you skip what you paid for?"
I didn't pay for mmo stories lol. I know exactly what I'm paying for when I play this, or WoW, or Tera, or KOTOR, or whicever. It's the "dance." Each mmo has an inherent playstyle, just like a fighting game. It's fun to learn the system, do some fun stuff in it, and then move on to the next one. Sometimes you go back to a classic like SF4 after messing around in KI and MKX. But just because this game takes itself more seriously in the story department doesn't mean I have to pay attention to it. All of that is absolutely meaningless unless it affects the dance. It doesn't. So skip, skip, skip.
You don't get it. You know how when you buy your ticket for the latest Marvel movie, and the box office guy asks you if you've seen all the previous Marvel movies and if you say no you have to watch all eleven of them in a private theater before being allowed to see the movie you paid for? It's just like that.
A warrior of light needs pants. Where else would those come from? Saving the realm one pair at a time.
The most important thing about the crafting and gathering quests are the rewards. You're overemphasizing the importance of those quests in relation to the actual content. The story in those quests ain't helping you figure out crafting rotations, timing of hidden nodes, and navigating the economy. Those quests contribute very little to the crafting and gathering experience. You're acting like the story is the only thing in this game and that everybody that likes this game has to like the story.
Ok then, lets talk about WoW. Lets talk about how every MMO that set out to emulate its success has failed, generally miserably and how most successful MMO's do so because they differentiate themselves from WoW. So you'll forgive me if I don't find much merit in the idea that the game should be "more like WoW". I disagree that WoW is a story driven MMO, even if I did agree it clearly...actually wait, I'll save myself some time
The idea that the smallest dungeons are important to the overall lore is, well, laughable to me to be honest. I'm also not sure what your last comment refers to, in WoW you fight relative non-entities or comic relief dungeon bosses, you also fight extremely important characters - exactly like you do in FFXIV.
The WoD in FF universe doesn't mean doing evil shit.
Everything must be balanced to ensure the realm would not collapse.
Right now, the WoL is destroying this balance and we are endangering the realm.
So yeah, you got your wish.
You are traveling around the land causing unforeseen damage on the Realm in the name of the Light.
I think something is agitating people today. Aside from Mahou coming back, the last few pages have been pretty vicious.
I still don't get the argument that WoW isn't story heavy. It's absolutely drenched in lore and story. It just doesn't follow an MSQ style of linear progression. It gives you bookmarks or chapter ends of the MSQ, but how you get to them is totally up to you. Still, once you hit the end game stuff you are constantly pushing the story forward with plenty of dialogue and cutscenes. Not to the degree of FF14, but c'mon now, WoW is pretty fucking story heavy.
Er, I'm not addressing at all HW's content lock. Don't care about that(though it sort of makes sense for the first xpac). I was focusing on the story aspect of the convo.
Because FF14 is a MMO...it doesn't even make sense when you realize all those adventurers that fought with you are also the WoL.
In WoW, when you killed Illidian, you were recognized as band of heroes but that universe lore-hero was the one who was truly recognized in killing him.
But that is just me when I see the celebration scene and see that my WoL is surrounded by bunch of WoL.
Maybe our adventurer is a crazy person and we are really not the WoL, but out of the thousand of players that play this game and met during DF, one of them might be the true WoL.
Because FF14 is a MMO...it doesn't even make sense when you realize all those adventurers that fought with you are also the WoL.
In WoW, when you killed Illidian, you were recognized as band of heroes but that universe lore-hero was the one who was truly recognized in killing him.
But that is just me when I see the celebration scene and see that my WoL is surrounded by bunch of WoL.
Maybe our adventurer is a crazy person and we are really not the WoL, but out of the thousand of players that play this game and met during DF, one of them might be the true WoL.
Well I certainly don't have the time to play 8h+ a day anymore. No chance of me staying up absurdly late either so I will probably miss US primetime throughout the week. Oh well, not like am planning on raiding again, so a more casual approach should be fine with the time I have at hand nowdays.
Same genre, same story driven theme, same point/click gameplay, subs based, hugely successful, and the true difference: don't lock out expansion for people.
I'm not "acting" like anything, I'm simply saying that the narrative is one of the primary focuses of the game, one of its selling points and one of the ways it differentiates itself from its competitors. That's it. I neither require, nor care, if other people like the story, I just think its disingenuous to pretend like its central place and importance is some kind of surprise. Or to make provably false statements that the majority of content in the game is un-related to story. Whether the crafting stories are important to the experience or not (and their value is subjective, I quite enjoyed the WVR and ALC ones) is irrelevant, they are still related to story. I certainly dont think that anyone who likes the game has to like or make time for the story, or that they should play something else if they find other elements of the game engaging. I do think they should acknowledge the central role of story in the game though.
Amazing how people have changed their mind on the gating issue for new and returning players.
They should not gate you by MSQ but by the level of the new X-pac.
But it wouldnt make sense lore wise that the Ishgardians would let you into their city.
There's advantages and disadvantages of both styles, I think a lot of people really enjoy the story being added in in really good ways, but obviously new people are going to have a hard time getting through all of the 50 quests to understand that story
If we're talking long term, then it will be a problem, but I dont think that will happen.
The final boss of WoD is a character that had no build up within the expansion, and anybody who didn't play Warcraft 3 would have no clue who he is. WoW has been story heavy in the past, but it currently is not. It still has story, but I would say it's the bare minimum.
Have any of the people arguing in favor of a ++==***~~COMPLETELY OPTIONAL~~***==++ story skip to get to the newest content actually said that they don't think the story is a "primary focus" of the game.
Because FF14 is a MMO...it doesn't even make sense when you realize all those adventurers that fought with you are also the WoL.
In WoW, when you killed Illidian, you were recognized as band of heroes but that universe lore-hero was the one who was truly recognized in killing him.
But that is just me when I see the celebration scene and see that my WoL is surrounded by bunch of WoL.
Maybe our adventurer is a crazy person and we are really not the WoL, but out of the thousand of players that play this game and met during DF, one of them might be the true WoL.
You know who typically doesn't give a shit about "lore?" People who skip cutscenes in a story focused game. Who cares if it doesn't make sense?
But it wouldnt make sense lore wise that the Ishgardians would let you into their city.
There's advantages and disadvantages of both styles, I think a lot of people really enjoy the story being added in in really good ways, but obviously new people are going to have a hard time getting through all of the 50 quests to understand that story
If we're talking long term, then it will be a problem, but I dont think that will happen.
I get what you're saying, but people don't care about the story, most people play mmo's for the mechanics and the community. A story is just an added bonus if it's good.
If SE keeps doing this, their numbers won't be so good.
Have any of the people arguing in favor of a ++==***~~COMPLETELY OPTIONAL~~***==++ story skip to get to the newest content actually said that they don't think the story is a "primary focus" of the game?
It's certainly a big part of the game, I just don't know how important to the game it is because a ton of other people still managed to kill Bahamut and do all the 2.1-2.55 pre-Ishgard stuff without watching any cutscenes.
Very big generalization there.
Have you spoken to most people? Do you have a spreadsheet with all the answers of the 3 - 4m people? May I see it?
Just curious![]()
Well, haven't we had reviewers skip cutscenes in games and then dock the story? I mean, I wouldn't put it past someone to crap on a story for a game if they never even payed attention to it.
You should decorate your text more, I find it hard to figure out what you're getting at. You're presenting the, lets call it the pro-skip side, as having presented a unified argument, it has not (nor has the anti-skip or radical leftist we dont care about the skip sides). You've generally explicitly outlined the skip as optional, others have not. Similarly the faux-shock and bewilderment that the game story-locked content (despite doing so in every major patch to date) generally carried an implicit denial that the story was a primary focus of the game. Perhaps someone said it explicitly, but I doubt it as it would be sort of a weird thing to say. Much as the last sentence was bordering on tinfoil hat weird to write. So I'll bow out of the discussion here I think.
"I dont know how important story is to the game because people skipped all this story content", the existence of the story content speaks to its importance to the game, skipping it only speaks to its importance to the individual.
Very big generalization there.
Have you spoken to most people? Do you have a spreadsheet with all the answers of the 3 - 4m people? May I see it?
Just curious![]()
I get what you're saying, but people don't care about the story, most people play mmo's for the mechanics and the community. A story is just an added bonus if it's good.
If SE keeps doing this, their numbers won't be so good.
It's anecdotal evidence but from the people I've played with from this game to EQ people just speed though the quest text or skip cut scenes just to hit level cap.
Just look at twitch, 95% of the views just skip through everything.
Well, haven't we had reviewers skip cutscenes in games and then dock the story? I mean, I wouldn't put it past someone to crap on a story for a game if they never even payed attention to it.