Depends on how stat weights rebalance, I guess.
If the DRG stat weights are any indication, they aren't gonna be important at all. I have Alex pants and they basically require you to run two acc pieces on the right side, possibly more than that for A2S. I dunno accuracy for that but I've heard 600 spitballed before. I think you could get around that with food since I'm hovering around 578 without Alex chest. and 180 neck/wrist.
Kagari's statement was for anybody doing progression. That could also include groups that could clear A2S this week.
Did you actually do the math? No, you didn't. Some situations come out with a difference of about 3-5 main stat based on stat weights. How much main stat is increased from drops from A1S and A2S (plus tokens and upgrade items)? As if a i180 to i200 chest increase doesn't provide a pure dps gain? Continue on with your ignorance please. There are already posts by DPS classes like SMN with math that favor getting body before weapon.
Considering that I've seen literally nothing about new and updated stat weights, you're pulling numbers out of your ass as well. a 180 to 200 chest gain is going to be flat out less than a 190 to 200 weapon if weapon damage scales anywhere close to as well as it did in 2.x. You're talking about 18 points of main stat being made up for in main stat alone.
Here. I ran numbers.
190 Bard bow to 200 Bard bow given old general stat weights of .3 crit .25 det and .2 ss gives you a flat out 4.9 dps increase in main stat. With +2 weapon damage weighted around 9 points, you're looking at a 22.9 dps main stat increase. In addition you're picking up 11 points of Vitality. Bards gain about 21 health per vit point so that's an additional 226 HP out of party. You gain 19 points of Vitality from 180 to 200, which is 164 more health from picking up the chest. You gain about 2.1 points of main stat between eso and 180. This isn't fair because eso has accuracy and 180 is pure dps, but whatever.
So if I were a bard and taking the Eso chest over the Weapon my choice is now
20.8 dex or 164 health and 35 defense. So yeah, you get a shitload more main stat from a weapon because of straight up weapon damage than you get out of armor even with the sub stats factored in.
Plus, I was super generous with the stat weights since by some accounts I've heard they're as low as all under .18 for dragoon, so secondary stats matter less now than they ever have before.
Naturally each job is going to value different pieces higher than others but if you're looking at pure DPS gains the weapon is a no brainer in basically every case. If you want to classify a bard's 2.1 dps gain as a dps gain then sure. Great. Have fun. Enjoy. That's wonderful. I'll let you keep that 2.1 this week in order to get 22.9 next week.
Pick whatever piece you want, but if you're going for short term to pray that RNGesus solves your gearing problem by rewarding you an accessory from A1S that makes up for an idiotic choice in spending esoterics week 2 then I really do question who the ignorant one here is.