I'm not saying that XIV's story is bad in any way, but my exposure to XI and XIV are somewhat limited and very casual due to playing WoW primarily for a long time, so I can only give my impression of what I've played. As a Legacy player of XIV, I'll always be mad at certain changes that happened when they broke the world and the Realm was Reborn.
I did hit some expansion content in XI, but not in XIV. Working on it. If the story gets better I may return and revise my opinion. I loathe Minfilia, so if she vanishes at any point it will immediately be a vast improvement for me.
Since I can only play console versions now due to health problems that prevent me from using Mouse/KB, I am worried that one day no consoles will be supported, same as XI. Hopefully I will learn to play with a controller at an adequate level by then. It is a good thing they're doing it though, PlayStation restrictions held XI back for far too long.