Interesting. I had never thought of it that way, but yes, the "moment-to-moment" decisions might be why I've managed to stick to SCH for so long as opposed to other / DPS classes. Maybe NIN / ROG has stuck with me because I like the atmosphere behind the class more than the others. I've also heard that they offer a lot of utility, but I have yet to see it outside of the occasional Goad.
Hmm, if that's the case, then maybe I should just stick to healing, dabble in SUM, or try tanking. The latter doesn't seem that interesting, though I'd like to experiment with Dark Knight at some point.
Thank you for the reply.
For what it's worth, their rotation is the closest to a decision tree of: Do I refresh Huton? Do I refresh Shadow Fang? Do I just hit for raw damage? Compared to, say, DRG which is one combo block into the next combo and repeating. They're slaves to their timers determining when they stop using Aeolian Edge for raw damage so it's a little more varied but not exactly truly flexible.
Utility wise, they have Trick Attack for group-wide +10% Damage but you won't see that until 50. Heavensward gave them aggro management stuff of gifting their threat to a target (aka, buffing tank threat by dumping yours to them during the duration) or just cutting someone's threat generation sharply. TA is mostly on cooldown use though it does have some fight dependent stuff you'd base using it on; threat management you can just use on cooldown as well but it's one of the more important super niche high end optimization points but that's more of a specific group thing rather than general use.
If you want DPS jobs that have reactionary moments, BRD and MCH tend to have more of that? But you won't really get a feel for that until basically at 60 so it's a hard sell if you're unsure. You can always get Palace of the Dead 51-60 access and just enter solo on those jobs and get a feel for some of the buttons at least and general flow I suppose.