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We had a PF group that said they would lootmaster and first bird was reserved. It never filled.
Having spent the majority of the past couple weeks healing, I've seen wayyyy too many overzealous tanks who think they can handle far more than they actually can to believe this is true. :lol
Is there an up to date guide for relics?
All the ones I've seen are for old versions. None of the ones I've found are for 3.5.
We had a PF group that said they would lootmaster and first bird was reserved. It never filled.
I'm not up to that step yet but Aether Oil is pretty expensive.
I'm not up to that step yet but Aether Oil is pretty expensive. You're commonly advised to do the weekly Gift of the Archmagus quest instead, although that requires you to go through a few 2.x raids which might not be simple to do.
I'm currently on the UnID step and this is my "shopping list" so to speak:
Shells and Seeds with Poetics
Bones and Ore with Amaljaa and Kobolds
Save Lore for Umbrite
80,000 Grand Company seals for crafted stuff
I'm also using lore for the 230 set.
Aether oil is very easy. It is umbrite that you should wait to pick up until the nerf @vanilla
So it might be okay to splurge with the lore on the earlier steps then? I'm not trying to get this as soon as possible. I don't mind if it takes a bit of time. I already get lore and stuff just from normal roulettes so I'm getting it anyway without specifically farming for it.
Yeah I need to do that weekly still. I don't have any of the beast tribe stuff leveled but I guess I can just use poetics/lore for that.
LOL the most ridiculous one I saw was just a ilvl 270 requirement.
Anyways I finally beat it last night yay!! After three more groups of clear party that couldn't get to tether I finally found one that looked promising. We got to second soar every time but there is always one person screwing up and wipe the party. That person left and we refilled and beat it in two more tries.
Dont forget to tell the tank to lb the 2nd soar cause scrubs can't do it! Also, grats... I know the struggle. Have fun farming the bird like I did xD
It's still the healer's fault. Shifting the blame towards your healer is a part of your tanking rotation.
Use this chart to figure out how you want to get your mats. Since you don't have the beast tribes you should probably forget it as the beast tribe grind itself will take you... I dunno 2+ weeks? Just to get to the point where you get the quests that give you the right currency.
You can however do Moogle, Vanu and Vath quests since all their dailies give the appropriate tribe token.
I used to think tanks had the harder job but now I feel it's the healers.
Or rather more stressful. Since the tank isn't expected to clean up after the DPS but the healer is.
Also FFXIV expects healers to DPS as well![]()
Spoilers for Heavensward:
I feel bad for Teledji and Raubahn in HW, that whole Ul'dah storyline was treated like shit and just a side-story and pushed way off to the side and suddenly resolved with such an anti-climactic and disappointing ending. After all the buildup to the betrayal and Raubahn getting his arm cut off and the Sultana getting poisoned, the conclusion was such garbage. If they didn't feel like they were able to manage both the Dragonsong War story and the Ul'dah story adequately in the main HW campaign, they should have just pushed the Ul'dah story out to the post-HW story patches instead of cramming it in between the Dragonsong War events and doing it literally no justice whatsoever.
Spoilers for Heavensward:
I feel bad for Teledji and Raubahn in HW, that whole Ul'dah storyline was treated like shit and just a side-story and pushed way off to the side and suddenly resolved with such an anti-climactic and disappointing ending. After all the buildup to the betrayal and Raubahn getting his arm cut off and the Sultana getting poisoned, the conclusion was such garbage. If they didn't feel like they were able to manage both the Dragonsong War story and the Ul'dah story adequately in the main HW campaign, they should have just pushed the Ul'dah story out to the post-HW story patches instead of cramming it in between the Dragonsong War events and doing it literally no justice whatsoever.
What annoys me the most about the whole Crystal Braves story line is that we never got to kill that smug-ass Lalafell. Easily my most hated character and I don't think he even had more than one line of dialogue.
What annoys me the most about the whole Crystal Braves story line is that we never got to kill that smug-ass Lalafell. Easily my most hated character and I don't think he even had more than one line of dialogue.
You look cool!
"Why did you let me die?me.jpg
Most of the time, healers aren't being held accountable for their DPS at all. DPSing as a healer is not difficult and as long as they're trying instead of bunny hopping it's more than enough for most people.I used to think tanks had the harder job but now I feel it's the healers.
Or rather more stressful. Since the tank isn't expected to clean up after the DPS but the healer is.
Also FFXIV expects healers to DPS as well![]()
Just healing all the time as a healer gets boring, I like to dps as much as I can. The problem is a lot of the tanks take on more than they can chew, stand in all the aoe's or refuse to use a cooldown so I kinda have to just sit there and be healbot *sighs*
When playing as tank, getting those healers that don't start healing until you get to 20 percent health can be a tad nerve wracking but as long as I don't die, I'm fine. The healers that just stand around while I'm at full health and with a defensive buff up (And others ready to be popped when needed), that's usually me telling the healer to please dps. A lot don't though
it sold out againno it isn't.
Only 5 jobs left to go.
I think one of the changes they need to make to bring Paladin in line with the other tanks lies with its damage stance.
When you look at Warrior and Dark Knight's damage stances, they both allow you to do something you couldn't do before.
Warrior's Deliverance lets you build stacks and increases your damage by 5% which is nice but not the main reason why it's good. It comes from the fact that it allows you to use Fell Cleave and Decimate, two abilities that you couldn't use while in Defiance.
Against single targets you can now do the triple Fell Cleave combo. With Berserk/Internal Release/Infuriate you can do one of the most satisfying combos to perform when it comes to tanks, even more when all 3 Fell Cleave's crit.
For AOE you can now combine it with Berserk/Internal Release/Bloodbath/Infuriate to not only deal/heal more damage than you did without the stance on but you can now add Decimate in there for a ton of damage, and you can now use Overpower for longer because Equilibrium restores TP when you're in Deliverance.
There are direct and satisfying to perform incentives for wanting to change to Deliverance besides the obvious fact that you'll do more damage just by having it on versus Defiance.
For Dark Knight Darkside changes how they play significantly because it is required to use key abilities (Dark Arts/Dark Passenger/Dark Dance/Dark Mind) and necessitates the management of mana that is constantly drained by Darkside.
Darkside can be used in conjunction with Grit but the reason you want to drop it is not just for getting rid of Grit's -20% damage penalty but because it lets you use Blood Weapon which is an extremely important skill for Dark Knight. It's where the pace of Dark Knight increases significantly, the increased mana gain on every hit while under Blood Weapon and the increased attack speed lets you get a ton of Dark Arts infused attacks out while it's up. It's really satisfying to fire off a bunch of GCDs/oGCDs in a short period of time while this is up for a ton of damage.
So there's clear gameplay incentives to use Warrior and Dark Knight's damage stances. They let you do satisfying things that you can't do just by sitting in their respective tank stances.
So what does Paladin's damage stance let you do that you couldn't do before?
You get to see if you can spot the added potency to your auto attack.
That's about it.
No new moves, no new specific combos, no nothing. Just an extremely bland potency increase on something that you're likely to miss in the chaos and on-screen numbers because it acts off of something that doesn't require your input (autoattack).
Heavensward didn't fix this, so now I'm looking at Stormblood. If they don't address this with their changes to Paladin, I think it's a good sign that it's not going to be worth leveling to 70 to find out if it's now fun. Paladin players need something satisfying to perform to look forward to when switching to Sword Oath.
I've got bard and nin left myself but can't find the fun in either class. Maybe I'll try POTD to judge.