Even farming A9S (which I remember as insultingly easy compared to other raid fights) is a big risk
A11S is the most volatile fight in the tier so I'd imagine trying to do it with different groups must be a fucking nightmare.Just curious but has anyone tried farming a11s ever since the patch? I think I got 1 clear out of the few hours I tried this week. Man, I'm about sick of the fight now. All I wanted was to pick up the mnk pants for samurai since the gear is shared and I'll have something decent if I play it at 60. I just feel the parties are worse...
I regret asking the stupid question when I was really early in HW. I started playing today's session and completing the questlines for the two brothers early on totally made me see the different in the story direction. Instead of petty shit leading into nothing, both questlines started mundane but got interesting real quick and had really nice conclusions which immediately introduced major elements in the new story's setting. Lol!
A11S is the most volatile fight in the tier so I'd imagine trying to do it with different groups must be a fucking nightmare.
Guys I got Vath beast tribe to rank 8 (Bloodsworn) but this site http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Gnath_Thorax says there are items that are only buyable if you are Allied, how to get that reputation?
for the vendor ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Vath_Stickpeddler
Hahahaha even the audience is going WTF.
I understand nothing but that's ok! I just want wrestling emotes and glamours real bad now, don't be a tease and do nothing in game with this SE.
I'm down to join the Crystal Tower tonight
Wrestler is a Tank class right?
Wrestler is a Tank class right?
You've jinxed yourself
I just started my free trial and got to my world selection. Is there one with a high number of gaffers in it?
I'm trying to find the interview/whatever this is from and I can't find it and it's driving me insane, because I know I also saw it.
If true I guess Yoshida's coming out during Wrestlemania.
I got 2 lines this week!
Is this thing related to the "Khloe's Friend" title I see people with in the game?
Is this thing related to the "Khloe's Friend" title I see people with in the game?
That's where I stop, "yeaaah, that's good enough".
So, I've been catching up the side-story regarding The Warring Triad. And, well...
Why is it that the moment an Imperial Legatus becomes interesting in this game, they immediately kill him?
"I slaughtered enough innocents this week to slake the thirst of the Blood God. Next week, I shall try to be more murderous!"