I was still hoping for an automatic targeting of an enemy after you kill one, because those 3-5 seconds of your character standing around with an unsheathed weapon while you choose your next foe is pretty annoying. It's baffling why FFXI had this feature and FFXIV doesn't.
If you have a button mapped to target nearest, you should be able to hit that and immediately target something. If you're a caster job and trying to cancel mid-cast it's kind of awkward, but you can always deselect, then mash target next. You can also set it to auto-target whatever's hitting you if you have no target selected. Grabbing just any target to keep attacks up is pretty quick, it's mostly the precision selecting a specific mob out of the group can get annoying.
There are a few situations where auto-targeting can be detrimental due to how auto-attacks work (especially now that you can be turned away from a mob and still auto-attack it.) Most of the best examples I can think of offhand are a little dated at this point, but the general mechanic concept is still sound. There were mobs in T6 you emphatically did not ever want to hit, and there was a combination of mechanics that meant a mob would attack you during a time where you had to stop all actions or get one-shot. We've also seen stuff like mobs spawning that will tether forever to the first thing that damages them, and you don't want to accidentally pick up a thing you're not supposed to pick up.
But to change gears, what's the current best way to make money? Seems Materia has plummeted in market value, so I need another way to make a steady income.
Check the prices of some of the FCoB glamour gear and various orchestrion scrolls on your server MB. Since the Dreadwyrm glamour gear never made it into PotD it's held value, and if you can buddy up and farm FCoB floors unsynched you can make decent profit off the glamour market still. Monk chests were still going for 1m and selling multiples per week, last time I checked for whatever reason, and the pant aetherstones were also $$. And for whatever reason, T12 Orchestrion rolls always hover in the 500k-1m price range on my server. Most of the market for actual useful stuff has collapsed, but the glamour/housing market has been pretty resilient overall. Aquapolis can be good too; free up a bunch of inv space, grab as few friends as possible that you can comfortably clear with, and collect a mess of crafting staples that aren't high ticket items each but will add up. And if you get some of the glamour mats, even better. Late floor PotD also has some decent glamour drops, and the mount, but getting back there is a time and effort thing.
If people start doing dedicated crafter gearing to prep for expansion (it seems late to do this, but people are weird) there may be a run on Fieldcraft IIIs again; anything over 40k means you can easily turn a decent profit by desynthing shoes from the vendor in Ul'dah. And occasionally the undyed wool cloth market loses its goddamned mind and suddenly it rains money for a week until everyone wises up.
I'm going to come back to the PC version of this. I don't own Heavensward (I'm only level 23 or 24, so I never saw a reason to buy it). Is there a discount or way to get it cheaper? Or something that includes game time?
If you have ARR already and don't plan to try to rush to cap before the expansion launches, you can always wait. The new expansion will include HW in it for free; no sub time, but it does mean you can just buy that. You won't be able to access HW until SB launches if you go that route, but you've got a decent amount of game to get through in the meantime and no pressing reason to grab HW before you need it.
The only way to get more game time is to buy ARR on a new platform, but since the expansions are also platform-specific that's not going to save you money.