Effect said:Has there been a significant population drop off in game on the various servers everyone is on? Haven't logged in a while (absolutely no desire to) so was curious?
Atrus said:We'll probably see a Welcome Back to Eorzea campaign fairly soon in it's lifespan.
Teknoman said:Well alot of the stuff about stats are covered in Call to Adventure, at any aetheryte. But yeah, mouseovers or just cursor selects would be helpful.
Whats this about stat caps though?
It's funny, during beta, I could have sworn I saw a "More points in this stat will not have any further effect" sort of message.DrDogg said:Call to Adventure tells you exactly what every stat does?
Caps are definitely in the game. When I reached something like 15 CON and 28 Physical, I stopped putting points toward MND because I wasn't getting an MP boost (I had reached the MP > MND cap for that rank). Instead, I put points toward VIT (which I needed to do anyway). When I hit 17 CON and 30 Physical, I put a few points in MND to see if anything would happen and low and behold, I got more MP (and my cure healed for more as well). If it would tell me when MND was capped, I'd know when to focus on VIT and other stats.
DrDogg said:Call to Adventure tells you exactly what every stat does?
Caps are definitely in the game. When I reached something like 15 CON and 28 Physical, I stopped putting points toward MND because I wasn't getting an MP boost (I had reached the MP > MND cap for that rank). Instead, I put points toward VIT (which I needed to do anyway). When I hit 17 CON and 30 Physical, I put a few points in MND to see if anything would happen and low and behold, I got more MP (and my cure healed for more as well). If it would tell me when MND was capped, I'd know when to focus on VIT and other stats.
DrDogg said:So yesterday my internet was up and down all day. Got that fixed today and my video card wants to freak out after playing for less than 10 minutes.
I updated my ATI drivers and Direct X drivers and it still crashes. I've given up for tonight. Six weeks of the game running fine with little to no video card issues and suddenly this happens? WTF?! This is why I hate PC gaming.
PS3 version, {Can I have it?}
JWitham said:For Nvidia card-users, be sure to install the newly released drivers (260.99). It specifically address performance issues with Final Fantasy XIV. After installing it, I noticed a nice increase in frame rate.
DrDogg said:So yesterday my internet was up and down all day. Got that fixed today and my video card wants to freak out after playing for less than 10 minutes.
I updated my ATI drivers and Direct X drivers and it still crashes. I've given up for tonight. Six weeks of the game running fine with little to no video card issues and suddenly this happens? WTF?! This is why I hate PC gaming.
PS3 version, {Can I have it?}
jiggle said:just want to add that
take caution if u want to install this
after installation
the game's been crashing on me at least once everyday
up until then, it crashed like a handful of times and only around the time the game launched
anyway to downgrade these drivers? XD
jiggle said:just want to add that
take caution if u want to install this
after installation
the game's been crashing on me at least once everyday
up until then, it crashed like a handful of times and only around the time the game launched
anyway to downgrade these drivers? XD
Ravidrath said:I had some crashes since installing them, but I don't think they were video card related. They haven't happened since.
Yesterday I ran the game for like 8+ hours without any problems, except towards the end it started to chug... think there's a memory leak in there somewhere.
Kerrinck said:If I buy the game in Europe, will my account be locked to that region? Or can I choose which region to play when signing up?
Cmagus said:what are those?
Teknoman said:Dawg we heard you like glasses...
Unknown Soldier said:So we put glasses on your glasses?
Teknoman said::lol yup.
In all seriousness, i'm surprised there isnt a monocle headpiece.
Zinga said:I know this game hasn't had the greatest launch but still there is something about this title that appeals to me, do you think the game is fixable or is it broken beyond redemption? I guess I could always go play FF11 instead since I have never played it!
Square has listed the minimum things they'll be fixing/adding in the November and December patches, those combined with the already-released Market Wards patch will solve almost all of the problems reviews have mentioned. Here's a partial list of the things those two patches are adding:Zinga said:I know this game hasn't had the greatest launch but still there is something about this title that appeals to me, do you think the game is fixable or is it broken beyond redemption? I guess I could always go play FF11 instead since I have never played it!
I'm surprised at how disappointed I am in the quest design. I didn't think I would care that much, but then again, I didn't think they were gonna be so unoriginal, bland, and repetitive. A five-year-old could design better quest objectives.Dreamwriter said:[*]Addition of new guildleves and types of guildleves
Rentahamster said:Acquiring rank 40 leves and being introduced to the mind-numbing "Defense" leves? Fucking hell....
demosthenes said:Where are the XI like beastmen? They're in the game right? I loved leveling low jobs, rushing into the orc place and slaughtering them :lol
they're like the creepiest thing of them allUnknown Soldier said:There's also a leve you can do in Gridania where you kill some rogue sylphs, though the sylphs are a bit too kawaii to really qualify as beastmen. :lol
jiggle said:they're like the creepiest thing of them all
jiggle said:aren't the kobolds goblins?
you can see qiqirns walking around the field
and i think someone mentioned seeing sahagins also
they're like the creepiest thing of them all
jiggle said:aren't the kobolds goblins?
you can see qiqirns walking around the field
and i think someone mentioned seeing sahagins also
they're like the creepiest thing of them all
Ravidrath said:Many NPCs have them, so I suspect one will be coming.
BTW, regarding the last update and the "increased server capacity."
Given the state of the game, I can only imagine that increasing the server capacity is the beginning of preparations for server merges.
Even though it would make sense for them to merge servers from a fiscal and logistical point of view, I feel that announcement would be the last nail in the coffin for the game's reputation.
Dreamwriter said:Square has listed the minimum things they'll be fixing/adding in the November and December patches, those combined with the already-released Market Wards patch will solve almost all of the problems reviews have mentioned.
The next major patch after December is scheduled for March - Square wants to have a major content patch every 3 months. And if you'll check out the reviews, they all pretty much say the game is fun and has lots of potential, but is just flawed for now. These two patches will go a long ways to fixing the issues; they will put the game where it should have been at launch.
DrDogg said:SE won't merge servers until at least a few months after the PS3 release. I'm sure they anticipate a big influx of new players with the PS3 version, so it really wouldn't make sense to merge servers, then have capacity issues in a few months and add new ones.
All of the problems the reviews have mentioned, yes... but the reviews are clueless for the most part. There are A LOT more problems with the game than what's getting fixed in Nov/Dec. If the game launched with everything that will be included by the end of the year, I would still have a lot to complain about:
- No penalty for death: This makes adventuring far less entertaining and a general lack of accomplishment when I rank/level up.
- No battle music.
- Generally boring combat for mage classes.
- Broken SP system.
- A party system that no one uses (compared to FFXI).
- No mail system or player houses.
- No auction house (I don't care if they add a market ward search, it'll still be annoying... just less so)
- Minimal mobs that aggro: The little things go a long way. Some of the most atmospheric fun I've had in FFXI is trying to get through an area without aggro, only to hear that unwanted grunt of an aggroing Orc. Even in low level areas this added to the game.
- Everything is just too easy. Yes, it's time-consuming and annoying at times, but it's still very easy (compared to FFXI).
Until some of these things start to get addressed, the game will not be "good".
Teknoman said:No battle music? Every time you get into a fight, the theme changes depending on the region. And we all know guildleves/behests always have battle music playing...so I think thats one thing thats already there. As far as aggro, there are quite a few things that aggro already. They just need to make a louder/more distinctive noise when doing so.
The rest i'll agree with, aside from penalty when dying. I dont like having busted equipment, so I dont like to die. And I like leveling up to get better / flashier attacks...but I understand where you're coming from.
Rentahamster said:There's a lot more stuff that aggros in the higher rank areas.
Teknoman said:I've run into stuff in lower levels too. Traps, wolves, swarms, chigoes, certain puks, anglers, certain birds, malboros, bandits, zombies, and one apkallu that got pissed off for no reason.
jiggle said:couldn't disagree more on death penalty
that's one of the biggest gripe i had with XI
this actually makes me more adventurous
instead of constantly being paranoid of losing hard earned sp/xp
for someone who listed broken sp system as a problem, you actually want to lose what precious points you earned?
spending 2-3 hours after every endgame event just to get a buffer was such a big fat waste of time
so glad this game won't have it when endgame hits
DrDogg said:Um... I get no battle music when I start a fight. Does this only happen in a party or something? The only music change I get other than regional/zone changes is when I start crafting or when I start a leve. I don't consider either of those "battle music". In FFXI the music changed every time you engaged a mob.
Then you need equipment closer to your actual rank (or to stop dyingDrDogg said:Death takes a larger toll on your gear durability than just taking hits, but I didn't even discuss repairing gear because I think the entire system is stupid. Perhaps if the gear wore down at a slower pace, but having to repair my gear at least once every 4-6 hours of playing is not fun for me.
Square did announce that they were going to be filling the world with creatures, that's probably going to set this up.DrDogg said:I want it at the lower ranks though, similar to the starting areas of FFXI. And I want sneak/invisible so I have a way to avoid the aggro. All of that added to my enjoyment of FFXI. In FFXIV I just feel like I can walk around freely for the most part, and if I die, it doesn't matter anyway. I rarely felt that way in FFXI.
Dreamwriter said:Then you need equipment closer to your actual rank (or to stop dying). It's when you are using something more than 3 or 4 ranks higher that they wear out that quickly.
really?DrDogg said:A majority of the time, if you died, it was your own fault.
DrDogg said:and at higher levels you had raise 2 and 3 to keep the loss within reason.
DrDogg said:And if you're complaining about the buffer at endgame, that's kind of lazy.
DrDogg said:With merit parties it doesn't take long to reach the cap (at 75).
DrDogg said:I rarely had to regain my buffer.